
3D Experience — 产品协同研发平台

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-04-29 13:04:44
随着产品复杂程度的提升,市场竞争愈加激烈,基于模型的正向研发已经作为有效的应对手段被广泛接受。但研发流程中仍然存在复杂功能架构定义困难、多方案难以权衡、多系统难以联合仿真,仿真效率低,验证不充分等问题;而且缺少对产品研发自顶向下全流程支持的平台,信息孤岛现象显著,需求等数据关联追溯性差,不同阶段之间的协同较弱,数据价值没有更大化、知识难以积淀和应用、协同效率低下等问题也没有解决。 达索系统公司推出的 3DExperience Platform,为用户提供包括方法论、流程、工具集和知识库,为产品研发自顶向下的功能架构、方案、详细设计、验证、优化与权衡提供系统、全面支撑,实现对复杂机电产品的功能分析与架构定义、功能、性能充分验证等。同时提供包含数据管理、任务管理、人员管理的协同环境,提升研发效率。 产品介绍 • 基于模型的全生命周期正向研发 3DE 平 台 结 合 MagicGrid 功 能 架 构 设 计 方 法 论、Dymola+SEV/MCK 多学科系统建模仿真、Isight 仿真集成与优化仿真管理等技术对产品研发全生命周期的各个阶段提供自顶向下的充分支持,完整支持MBSE、MBD和MBT,提升研发的效率和效果。并基于“仿真软件集成 + 多目标优化 + 架构模型驱动的多属性评估模型”,实现产品研发各阶段的多学科优化和多属性权衡,进一步提升产品的综合竞争力。 ♦ 基于 MBSE

Simulation Speed of Nonlinear Solver in Modelica

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-04-14 19:05:42
问题 Why does Modelica's nonlinear solver oneSolveNonlinearEquation take more time to solve a nonlinear equation than traditional fixed point iterative (FPI) scheme? The equation y= arctan(1-x/1+x)-x solved by the oneSolveNonlinearEquation solver (which basically uses Brent's Method) solves the above equation in 6 iterations whereas traditional iterative approach takes 111 iterations. However, the CPU time taken by the iterative scheme is lesser than that taken by the oneSolveNonlinearEquation

What are the differences between diffferent Modelica Simulation Environments?

为君一笑 提交于 2020-04-10 03:42:25
问题 There are different Modelica Simulation Environments, including Dymola, Wolfram SystemModeler, OpenModelica, and Jmodelica. So, I try to load a thermal fluid library(ThermoSysPro, but except Dymola, the results on the other software all end with errors. If the library and the simulation environment are all based on the Modelica Specification Standard, why there is a compatibility issue? I think that maybe the library includes some features

What are the differences between diffferent Modelica Simulation Environments?

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-04-10 03:41:23
问题 There are different Modelica Simulation Environments, including Dymola, Wolfram SystemModeler, OpenModelica, and Jmodelica. So, I try to load a thermal fluid library(ThermoSysPro, but except Dymola, the results on the other software all end with errors. If the library and the simulation environment are all based on the Modelica Specification Standard, why there is a compatibility issue? I think that maybe the library includes some features


爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-03-16 13:45:31
某厂面试归来,发现自己落伍了!>>> 课程背景 随着设计和制造技术的不断发展,以用户需求驱动设计的重要性和优势逐渐凸显。MBSE(基于模型的系统工程)是通过模型的方式驱动组织管理系统的规划、研究、设计、制造、试验和使用的科学方法,是一种对所有系统都具有普遍意义的科学方法。它从系统整体出发,根据总体协调的需要,综合运用有关科学理论与方法,以计算机为工具,进行系统结构与功能分析,包括系统建模、仿真、分析、优化、运行和评价,以求得最好的或满意的系统方案并付诸实施。 培训目标 经纬恒润推出如下两门培训课程,扫描下方二维码查看课程大纲 ✔MBSE方法论-MagicGrid流程讲解及案例操作 ✔MBSE中Sysml语言及MagicDraw的工程应用技术 通过参加上面两门课程的学习,您将全面了解: • MBSE的背景和发展趋势 • 系统工程领域概念及其定义 • 掌握Sysml语言符号的定义和使用技巧 • 学会通过Sysml语言建立自己的系统模型 • 可基于Sysml模型进行功能和性能仿真 • 掌握MagicDraw软件的基本操作技巧 • 掌握MagicGrid(OOSEM)系统工程方法论 • 了解如何从需求出发,依次通过建立用例-场景-功能架构-逻辑架构-物理架构的方式打通基于Sysml的RFLP层设计 讲师团队 MBSE讲师团队:主要基于国际主流的建模语言及工具,结合MBSE方法流程,为汽车

Using pyfmi with multiprocessing for simulation of Modelica FMUs

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-02-27 08:19:45
问题 I am trying to simulate multiple Modelica FMUs in parallel using python/pyfmi and multiprocessing. However I am not able to return any pyfmi FMI objects from the subprocesses once the FMUs are initialized. It seems that pyfmi FMI objects (e.g. pyfmi.fmi.FMUModelCS2 or pyfmi.fmi.FMUState2) are not pickable. I also tried dill to pickle, which doesn't work for me eather. With dill the objects are picklable though, meaning no error, but somehow corrupted if I try to reload them afterwards. Does

Non-liner solver couldn't converge during the initialization in Dymola

本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-01-25 08:36:09
问题 I met an error during initialization when using ThermoSysPro library. It seems like the Turbine5.Pe is larger than Turbine2.Pe, so the result is negative. but I checked my parameters, there shouldn't be such a problem. Is this because the nonlinear solver couldn't solve the equation in the following picture? 回答1: There is not enough information and I would recommend to set Details and/or Nonlinear iterations in Simulation setup>Debug>Nonlinear solver diagnostics to get more information. The

Non-liner solver couldn't converge during the initialization in Dymola

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-01-25 08:36:08
问题 I met an error during initialization when using ThermoSysPro library. It seems like the Turbine5.Pe is larger than Turbine2.Pe, so the result is negative. but I checked my parameters, there shouldn't be such a problem. Is this because the nonlinear solver couldn't solve the equation in the following picture? 回答1: There is not enough information and I would recommend to set Details and/or Nonlinear iterations in Simulation setup>Debug>Nonlinear solver diagnostics to get more information. The

How can I continue simulating a motion with changing parameters in Dymola?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-01-24 22:07:40
问题 I am building a model of an elevator and want to simulate its motion from the start point to a settled destination in Dymola. After each simulation, e.g. the elevator has reached one destination. I would like to continue the motion to next position from the previous. In my model a PID-controller has been used, which has two inputs(position of destination and current position). I copy each time the "dsfinal" output file and define it as the "dsin" input file as starting conditions for next

Modelica - join connectors after some distance

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-01-24 19:36:05
问题 In modelica I need to connect two spaces and pass an object, lets say a ball, between them after some distance. In my example I have two spaces one which is free space (no forces) and suddenly we enter near earth space (gravity) which acts on the ball. I need to be able to pass the ball from the first space to the second but I can't get it. Here is a minimal example. model Ball Real[2] position; Real[2] velocity; parameter Real mass=1; equation der(position) = velocity; end Ball; connector