

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-04 19:11:57
一、MDM相关知识: MDM (Mobile Device Management ),即移动设备管理。在21世纪的今天,数据是企业宝贵的资产,安全问题更是重中之重,在移动互联网时代,员工个人的设备接入企业网络并查看、收发企业数 据已十分普遍,在管理企业移动设备的同时,MDM还能提供全方位安全体系防护,同时在移动设备、移动APP、移动文档三方面进行管理和防护。 网站服务: 基于IOS和Android设备MDM技术方案服务价格 二、基于IOS上MDM技术相关资料整理及汇总: 1、 IOS设备MDM证书申请流程(vendor及customer) 阶段目标:完成MDM Vendor和Customer的申请工作,完成MDM证书的生成。 2、 申请IOS开发MDM需要的https(SSL)证书和密钥 阶段目标:完成MDM 开发服务端需要的SSL证书的申请工作。 3、 部 署 MDM所需要的https(SSL)服务器环境 阶段目标:完成https环境的部署和测试,为后面的MDM的测试做准备;。 4、 理解apple官网提供的相关MDM的开发帮助文档 阶段目标:理解MDM Server环境、MDM执行流程、MDM mobileconfig文件介绍等。 5、 MDM推送证书的生成及java-apns组件的测试代码编写 阶段目标:IOS端完成p12格式的MDM推送证书,java

Apple iOS MDM service 简介

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-04 19:11:43
转载: Apple iOS MDM service 簡介 藉由MDM服務,企業可以用來控管配發給員工的iOS Device。可以採用Apple官方推出的工具,也可以採用第三方開發的服務。 MDM server傳送描述檔和指令的流程 管理員傳送一個設定描述檔(Configuration Profile)到使用者的iOS裝置上。 使用者安裝該設定描述檔。 該台iOS裝置向MDM server註冊,開始被監管。 MDM server透過Apple Push Notification Service發送推播訊息到給iOS裝置,請裝置向server確認是否有新的指令或query。 iOS裝置藉由HTTPS和MDM server連接,MDM server傳送指令給裝置、或是向裝置要求回傳資訊。 Apple Push Notification 當MDM server要和iOS裝置溝通,Apple Push Notification會送一則通知給在螢幕鎖定中的iOS裝置,請iOS裝置向MDM server做check in,看看有沒有新的環境設定、或工作任務需要被推送到裝置上。 如果iOS裝置決定接收新的資料,Configuration Profile及其他設定


↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-04 19:11:30
专题: 基于IOS上MDM技术相关资料整理及汇总 mobileconfig文件的签名和认证(signed、verified) 一、功能描述: 鉴于我们的设备和MDM server之间已经可以通信,并能完成相应的锁屏、擦除数据、查询设备信息等功能,但是,我们在安装了mobileconfig后,返现配置描述文件打 开显示“unsigned” 或者“尚未签名”这样的情况,所以接下来的工作就是让我们的mobileconfig文件看起来更加安全一些。 二、操作步骤: 1、确保我们有如下文件: (1)、mbaike.crt(https服务器端使用证书文件) (2)、mbaike.key(https服务器端使用证书对应的密钥) (3)、ca-bundle.pem(startssl官网下载的跟证书文件,具体的在哪里下载,请在startssl控制面板中查找) (4)、unsigned.mobilecofig文件(IOS端生成的未签名的配置描述文件) 2、在linux上通过openssl命令生成签名后的signed.mobileconfig文件: openssl smime -sign -in unsigned.mobileconfig -out signed.mobileconfig -signer mbaike.crt -inkey mbaike.key -certfile ca-bundle

iOS 8 MDM: managed app configuration doesn't work

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-04 16:08:12
In our custom mobile device management (MDM) solution we use managed app configuration : MDM server pushes InstallApplication payload with Configuration dictionary. The app uses [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryForKey:@""]; Everything worked fine. Due to changes in iOS 8.1.3 we resigned the application as it's described here . After that the app can be installed and it launches well on iOS 8.1.3+. But it cannot read the configuration using NSUserDefaults (configuration data from MDM server is not set). In logs I see this warning: profiled[128] : *

Implementation for {“mdm”:“<PushMagic>”} using javapns

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-04 15:37:50
I am using javapns to develop apple push notification mdm server. There is a package "" I could not find an api to send {"mdm":""} to apple. I want to implement MDM solution using javapns. I have installed the mobileConfig and have the deviceToken and pushMagic String. Next I want to send {"mdm":""} and then the other commands. Is this possible using javapns and if yes - is there a sample or some inputs of how to do it? Issue #37 in javapns says it is possible to send mdm payloads but I could not figure how. I really appreciate any help on this. Abstractec Not

Prevent enterprise iOS app from being removed

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-04 14:03:32
I'd like to prevent an enterprise iOS app from being removed by users. Apple provides documentation on how to do this for Web Clips , but I'm struggling to find anything related to actual apps. Is it possible? and if so then how to do it? The ideal solution would involve a setting in the plist installation file, but options involving configuration profiles or an MDM would also work. The only way I know to prevent apps from being deleted is as follows: On your iPhone/iPad go to Settings -> General -> Restrictions -> Deleting Apps (off). You will have to enter a Restrictions Password and turn

Error using the “App Lock” configuration profile setting (aka “kiosk mode”) with an iPad/iOS6.0

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-04 12:31:17
问题 Background: Apple provides a "kiosk mode" for their iPads as part of iOS6 which locks the device into one application (even boots directly into the app too). Great for using iPads in retail/restaurants/etc. In order to use this, the device first has to be setup as a "Supervised" device using Apple Configurator. You then add a special entry to a configuration profile called "App Lock". I followed the recently-updated configuration profile document. Essentially, you just set the PayloadType as

How to create MDM Enrollment Profile for iOS

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-04 11:58:42
I am trying to create a simple MDM server to manage iOS devices. But I am struggling with "MDM Enrollment Profile", I am creating this profile using ipcu. But when I am opening this profile through email (or weblink) there is nothing happening. Let me share what I am doing to create "MDM Enrollment Profile" - Creating new profile in ipcu. - Filling details for "General" section - Filling details for "Mobile Device Management" - Filling details for "Credentials" as it is required to complete above step - Then I am exporting using the export button. Choosing none for the security. Then I am

Parsing X509 certificate

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-04 10:05:49
I want to parse a X.509 certificate in php. The certificate is in DER-encoded X.509 format. I tried using openssl_x509_parse method in php, but its not working. The certificate data is a valid data received after firing a command in mdm for CertificateList. I am using the below code: $data = 'MIIDizCCAnMCCQDCpCAUbA2P4TANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADBrMSIw IAYDVQQKDBkqLnNtYXJ0c291cmNpbmdnbG9iYWwubmV0MSEwHwYD VQQLDBhEb21haW4gQ29udHJvbCBWYWxpZGF0ZWQxIjAgBgNVBAMM GSouc21hcnRzb3VyY2luZ2dsb2JhbC5uZXQwHhcNMTIwNTI5MTM1 NTU0WhcNMTMwNTI5MTM1NTU0WjCBozELMAkGA1UEBhMCTlkxCzAJ

MDM: ssl issue for server url

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-04 07:49:59
问题 I want to manage the iOS devices using Lion Server,I have purchased the Lion Server and installed in Mac system which has Lion OS 10.7. I want to manage the devices with in our own network, I have not taken domain specific for MDM. While creating cofig profile for MDM in IPCU,it needs the server url must begin with "https://". So I am not able to install the MDM config profile in the iOS device, due to "htts".I tried to get ssl certificate for trial , but that is not available for private