
How safe is to allow customer edit Handlebar.js template

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-11 04:49:37
问题 The Rails application that I am building need to allow the users to edit the page template. The main concern is about how safe it is to allow the customers edit the templates. So that puts the erb templates out of the equation. I had looked at liquid markup and Handlebars.js. There is a nice Rails integration for handlebars here . I would prefer to use handlebars. Can somebody confirm if it is safe to let customers edit handlebar templates? 回答1:

Tell me how to do the semi liquid layout without javascript, i feel I'm missing something simple

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-10 09:22:37
问题 Okay, first off I'm supporting back to IE7, so box-sizing is out. I've got a fixed size header and footer (say 80px each) positioned to the top and bottom of the window, respectively. I want a div to take up all he space between, regardless of window size. Easy breezy with JavaScript, but is there a way to do it with just CSS? 回答1: based on my James Dean sticky footer can do that. IE7 would need a little extra love,

How do I display all of my products on my home page using Shopify and Liquid?

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-08 07:59:30
问题 Is there a simple snippet of Liquid markup I can use on my index.liquid page (home page) to display all of the products that I have and make each of those images a link to the respective product's information page? 回答1: Most themes display a collection on their home page. Go with that functionality, don't add code. For your home page collection to include all products in your store, make it a smart collection with a condition such as Product Price > 0. If you have more than 50 products in

Adding overflow-y to block element causes width to decrease.

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-08 04:41:25
问题 This is what I have, I have left div, and a right div. The left div is a fixed width, and floated left. The right Div is a "display: block" to make it full width, and has a margin on the left to compensate for the left div. Both of the boxes have a fixed height, and need to be scrollable (the contents inside). I add an overflow-y to the Left div successfully. However when I add overflow-y: auto to the right div, the div no longer spans the whole div. Before adding Overflow:

Liquid layout in WPF?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-07 04:51:26
问题 Is Liquid layout feasible in WPF? any concerns/questions we need to address when we make Liquid layout? Does Liquid layout adjust the text font size and also adjust image width when it is small and big? 回答1: Yes, most containers (called panels in WPF) support liquid layout, with the notable exception of Canvas that uses absolute coordinates. I don't think you should have any concerns. 来源:

Custom fields for Shopify User Registration Form

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-06 06:51:37
问题 I can't find any documentation on how to add custom fields for the user registration forum so I tried something but didn't work: <div class="single-full-width customer"> <div class="login"> {% form 'create_customer' %} {% if form.errors %} {% for field in form.errors %} <p class="input-error-wrapper"><span>{{field}} {{ form.errors.messages[field] }}</span></p> {% endfor %} {% endif %} <p> <label>First Name:</label> <input type="text" value="" name="customer[first_name]" class="input-text-1" /

Tell me how to do the semi liquid layout without javascript, i feel I'm missing something simple

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-05 13:15:51
Okay, first off I'm supporting back to IE7, so box-sizing is out. I've got a fixed size header and footer (say 80px each) positioned to the top and bottom of the window, respectively. I want a div to take up all he space between, regardless of window size. Easy breezy with JavaScript, but is there a way to do it with just CSS? based on my James Dean sticky footer can do that. IE7 would need a little extra love, which can be done. Edit: This is the IE7+ solution that will work as requested. html { height: 100%; } body {

How to go about serving the same app on different resolutions/screens

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-05 05:41:31
问题 Scenario : You need to expose the same app on different screens - let's say a standard 15''-17'' a portable 10'' and a mobile 4'', possibly working on different resolutions. Question : Do you attempt to go for a liquid layout that gets rearranged depending on the real estate available or do you roll N (one for each range) separate UI layers, optimized for each specific supported resolution/screen-size. What's the industry standard on this kind of problems? Does it make sense to come up with

Custom fields for Shopify User Registration Form

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-04 13:48:02
I can't find any documentation on how to add custom fields for the user registration forum so I tried something but didn't work: <div class="single-full-width customer"> <div class="login"> {% form 'create_customer' %} {% if form.errors %} {% for field in form.errors %} <p class="input-error-wrapper"><span>{{field}} {{ form.errors.messages[field] }}</span></p> {% endfor %} {% endif %} <p> <label>First Name:</label> <input type="text" value="" name="customer[first_name]" class="input-text-1" /> </p> <p> <label>Last Name:</label> <input type="text" value="" name="customer[last_name]" class=

Liquid textfield width

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-04 02:37:05
问题 I have this fairly simple form: <form action="..."> <div> <input type="text" class="input-text" value="" name="text" /> <input type="submit" class="submit" value="Submit" /> </div> </form> The form is sitting inside a fixed-width div (specified in ems). I want the textfield and button to be a single row, but the textfield width is inconsistent across browsers even when I specify its size attribute. Not wanting to specify exact widths (especially for the button) I was wondering if it was