
MemSql leaf down on Single server Cluster

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-06 07:16:55
I have a single server cluster installation of MemSQL on Ubuntu 14 LTS. I am unable to connect to memsql on port 3306 but the cluster is running on port 9000. Looks like a leaf is down. When i tried to upgrade memsql to version 4.0.1 I got this error:- Starting MemSQL Upgrade Currently on state OfflineClusterUpgrade.Init Currently on state OfflineClusterUpgrade.SnapshottingDatabases Currently on state OfflineClusterUpgrade.OfflineClusterUpgradeFail MemSQL node 8D84F89D6716F03A44EACB9E3AF6565FA76B9DE9 failed to upgrade: Could not connect to MemSQL node 8D84F89D6716F03A44EACB9E3AF6565FA76B9DE9.

How to change IP addresses of memsql nodes

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 10:24:21
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I'm testing out memsql for a project by running it on a laptop in its simplest configuration. It was working fine at home with an IP address of When I take the laptop in to work, it gets a different IP address (, and when I start up the server, it's unable to bring the nodes online. I get this message in the ops app: This MemSQL node is offline, but MemSQL Ops expects it to be online. This MemSQL node is offline, but MemSQL Ops expects it to be online. Is there any way to change

How to make volumes permanent with Docker Compose v2

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-03 07:10:23
问题 I realize other people have had similar questions but this uses v2 compose file format and I didn't find anything for that. I want to make a very simple test app to play around with MemSQL but I can't get volumes to not get deleted after docker-compose down . If I've understood Docker Docs right, volumes shouldn't be deleted without explicitly telling it to. Everything seems to work with docker-compose up but after going down and then up again all data gets deleted from the database. As

How to make volumes permanent with Docker Compose v2

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-02 22:05:35
I realize other people have had similar questions but this uses v2 compose file format and I didn't find anything for that. I want to make a very simple test app to play around with MemSQL but I can't get volumes to not get deleted after docker-compose down . If I've understood Docker Docs right, volumes shouldn't be deleted without explicitly telling it to. Everything seems to work with docker-compose up but after going down and then up again all data gets deleted from the database. As recommended as a good practice, I'm using separate memsqldata service as a separate data layer. Here's my


冷暖自知 提交于 2019-11-30 09:37:46
HTAP是近些年来比较火的一个概念,本文将聊聊HTAP的前世今生及技术特点。 一、数据应用类别 根据数据的使用特征,可简单做如下划分。在选择技术平台之前,我们需要做好这样的定位。 1.1 OLTP 联机事务处理OLTP(On-Line Transaction Processing) OLTP是事件驱动、面向应用的,也称为面向交易的处理过程。其基本特征是前台接收的用户数据可以立即传送到计算中心进行处理,并在很短的时间内给出处理结果,是对用户操作的快速响应。例如银行类、电子商务类的交易系统就是典型的OLTP系统。 OLTP具备以下特点: 直接面向应用,数据在系统中产生。 基于交易的处理系统。 每次交易牵涉的数据量很小;对响应时间要求非常高。 用户数量非常庞大,其用户是操作人员,并发度很高。 数据库的各种操作主要基于索引进行。 以SQL作为交互载体。 总体数据量相对较小。 1.2 OLAP 联机实时分析OLAP(On-Line Analytical Processing) OLAP是面向数据分析的,也称为面向信息分析处理过程。它使分析人员能够迅速、一致、交互地从各个方面观察信息,以达到深入理解数据的目的。其特征是应对海量数据,支持复杂的分析操作,侧重决策支持,并且提供直观易懂的查询结果,例如数据仓库是其典型的OLAP系统。 OLAP具备以下特点: 本身不产生数据

How to increase docker-machine memory Mac

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-11-27 05:57:36
I am new to Docker, and trying to go through this tutorial setting up MemSQL from a Docker image - . I am on a Mac, and the tutorial uses boot2docker which seems to have been deprecated. The VM needs 4GB memory to run. The tutorial specifies how to do this with boot2docker but I cannot find a way to do this with the docker-machine/docker toolbox. Here is the command I am using and the error I am getting just trying to go through the tutorial without altering the boot2docker config. docker run --rm --net=host memsql/quickstart check-system Error: MemSQL

How to increase docker-machine memory Mac

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-11-26 11:48:07
问题 I am new to Docker, and trying to go through this tutorial setting up MemSQL from a Docker image - . I am on a Mac, and the tutorial uses boot2docker which seems to have been deprecated. The VM needs 4GB memory to run. The tutorial specifies how to do this with boot2docker but I cannot find a way to do this with the docker-machine/docker toolbox. Here is the command I am using and the error I am getting just trying to go through the tutorial without