Libwebsocket client example
I am trying to find a example which will explain me how to implement Client using libwebsocket, But I didn't get any convincing code. Is there any link that I can refer to? Corrected the code example by Ren-Wei Luo to work with libwebsockets 1.6 Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 example-server.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <libwebsockets.h> #define KGRN "\033[0;32;32m" #define KCYN "\033[0;36m" #define KRED "\033[0;32;31m" #define KYEL "\033[1;33m" #define KMAG "\033[0;35m" #define KBLU "\033[0;32;34m" #define KCYN_L "\033[1