Partially merge two datasets and fill in NAs in R
问题 I have two datasets a = raw dataset with thousands of observations of different weather events STATE EVTYPE 1 AL WINTER STORM 2 AL TORNADO 3 AL TSTM WIND 4 AL TSTM WIND 5 AL TSTM WIND 6 AL HAIL 7 AL HIGH WIND 8 AL TSTM WIND 9 AL TSTM WIND 10 AL TSTM WIND b = a dictionary table, which has a standard spelling for some weather events. EVTYPE evmatch 1 HIGH SURF ADVISORY <NA> 2 COASTAL FLOOD COASTAL FLOOD 3 FLASH FLOOD FLASH FLOOD 4 LIGHTNING LIGHTNING 5 TSTM WIND <NA> 6 TSTM WIND (G45) <NA> both