

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-24 03:54:13
转自: uboot是bootloader的一种,主要是用于引导内核启动. uboot除此功能外, 还带有很多其它功能. 功能是通过命令来调用. uboot的命令: help //列出当前uboot所有支持的命令 help 命令 //查看指定命令的帮助 reset //重启uboot bootm //用于启动内核 用法: bootm 0x42000000 //从内存地址0x42000000启动内核, 启动前需把内核镜像uImage存放到指定的内存地址 printenv //打印所有环境变量的值 printenv 环境变量名 //查看指定的环境变量值 常用环境变量: bootdelay // uboot启动后, 倒计时多少秒后自动执行环境变量bootcmd的语句 bootcmd // 倒计时到0后,自动执行里面的语句 bootargs // 是用于提供给内核的启动参数语句 setenv //设置/修改/删除环境变量的值 用法: setenv 环境变量名 //删除指定的环境变量 setenv myargs "hello" //设置环境变量myargs


有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-21 20:48:53
linux设备驱动那点事儿之SD卡驱动理论篇 (2011-08-01 13:56) 标签 : 电子产品 多媒体 存储器 消费类 分类: linux设备驱动程序分析 一.SD/MMC卡介绍 1.1.什么是MMC卡 MMC:MMC就是MultiMediaCard的缩写,即多媒体卡。它是一种非易失性存储器件,体积小巧(24mm*32mm*1.4mm),容量大,耗电量低,传输速度快,广泛应用于消费类电子产品中。 1.2.什么是SD卡 SD:SD卡为Secure Digital Memory Card, 即安全数码卡。它在MMC的基础上发展而来,增加了两个主要特色:SD卡强调数据的安全安全,可以设定所储存的 使用权限,防止数据被他人复制;另外一个特色就是传输速度比2.11版的MMC卡快。在数据传输和物理规范上,SD卡(24mm*32mm*2.1mm,比MMC卡更厚一点),向前兼容了MMC卡.所有支持SD卡的设备也支持MMC卡。SD卡和2.11版的MMC卡完全兼容。 1.3.什么是SDIO SDIO:SDIO是在SD标准上定义了一种外设接口,它和SD卡规范间的一个重要区别是增加了低速标准。在SDIO卡只需要SPI和1位SD传输模式。低速卡的目标应用是以最小的硬件开销支持低速IO能力。 1.4.什么是MCI MCI:MCI是Multimedia Card Interface的简称,即多媒体卡接口


空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-19 05:24:41
前言:此文是自己解这个问题的一个记录,您看到的时候可能还没有结论,因此希望从中获得最终解决方案的同仁还请在看之前三思;如果是看解决思路的,那么请接着往下看: 最近遇到一个比较难解的问题: 设备老化后EMMC的读写性能衰减30%以上; 具体复现步骤为: 1、刷机后开机; 2、静置手机一段时间,等待进程稳定; 3、使用AndroBench跑IO性能; 4、使用内部老化工具填充手机,达到90%,再删除到60%左右; 5、再次填充到90%; 6、再次跑AndroBench,发现写入速度衰减厉害(顺序写入与随机写入分别衰减24%与36%) 解读: 总所周知,EMMC存储高占用时IO性能肯定是有衰减的,但是此题诡异在于: 1、如果占用空间是一个大文件,那么衰减幅度没有这么大; 2、如果占用空间是一个大文件,即便有大幅度衰减,也是概率性的; 3、而此题填充后的环境,重启后问题依旧存在; 4、甚至在完全删除填充数据后问题依旧存在; 出现此问题的机器配置如下: SoC:MT6761D (Cortext-A53@1.8GHz x 4) Memory:2GB + 32GB OS:Android Q File System:F2FS Data Encryption:FBE 做过的一些比较费时但是又没有结果的尝试: 1、使用FDE加密方式,问题依旧存在; 2、文件系统换回EXT4,问题依旧存在; 分析: 1

