
difference between layout engine and javascript engine

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-01-03 11:51:08
问题 After much reading, it seems that when people say, browser engine, they refer to the layout engine such as gecko or webkit. I also know that the layout engine is basically responsible for "painting" the screen and the javascript engine is used for interpreting. Question though, is for a modern web app, which has a bigger impact on performance? And how related are this two? What are their other uses outside the browser. What other functions do they serve. Thank you very much. 回答1: Whichever

convert html to image in byte array java

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-28 05:42:41
问题 How can i easily convert html to image and then to byte array without create it thanks 回答1: If you do not have any complex html you can render it using a normal JLabel . The code below will produce this image: <html> <h1>:)</h1> Hello World!<br> <img src=""> </html> public static void main(String... args) throws IOException { String html = "<html>" + "<h1>:)</h1>" + "Hello World!<br>" + "<img src=\"

HTML 5 Browser Compatibility Chart - HTML 5 in Old Browsers?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-23 07:14:50
问题 I have just started considering using the HTML 5 api for a Rails/JQuery project, so I can use that great data- attribute to store values. I am worried though about browser compatibility issues. I have two questions (basic questions): In order to use HTML 5, do people need to upgrade their browsers? How does that work? Is there an up-to-the-day chart of what features each browser layout engine supports, more up-to-date than this Wikipedia article on comparing HTML layout engines and this When

convert html to image in byte array java

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-11-27 20:54:16
How can i easily convert html to image and then to byte array without create it thanks If you do not have any complex html you can render it using a normal JLabel . The code below will produce this image: <html> <h1>:)</h1> Hello World!<br> <img src=""> </html> public static void main(String... args) throws IOException { String html = "<html>" + "<h1>:)</h1>" + "Hello World!<br>" + "<img src=\"\">" + "</html>"; JLabel label = new JLabel(html); label.setSize(200, 120); BufferedImage image