
Issue with using ctime to advance a given date to next calendar date

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-25 05:23:06
问题 I wrote the following piece of code to advance the input date to the following calendar date. This works well when tested in a dummy source file compiled with g++ 4.1.2 However, when running the following code from within my firm's simulator(intricate details of which are unavailable to me at this point), it breaks on 20021027; i.e. for dates other than 20021027, it works as intended but for 20021027, it returns 20021027 itself. Please advise as to what could be going wrong? int nextday(const

mktime Only Handling Leap Years on Clang?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-24 15:21:29
问题 In this answer I proposed that marihikari use the standard functionality of mktime rather than trying to implement his own Gregorian calendar system. I wrote this function to demonstrate how mktime could be used to accomplish this: bool leap_year(int year) { tm bar = { 0, 0, 0, 29, 1, year - 1900 }; mktime(&bar); return bar.tm_mday == 29 && bar.tm_mon == 1 && bar.tm_year == year - 1900; } Testing this with: cout << "2000: " << leap_year(2000) << "\n2001: " << leap_year(2001) << "\n2004: " <<

convert mysql timestamp to mktime

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-24 00:43:09
问题 I have the following MySQL timestamp: 2009-06-23 16:21:48 How can I convert it to a format like mktime()? 回答1: There is a MySQL function unix_timestamp. In your SQL query, instead of selecting the Datetime or Timestamp column directly, do this: SELECT unix_timestamp(MyDatetimeColumn) FROM MyTable Alternatively, if you have the string already, you could use the PHP function strtotime(). 回答2: ok, I was wrestling with this for a week (longer but i took a break from it). I have two specific

Conversion to unix timestamp incorrect

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-23 21:53:56
问题 I have a function that I wrote (if there is a good standard substitute, please let me know...) time_t get_unix_time(string time_str) { time_t loctime; time(&loctime); struct tm *given_time; time_str = time_str.substr(0, time_str.find_first_of('.')); replace(time_str.begin(), time_str.end(), ':', ','); replace(time_str.begin(), time_str.end(), '-', ','); replace(time_str.begin(), time_str.end(), '/', ','); replace(time_str.begin(), time_str.end(), ' ', ','); given_time = localtime(&loctime);

how to convert date and time to timestamp in php?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-22 18:20:40
问题 i have a date '07/23/2009' and a time '18:11' and i want to get a timestamp out of it : here is my example: date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $d = str_replace('/', ', ', '07/23/2009'); $t = str_replace(':', ', ', '18:11'); $date = $t.', 0, '.$d; echo $date; echo '<br>'; echo $x = mktime("$date"); the issue is that $x gives me the current timestamp. any ideas? 回答1: it gives error because mktime function require all values of numbers only and this function gives only date . if you try like $h =

Weird mktime logic with negative seconds

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-21 19:44:56
问题 I've been using mktime/localtime for time management, including some heavy arithmetic on dates/times. I noticed something very weird when providing to mktime a struct tm that contains negative values. Take the code below. There was a DST change in LA on Nov 3rd, 2013. If I specify time in tm as 2013-11-04 midnight and subtract 24 hours, I get the same value as 2013-11-03 midnight. It is 25 hours difference UTC-wise, which is fine, as with isdst=-1 one could say we're looking at 'wallclock

Curve Fitting to a time series in the format 'datetime'?

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-17 12:25:55
问题 Here is my problem: polyfit does not take datetime values, so that I converted datetime with mktime producing the polynomial fit works z4 = polyfit(d, y, 3) p4 = poly1d(z4) For the plot however, I would like the datetime description on the axis and didn't # figure out how to do that. Can you help me? fig = plt.figure(1) cx= fig.add_subplot(111) xx = linspace(0, d[3], 100) pylab.plot(d, y, '+', xx, p4(xx),'-g') cx.plot(d, y,'+', color= 'b', label='blub') plt.errorbar(d, y, yerr, marker='.',

Issue with php mktime() and/or php date() - years prior to 1901 - 64-bit

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-13 02:34:29
问题 I understand there is an issue with php mktime(), 32bit systems, and years <1901 or >2038, however, my question is, does this issue still remain if operating on a 64 bit system? I used the code mentioned here and determined my host is running a 64bit system. I am gathering dates from user inputs in the following format: $m = user selected month (2 digits); $d = user selected day (2 digits); $y = user selected year (4 digits) Here is the code I am using to convert the input date into a unix

C++ mktime and DST

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-13 01:25:27
问题 I am processing stored dates and times. I store them in a file in GMT in a string format (i.e. DDMMYYYYHHMMSS ). When a client queries, I convert this string to a struct tm , then convert it to seconds using mktime . I do this to check for invalid DateTime. Again I do convert seconds to string format. All these processing is fine, no issues at all. But I have one weird issue: I stored the date and time in GMT with locale also GMT. Because of day light saving, my locale time changed to GMT+1.

Count down to EST Hour everyday?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-12 04:24:09
问题 How would i count down to a specific hour every day, say 12PM EST time... So that it would countdown as 1 Hour 56 Minutes until 12PM / Lunch? I'm looking for something short and simple, no need for CSS or JS as it will be text and only update when the page is refreshed. 回答1: I'm not sure if you have heard, but there's this trillion dollar site called You can search terms that will give you the best results on the web! Try it sometime, hella useful. Check it out, here's the first