
Black Artifacts on Android in OpenGL ES 2

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-20 04:12:13
问题 I have an OpenGL ES 2 code base that runs on iOS, Android, and on PC via the PowerVR emulation libraries. When I run this code on an LG Optimus G LGE971, I see black artifacts on my model: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/renderartifacts.png/ My first reaction was that the near clipping plane might be the issue, but because these artifacts appear on only select devices, I do not believe that is the issue. Any other ideas on what might be causing this? Also, this isn't captured well in

How to make application badge on android?

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-17 16:28:06
问题 --Edit on 23 Apr 2016-- I finally use ShortcutBadger for most of the Device, I think that should be enough for me. ShortcutBadger Basically, Shortcut Badger will send broadcast, intent, etc to specific launcher, such as LG Launcher, to make a badge. It may not cover all the launchers but at least it works for the most recent smart phones. --Edit-- What I am seeing on LG G2 (4.4), there is a number of some of the Apps, e.g. Line, which showing unread count. This is the application badge I mean

Android BLE Beacon scanning on different phone models

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-13 02:49:47
问题 I am writing Android Application on finding and detecting IBeacons(These are BLE devices) and ranging them(depending on RSSI value) I use Sample code from https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/bluetooth-le.html But this Code works different on my android devices (Samsung Galaxy S3 and LG G3). On my S3 the "onLeScan" callback rises many times in loop (about 5 per second) and give me different RSSI values every time depending on the range. But on my LG G3 the "onLeScan"

LG WEBOS : Could not connect to the device, please check the device connection

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-11 02:24:33
问题 I've followed everything here step by step : App Testing on webOS TV But I still can't seem to connect using either the webOS CLI or the webOS IDE. I get the following error: Via the IDE : Could not connect to the device "name", please check the device connection. Via webOs CLI : ares-install ERR! ares-install: Error: Please check the device IP address or port. I see the device listed : ares-setup-device --list emulator developer@ ssh tv lgtv_ prisoner@ ssh tv

《转载》彩色的git lg

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-10 10:36:03
https://my.oschina.net/u/855913/blog/1846056 将git log替换成git lg,并且彩色显示,方便查看及回滚到某个版本,效果如下: git lg效果图 只要在命令行输入以下命令回车: git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit" 然后再git lg就可以看到彩色的日志。 附上常用git 命令: 1.到本地仓库 cd 2.查看状态:git status 3.添加文件:git add . 4.提交 git commit -m”备注” 5.查看日志:git log 6.查看当前分支:git branch 7.拉取最新代码:git pull origin 分支名 8.推送代码:git push origin 分支名 9.删除远程分支:git push origin :分支名 10.新建分支,并切换到新建的分支:git checkout -b 新分支名 11.将新建的分支推送到服务器:git push origin 新建的分支名 12.删除本地分支:git branch

android studio doesn't detect my device on my ubuntu laptop

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-09 11:45:11
问题 I am trying to run an app from Android Studio on my Ubuntu laptop. I have enabled USB debugging, but it is still not working. When I press run in Android Studio, it does not detect my device (LG G3 Lollipop). I could not find any help :( 回答1: First of all, Open terminal and do following: Do lsusb command to check your device is indeed connected. Do adb devices to check if your device is connected then it is detected as in adb mode. 2.a. if the above command is not found, do sudo apt-get

Android - Testing app on Galaxy S8 or LG G6

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-06 21:25:57
问题 I was reading the following article about updating an app to take full advantage of devices like the Galaxy S8 or LG G6 https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2017/03/update-your-app-to-take-advantage-of.html And what I want to do is to test the app in an emulator of these screens and test it before and after adding the line of code the article suggests: <meta-data android:name="android.max_aspect" android:value="2.1" /> I have tried creating an AVD inside of Android Studio with a screen

Trouble connecting to LG phone with adb (Mac OS X 10.7.5)

孤人 提交于 2019-12-06 17:07:35
问题 When I run adb devices there are no devices showing as connected. My device is a LG Optimus Exceed 2 running 4.4.2 There are many of these posts around, so here's what I've done: I'm using the cord that came with the phone. It charges and tries to sync photos, so it isn't an issue here. Switching usb ports and trying a powered usb hub doesn't affect it either. I've added the vendor id (0x1004) to ~/.android/adb_usb.ini Restarted and unplugged any combination of things you can think of USB

Get number of gps fix satellites?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-06 05:13:22
问题 I got the GPS_Location: double lo=gps_loc.getLongitude(); double la=gps_loc.getLatitude(); I got the Horizontal_Accuracy: int horiAcc=(int)(gps_loc.getAccuracy()); I got the HDOP: int hd= (int) (horiAcc/5); But I can't got the number of satellites. How can I get the number of satellites have been used in my GPS localisation? 回答1: Look at the GpsStatus Class it has a method called getMaxSatellites() if you need further looking into the GPS Satellite Data you can iterate over the List of

Manual Focus using android camera2 API

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-06 04:24:18
问题 I want to develop an Android Camera App for myself (can share it if there are interested people) that has a manual focus while video recording. I've added a SeekBar to the google sample Camera2 app but I can't find the way to implement the manual focus. I found Manual focus in camera2, android but it doesn't work on my LG G4. The stock camera app is almost perfect since it doesn't allow the manual focus in video mode. Does anyone of you have an idea ? EDIT: here's the code of the SeekBar