
Invoke Blue Screen of Death using Managed Code

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-11-29 06:58:53
问题 Just curious here: is it possible to invoke a Windows Blue Screen of Death using .net managed code under Windows XP/Vista? And if it is possible, what could the example code be? Just for the record, this is not for any malicious purpose, I am just wondering what kind of code it would take to actually kill the operating system as specified. 回答1: The keyboard thing is probably a good option, but if you need to do it by code, continue reading... You don't really need anything to barf, per se,

What exactly is “managed” code?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-11-28 18:07:00
I've been writing C / C++ code for almost twenty years, and I know Perl, Python, PHP, and some Java as well, and I'm teaching myself JavaScript. But I've never done any .NET, VB, or C# stuff. What exactly does managed code mean? Wikipedia describes it simply as Code that executes under the management of a virtual machine and it specifically says that Java is (usually) managed code, so why does the term only seem to apply to C# / .NET? Can you compile C# into a .exe that contains the VM as well, or do you have to package it up and give it to another .exe (a la java)? In a similar vein, is .NET

Call C# dll from Delphi

五迷三道 提交于 2019-11-26 22:37:41
问题 I composed .Net 3.5 dll with single method, which is to be called by Delphi .exe. Unfortunately it does not work. The steps: 1. Create C# 3.5 dll with the code: public class MyDllClass { public static int MyDllMethod(int i) { MessageBox.Show("The number is " + i.ToString()); } } Go to Assembly Properties --> Assembly Information and checked the "Make Assembly COM-Visible" Used RegAsm.exe to register my dll This throws Delphi exception which indicates it cannot connect the dll. What are the