Randon Error Processing on Pentaho CDE dashboard for MDX query widget

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-11 10:13:03


I am facing error processing on some widgets while loading dashboards on my applictaion randomly.

In the catalina.log, for one or two widgets, it is showing :
    mondrian.olap.MondrianException: Mondrian Error:Internal error: Query required more than 12 iterations

and for one or two widgets, it is showing :


But if I select the same dashboard again, it'll run perfectly. It is behaving very flakily.

To fix the iteration error, I did :

 mondrian.rolap.evaluate.MaxEvalDepth to 50 in mondrian.properties , which is 10 by default

This got me rid of iteration errors, but resulted in a java.lang.NullPointerException for other two widgets permanently except for default loading of dashboard. Due to which, I considered that the mondrian cache is getting overflowed or corrupted.

To fix this, I set maxElementsInMemory to 20000 for mondrian-catalog-cache in ehcache.xml, which is 30 by default which solved the continous occurrennce of java.lang.NullPointerException, but situation again is same , i.e. dashboards are behaving flaky as earilier.

As i have seen on forums many people have faced similar problems.

