
Pass args into lerna exec command

别来无恙 提交于 2021-01-24 07:22:06
问题 Goal I have yarn test , which is actually composed of two subcommands yarn test:root && yarn test:packages . Both run jest (but packages does it indirectly using lerna exec). I want to be able to type yarn test -t=Pattern from the terminal and have both sub-commands append -t=Pattern to the end. lerna exec -- "yarn test" doesnt seem to have a way to do this. Background I have a monorepo, that uses lerna exec to run yarn test on each lerna package. Given: "test": "yarn run test:packages $@ &&

Pass args into lerna exec command

那年仲夏 提交于 2021-01-24 07:21:07
问题 Goal I have yarn test , which is actually composed of two subcommands yarn test:root && yarn test:packages . Both run jest (but packages does it indirectly using lerna exec). I want to be able to type yarn test -t=Pattern from the terminal and have both sub-commands append -t=Pattern to the end. lerna exec -- "yarn test" doesnt seem to have a way to do this. Background I have a monorepo, that uses lerna exec to run yarn test on each lerna package. Given: "test": "yarn run test:packages $@ &&

Pass args into lerna exec command

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-01-24 07:20:23
问题 Goal I have yarn test , which is actually composed of two subcommands yarn test:root && yarn test:packages . Both run jest (but packages does it indirectly using lerna exec). I want to be able to type yarn test -t=Pattern from the terminal and have both sub-commands append -t=Pattern to the end. lerna exec -- "yarn test" doesnt seem to have a way to do this. Background I have a monorepo, that uses lerna exec to run yarn test on each lerna package. Given: "test": "yarn run test:packages $@ &&

[Vue warn]: The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching server-rendered content ( Nuxt / Vue / lerna monorepo )

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-12-31 16:39:57
问题 I am trying to run a basic Nuxt app with an external Vue component built using vue-cli inside a lerna monorepo. The page briefly shows component content (server rendered) and then it disappears throwing the following errors. "export 'default' (imported as 'Header') was not found in 'a2b-header' followed by Mismatching childNodes vs. VNodes: NodeList(7) [svg, text, div#app, text, h2.subtitle, text, div.links] (7) [VNode, VNode, VNode, VNode, VNode, VNode, VNode] and finally a red Vue warning

[Vue warn]: The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching server-rendered content ( Nuxt / Vue / lerna monorepo )

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-12-31 16:37:38
问题 I am trying to run a basic Nuxt app with an external Vue component built using vue-cli inside a lerna monorepo. The page briefly shows component content (server rendered) and then it disappears throwing the following errors. "export 'default' (imported as 'Header') was not found in 'a2b-header' followed by Mismatching childNodes vs. VNodes: NodeList(7) [svg, text, div#app, text, h2.subtitle, text, div.links] (7) [VNode, VNode, VNode, VNode, VNode, VNode, VNode] and finally a red Vue warning

记一次给 vue 3.x 搭建脚手架遇到的问题之组件编写

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-11-12 11:56:15
劳动节就好好在家写代码了,毕竟我们现在居家就是在为国家做贡献,而且劳动节不劳动和咸鱼有什么区别,手动🐶保命。 前言 vue 3 刚出几个月,现在是一步一个坑,但是坑还是要填的,毕竟生活还是要继续的么。 目前 vue 3.x 基本上是已经可以工作了,刚出不久的那段时间还看👀到掘金上有人说生产上有 3.x ,对这种大佬只能佩服,毕竟新东西出来,光是想想出了问题,这么解决就是非常头疼的事情 比如我现在搭个脚手架基本就是一路爬过来的,还好目前还没开始深入开发,出的都是周边配套和类型这些小问题。 另外说和 react 很像的,我只能说,这不光是像,你们的代码估计都可以拷过来改改就能用了呢,看下完整的函数式组件的代码 不过 vue 的双向数据绑定用的很舒服,这个才是最主要的,毕竟手写 set 真的麻烦。 读书人的事情这么能叫抄呢?这叫借鉴,这叫共同进步 --- by 鲁迅 不过这种事情其实说多了也没意义,比如 python 和 js 或其他语言之间,你敢说没有互相借鉴。 而且前端的口号不就是:“走别人的路,让别人无路可走”,我们要团结一致,毕竟前端这个岗位真的很容易被替代掉,我们求发展,求稳定,技术人用实力说话,才能让这个岗位越走越远。 目前的脚手架的开发进度 基本上已经可以支持你跑,但是打包工具还在纠结,我喜欢 rollupjs,但是项目已经引入了 webpack,到底要不要再引一个新的