“Invalid provider type specified” CryptographicException when trying to load private key of certificate

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-17 07:16:50
问题 I'm trying to read the private key of a certificate which has been shared with me by a third-party service provider, so I can use it to encrypt some XML before sending it to them over the wire. I'm doing so programmatically in C#, but I think this is a permissions or misconfiguration issue, so I'll focus on the facts which seem to be most relevant: I don't think this issue is code-related; my code works on other computers, and the issue affects sample code from Microsoft. The certificate was

MMC 3.0 snap in development and 'connect to another computer…' dialog

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-11 15:46:16
问题 I'm in the process of developing a custom MMC 3.0 snap-in and was wondering if there is some built in SDK/API way of connecting to another computer running the same snap-in? If so, can someone provide some code samples or links to tutorials on how this is possible? If it is not possible, what do you recommend to use for communicating with other machines? Would there need to be a separate service on the remote machine to accept and propagate the actions taken on the remote instance? Any help

Snap-in not showing up in Windows 7

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-11 04:34:11
问题 I developed a snap-in for the MMC 3.0 framework using c#. The snap-in has been installed successfully on Windows XP for years now. However, I recently tried installing the snap-in on a Windows 7 PC and it does not show up in MMC Console i.e., it's not listed as a snap-in that can be added? I'm building the snap-in on a Windows XP machine. According to the InstallUtil output/log the snap-in was registered ok. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks. 回答1: Thanks David.. that pointed me in

Open event viewer from a certain node

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-10 21:24:10
问题 What is the command to open windows event viewer displaying a particular node details? For example if I simply use eventvwr command; it opens the UI with Root Node selected. I want Application node selected when it is opened OR any other node. Can it be configured programatically? Thanks. 回答1: To view the eventvwr.exe arguments simply type: eventvwr /? To specifically open the Application log use the command below: eventvwr computername /l:"%SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Application.evtx"


空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-10 18:56:28
我的linux学习是建立在讯为的iTop-4412开发板上的,讯为开发板使用手册里面有教我们怎么利用U-Boot命令进行EMMC格式化分区,以前照着做是为了快速上手,但现在不行了,现在我要搞清楚它们到底是怎么实现的,下面开始我们的探索。 先看看格式化命令长什么样 fdisk -c 0 fatformat mmc 0:1 ext3format mmc 0:2 ext3format mmc 0:3 ext3format mmc 0:4 第一个命令 fdisk -c 0 ,我利用vscode的全局搜索功能搜索 fdisk ,在 cmd_mmc_disk.c 这个文件中找到了一个相关的函数,如下所示 int do_fdisk(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]) { if ( argc == 3 || argc ==6 ) { if ( strcmp(argv[1], "-c") == 0 ) return create_mmc_fdisk(argc, argv); else if ( strcmp(argv[1], "-p") == 0 ) return print_mmc_part_info(argc, argv); } else { printf("Usage:\nfdisk <-p> <device_num>\n")

remote sc OpenSCManager query failed 5 access denied

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-09 08:38:37
问题 I'm writing a script that periodically checks that certain services are running on remote workstations. I'm having a devil of a time getting an "SC \workst1 query" command working from one test machine to another. Both machines are running XP pro SP3. Neither is part of a domain. Both are in the same workgroup, and the administrator accounts have the same passwords. I keep getting the "[SC] OpenSCManager FAILED 5: Access is denied" message, from either workstation to the other. I have tried

System.EnterpriseServices.RegistrationHelper Doesn't Release File

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-08 14:07:13
问题 We developed a small MMC snap-in that installs various components of the application. In particular, it registers .NET assemblies with COM+ using System.EnterpriseServices.RegistrationHelper. The logic is simple: first, uninstall existing assembly, then copy new file over, then install the new assembly. The code looks like this: if (File.Exists(destination)) { try { new RegistrationHelper().UninstallAssembly(destination, ComPlusHelper.ApplicationName); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogError(..