
MDX - Running Sum over months limited to an interval

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-11 14:38:06
问题 I have a query that after some sweating and some swearing works WITH MEMBER [Measures].[m_active] AS ([Measures].[CardCount], [Operation].[Code].[ACTIVATION]) MEMBER [Measures].[m_inactive] AS ([Measures].[CardCount], [Operation].[Code].[DEACTIVATION]) MEMBER [Measures].[p_active] AS SUM( [Calendar.YMD].[2016].[January]:[Calendar.YMD].CurrentMember, [Measures].[m_active] ) MEMBER [Measures].[p_inactive] AS SUM( [Calendar.YMD].[2016].[January]:[Calendar.YMD].CurrentMember, [Measures].[m

How to create a period over period Measurement in MDX?

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-11 13:39:02
问题 I'm fairly new to MDX queries, and I'm having trouble understanding how I might compute a period over period measurement. For example say I have a metric like revenue, and I'm breaking that revenue out over time say on a Month to Month basis. How would I calculate the change from Month to Month of that revenue as a percent? Now let's say I want to calculate that generically over any period, quarter to quarter, year to year, month to month, or even compare it with identical periods from prior

Randon Error Processing on Pentaho CDE dashboard for MDX query widget

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-11 10:13:03
问题 I am facing error processing on some widgets while loading dashboards on my applictaion randomly. In the catalina.log, for one or two widgets, it is showing : mondrian.olap.MondrianException: Mondrian Error:Internal error: Query required more than 12 iterations and for one or two widgets, it is showing : java.lang.NullPointerException But if I select the same dashboard again, it'll run perfectly. It is behaving very flakily. To fix the iteration error, I did : mondrian.rolap.evaluate

How to perform a Distinct Sum using MDX?

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-10 22:15:42
问题 So I have data like this: Date EMPLOYEE_ID HEADCOUNT TERMINATIONS 1/31/2011 1 1 0 2/28/2011 1 1 0 3/31/2011 1 1 0 4/30/2011 1 1 0 ... 1/31/2012 1 1 0 2/28/2012 1 1 0 3/31/2012 1 1 0 1/31/2012 2 1 0 2/28/2011 2 1 0 3/31/2011 2 1 0 4/30/2011 2 0 1 1/31/2012 3 1 0 2/28/2011 3 1 0 3/31/2011 3 1 0 4/30/2011 3 1 0 ... 1/31/2012 3 1 0 2/28/2012 3 1 0 3/31/2012 3 1 0 And I want to sum up the headcount, but I need to remove the duplicate entries from the sum by the employee_id. From the data you can

Apache Phoenix + Pentaho Mondrian wrong join order

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-10 12:27:36
问题 I am using Apache Phoenix 4.5.2 from Cloudera labs distribution, which is installed over CDH 5.4 cluster. Now I'm trying to use it from Pentaho BA 5.4 server with embedded Mondrian and SAIKU Plugin installed. I'm planning to use is as aggregator for Pentaho Mondrian ROLAP engine. So I have imported about 65 millions facts into fact table via slightly customized Pentaho Data Integration(if someone's interested, I added UPSERT to Table Output step, set Commit size to -1 , set thin driver

Where condition in Mondrian

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-10 11:02:10
问题 MDX query to find the employee salary more then 5000 select { [Measures].[Total Employee], [Measures].[Total Salary] } on columns, NON EMPTY { ( [Department].[All Department], [Position].[All Position], [Employee].[All Employee]) } on rows from Salary where [Measures].[Total Salary]>5000 My schema <Schema name="Foodmart"> <Cube name="Salary" visible="true" cache="true" enabled="true"> <Table name="employee" alias=""> </Table> <Dimension type="StandardDimension" visible="true" foreignKey=

Presentation of data from Mondrian OLAP engine + Olap4j

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-05 01:08:12
问题 I'm doing a little bit of planning of an application that uses Mondrian OLAP engine with Olap4j and should present/display data to user. I understand all the back-end stuff, but I'm not sure how should I display the data in the view layer. For example olap4j has a formatter that prints the SELECT nicely into the console. How is the data that I get from olap4j displayed in view layer ? I just went through the olap4j API, and there doesn't seem to be anything for getting the result in a form

Presentation of data from Mondrian OLAP engine + Olap4j

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-03 16:13:47
I'm doing a little bit of planning of an application that uses Mondrian OLAP engine with Olap4j and should present/display data to user. I understand all the back-end stuff, but I'm not sure how should I display the data in the view layer. For example olap4j has a formatter that prints the SELECT nicely into the console. How is the data that I get from olap4j displayed in view layer ? I just went through the olap4j API, and there doesn't seem to be anything for getting the result in a form that can be somehow further processed and displayed. Is this process part of the Pentaho solution ? So

Apache Phoenix + Pentaho Mondrian wrong join order

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 10:24:21
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I am using Apache Phoenix 4.5.2 from Cloudera labs distribution , which is installed over CDH 5.4 cluster. Now I'm trying to use it from Pentaho BA 5.4 server with embedded Mondrian and SAIKU Plugin installed. I'm planning to use is as aggregator for Pentaho Mondrian ROLAP engine. So I have imported about 65 millions facts into fact table via slightly customized Pentaho Data Integration(if someone's interested, I added UPSERT to Table Output step , set Commit size to -1 , set thin driver phoenix-<version>-query-server-thin-client.jar url to

kylin(一): 原理架构

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-11-27 07:03:55
由eBay开源的一个大数据OLAP框架,2014年11月加入了Apache,项目名字也改成了“Apache Kylin”,Apache Kylin是唯一来自中国的Apache顶级开源项目,定位于在Hadoop平台之上实现 传统数据仓库,商业智能的能力,提供交互式的,多维分析能力 ,并提供在传统数据仓库技术所不能做到的 超大规模数据集的快速查询 ,并使用普通的PC硬件,而无需采购专用的,私有的一体机或者高端存储等 kylin是一个MOLAP系统,通过预计算的方式缓存了所有 需要查询的的数据结果,需要大量的存储空间( 原数据量的10+倍 )。一般我们要分析的数据可能存储在关系数据库、HDFS上数据、文本文件、excel 等。kylin主要是对 hive中的数据进行预计算,利用hadoop的mapreduce框架实现 当前已经有超过100多家国内国外的公司正式使用Kylin作为其大数据分析平台的核心。包括eBay、Glispa、微软、Expedia、百度、美团、网易、京东、唯品会、中国移动、中国电信、国泰君安、华泰证券、联想、〇PP〇、魅族、去哪儿等等。Apache Kylin被用到了诸多如数据仓库,用户行为分析,流量(日志)分析,自助分析平台,电商分析,广告效果分析,实时分析,数据服务平台等各种场景 目录 系统架构 组件介绍 部署结构 (参考: