
Face API Python SDK “Image Size too Small” (PersonGroupPerson add_face_from_stream)

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-03-23 08:19:15
问题 First things first, the documentation here says "JPEG, PNG, GIF (the first frame), and BMP format are supported. The allowed image file size is from 1KB to 6MB." I am sending a .jpg that is ~1.4 MB In my search, others who had this issue were custom forming packets and ran into issues chunk transfering images. however unlike the others I am not forming my own API call, just passing a jpg to the python sdk. What is going wrong/what am I missing? The error is: getting image, start time opening

How to use Azure custom vision service response boundingBox to plot shape

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-02-19 04:24:32
问题 I am using Azure cognitive-service custom vision service to detect shapes from capture images. As per their documentation, I got the response as per their format. But I am an facing issue to plot the shape above the image. { "id": "0fbda4ee-8956-4979-bf57-a252441af98d", "project": "9ca4032b-beeb-40ad-9396-1c3fcfd9ba89", "iteration": "27c85265-a158-4fc4-b22a-d535dd758d80", "created": "2018-06-11T09:34:29.9496528Z", "predictions": [ { "probability": 0.0102891214, "tagId": "677afcf8-bc4a-493f

How to use Azure custom vision service response boundingBox to plot shape

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-02-19 04:23:52
问题 I am using Azure cognitive-service custom vision service to detect shapes from capture images. As per their documentation, I got the response as per their format. But I am an facing issue to plot the shape above the image. { "id": "0fbda4ee-8956-4979-bf57-a252441af98d", "project": "9ca4032b-beeb-40ad-9396-1c3fcfd9ba89", "iteration": "27c85265-a158-4fc4-b22a-d535dd758d80", "created": "2018-06-11T09:34:29.9496528Z", "predictions": [ { "probability": 0.0102891214, "tagId": "677afcf8-bc4a-493f

Speech recognition with Microsoft Cognitive Speech API and non-microphone real-time audio stream

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-01-31 06:17:04
问题 Problem My project consists of a desktop application that records audio in real-time, for which I intend to receive real-time recognition feedback from an API. With a microphone , a real-time implementation using Microsoft's new Speech-to-Text API is trivial, with my scenario differing from that only in the sense that my data is written to a MemoryStream object. API Support This article explains how to implement the API's Recognizer (link) with custom audio streams , which invariably requires

Speech recognition with Microsoft Cognitive Speech API and non-microphone real-time audio stream

你。 提交于 2020-01-31 06:17:04
问题 Problem My project consists of a desktop application that records audio in real-time, for which I intend to receive real-time recognition feedback from an API. With a microphone , a real-time implementation using Microsoft's new Speech-to-Text API is trivial, with my scenario differing from that only in the sense that my data is written to a MemoryStream object. API Support This article explains how to implement the API's Recognizer (link) with custom audio streams , which invariably requires

Cannot select location or pricing tier in FormRecognizer Preview

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-01-24 01:41:05
问题 I registered for the FormRecognizer public preview and I'm having trouble creating a resource in my Azure environment. I received the welcome email today with the instructions to follow, but when I try to create a FormRecognizer resource in Azure the Location and Pricing dropdowns do not have any selectable options. These fields are required so I cannot create this resource. I have verified that I'm on the Azure subscription that I used to request being part of this Preview Program. Any ideas

specifying bounding boxes when adding faces to large_person_group_person in cognitive Face API

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-01-17 18:11:32
问题 What I'm trying to do is to use only face recognition without detection because I already have ground truth bounding box information. So I want to add faces to my large_person_group_person with my own bounding box information. Is there a way to specify bounding box information when using face add function? or other functions that supports this? The link below is the reference of face add function.

Usage Event in Azure Recommendations Solutions Template

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-01-17 01:14:12
问题 In the deprecated Recommendations API, there is an API to upload Usage Event. In the new Recommendations Solutions Template, I could not find that API call. The new service seems to only accept usage CSV file. Could someone please confirm this? 回答1: As you mention, there is no API to upload a single usage event in the recommendations solution template ( The workaround would be to open a file from blob storage (let's call it usageDelta.csv), add a line of content to it,

How to send image using application/octet-stream in OCR Cognitive

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-01-15 03:05:32
问题 Hello I'm trying to use OCR API From Microsoft and It expect Content-type application/octet-stream and body post a binary. I tried send image as Base64(binary), just binary, however It didn't work. Someone knows how this image needs be sended? Link to documentation 回答1: Yes, you can simply send it as a Blob or a File (which are almost the same things). Example code using the XMLHttpRequest API : var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = do_something_with_this_JSON;'POST', 'https:

How to send image using application/octet-stream in OCR Cognitive

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-01-15 03:05:06
问题 Hello I'm trying to use OCR API From Microsoft and It expect Content-type application/octet-stream and body post a binary. I tried send image as Base64(binary), just binary, however It didn't work. Someone knows how this image needs be sended? Link to documentation 回答1: Yes, you can simply send it as a Blob or a File (which are almost the same things). Example code using the XMLHttpRequest API : var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = do_something_with_this_JSON;'POST', 'https: