
Error while Updating .mdf database

孤街浪徒 提交于 2021-02-11 06:29:06
问题 Following errors occurred while updating an .mdf database, it was working fine but before editing the Column Names of few tables. (I am using Server Explorer of Visual Studio 2013 .) Update cannot proceed due to validation errors. Please correct the following errors and try again. SQL72015 :: The table [dbo].[Customer] is being dropped and re-created since all non-computed columns within the table have been redefined. SQL72031 :: This deployment may encounter errors during execution because

Error while Updating .mdf database

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-11 06:28:34
问题 Following errors occurred while updating an .mdf database, it was working fine but before editing the Column Names of few tables. (I am using Server Explorer of Visual Studio 2013 .) Update cannot proceed due to validation errors. Please correct the following errors and try again. SQL72015 :: The table [dbo].[Customer] is being dropped and re-created since all non-computed columns within the table have been redefined. SQL72031 :: This deployment may encounter errors during execution because

Is there a SQLite version of the LinqPad nutshell database

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2021-02-07 09:34:20
问题 I am trying to learn LINQ with LINQPad, but the fact is that I have a notebook. Therefore, I don't want to install SQL Server on it (I am not even conviced that I could do it). Some LINQPAD Examples use a database called nutshell.mdf, I'd like to know if I can find a SQLite version of this database, and where? 回答1: There's no SQLite version, but you can create a SQL CE edition easily enough. SQL CE is fairly lightweight and won't bog down your notebook. LINQPad supports SQL CE: click "Add


自作多情 提交于 2020-04-13 07:55:47
今天有个老数据库要查看下,想把它附加到sqlserver2005中,但是发现ldf不见了,一直出错。找了下别人的方法 只有一个mdf文件如Test.mdf,附加数据库 1.在SQL Server中新建一个数据库名为Test(注,文件名为Test.mdf真正的的数据库不一定是这个名,先在SQL Server中导入过程中看看是不是这个名,一定要和真正的数据库名称一致) 2.停止SQL Server,把Test.mdf替换掉 3.重新启动SQL Server,如果你点一下Test数据库会有错误提示,不用管它 4.打开一查询窗口,进行以下操作: ①alter database Test set emergency 设定Test状态为紧急模式 ②sp_dboption 'Test','single user','false' 设定数据库模式为"单一使用者" ③dbcc checkdb(Test,repair_allow_data_loss) 此句为关键语句,意为检查指定数据库所有数据的配置、结构和逻辑完整性。这一步操作会重新建立ldf日志文件 ④sp_dboption 'Test','single user','false' 还原Test数据库模式 ⑤alter database Test set online 设定Test数据库状态为online 注第③步很多人不会成功,原因在于

Can't connect to my own MDF file. Cannot open user default database. Login failed.Login failed for user… and other errors

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-01-13 03:51:09
问题 SQLSEXPRESS service IS running!! I have I program I wrote some time ago and it works. It was written in MS Visual Studio with local MDF file. How is it possible to edit this file from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio? I don't see this file in the list of globally connected databases. If I try to attach this file with Visual Studio Wizard, I get message that such database already exists, but when I set arbitrary logical name, I get sharing violation. How to reach MDF file? EDIT 1 Now I

SQL - How to backup a database and export as a MDF file with MS SQL 2008 R2

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-01-11 18:40:07
问题 I have created a database "test" with some tables in MS SQL Server 2008 R2 (i.e. MS SQL Server Management Studio). Now, I need to export this database as a MDF file. What should I do? 回答1: If you mean that you want to be able to attach the database on another server, then this is what you can do: detach the database (right click the database and click Detach ) copy the mdf and ldf files to your backup location attach the database (right click Databases and click Attach ) This is the path

How to run an SQL script against a MDF file?

别来无恙 提交于 2020-01-03 09:25:14
问题 I've created a database model with model-first method using Entity Framework 4.0. I then created an sql script using the Generate Database from Model... I've also created an SQL Server Database file in my App_Data folder. How do I now run the SQL file against this MDF file? I'm using Visual Studio 2010. 回答1: I ran into this same problem and here is what worked for me. When I selected "Generate Database from Model..." I created a new MDF file. This process worked fine and Visual Studio

how does one programmatically create a localdb .mdf?

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-01-01 15:40:47
问题 how does one programmatically create a localdb .mdf? acceptable solutions exclude visual studio, ssms, aspnet_regsql. a naive stab at a solution might look like this: static void Main(string[] args) { using (var con = new SqlConnection(@"Integrated Security=SSPI;Data Source=(LocalDb)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=test.mdf")) { con.Open(); using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("CREATE DATABASE test", con)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } but of course, this fails in

how does one programmatically create a localdb .mdf?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-01 15:39:53
问题 how does one programmatically create a localdb .mdf? acceptable solutions exclude visual studio, ssms, aspnet_regsql. a naive stab at a solution might look like this: static void Main(string[] args) { using (var con = new SqlConnection(@"Integrated Security=SSPI;Data Source=(LocalDb)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=test.mdf")) { con.Open(); using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("CREATE DATABASE test", con)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } but of course, this fails in

How to protect the sql server 2005 MDF file

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-31 01:23:25
问题 How to set the Password for sql server 2005 MDF file. Becoz i want to give the trail package to the client,package including the MDF. After installing the package, the MDF will be placed in C drive, user data will store in MDF file through the application. but not allow to attach that MDF file using sql server in that system. 回答1: If someone is sysadmin of an instance, one will be able to attach the mdf regardless of what you do. If you want to protect data from sysadmin, there are some