Undefined reference to LAPACK and BLAS subroutines
I'm trying to understand how BLAS and LAPACK in Fortran work and so on, so I made a code that generates a matrix and inverts it. Here's the code program test Implicit none external ZGETRF external ZGETRI integer ::M complex*16,allocatable,dimension(:,:)::A complex*16,allocatable,dimension(:)::WORK integer,allocatable,dimension(:)::IPIV integer i,j,info,error Print*, 'Enter size of the matrix' Read*, M Print*, 'Enter file of the matrix' READ(*,*), A OPEN(UNIT=10,FILE = '(/A/)' ,STATUS='OLD',ACTION='READ') allocate(A(M,M),WORK(M),IPIV(M),stat=error) if (error.ne.0)then print *,"error:not enough