I have a Squeak 4.3 image that I have updated through 4.4 by using the trunk
update stream, which pulls down source code updates from the Monticello repository here
How do I get the new 4.4 desktop? In particular, how do I replace the brown antique paper background with the new grey Ulam Spiral background?
You can download the wallpaper itself here. (This URL points to the wallpaper of the current Squeak release, but you ought to have at least 6 months from today before it changes :) )
Wallpaper in hand, and assuming that the image is in your current directory, you need just evaluate Form openAsBackground: (FileDirectory default / 'wallpaper.png') pathName
(I should add that the background image is intentionally not part of the update stream: it would bloat images, and change people's existing backgrounds. Thus, it's applied (along with a few other tweaks) "on the side" by the release process.)