
How to fix OALAudio Library for XCode 6 / Kobold2D (Linker Error)

十年热恋 提交于 2020-01-17 08:39:06
问题 trying to update a Kobold2D/Cocos2d 2.1 project for iOS 8.1/XCode 6 on Yosemite. After using the solution provided here (How to update Kobold2D 2.1 project to MacOS10.10 / XCode 6.1?), I get a linker error that, despite all attempts (restarting, cleaning, deleting and adding frameworks) persists, and makes my project unstartable. I'm at my wit's end; this is a 3 year project, and I'm hitting a brick wall... The XCode 6.1 linker error reads as such: Ld /Users/fabian/Library/Developer/Xcode

No known class method for selector scene? [duplicate]

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-13 06:20:06
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: Error “No known class method for selector 'Hello:'” in custom-made framework I am creating a Main menu for my game here It does not compile but i do not understand why // Main Menu.m // // // #import "MainMenu.h" #import "CCTouchDispatcher.h" #import "Instructions.h" CCSprite *seeker1; CCSprite *cocosGuy; @implementation MainMenu + (CCScene *) scene { CCScene * scene = [CCScene node]; // scene is an autorelease

Improper iPhone orientation?

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-13 04:17:26
问题 I can't figure out why this isn't working. I'm writing a game that involves scrolling rows/columns of blocks around the screen. I have my orientation limited strictly to Portrait, but it doesn't behave as so. When I call the method below, it is handed the velocity from the pan. Using logs I was able to see that holding my device upside-down and panning around acts as if my orientation supports Portrait. How can I -completely- turn off anything but Portrait? Here's some code to help explain

Kobold2d: KKInput anyTouchEndedThisFrame

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-12 03:52:49
问题 The anyTouchEndedThisFrame must be buggy I´ve tried about everything now, and it will only reckonize a touch that´s ended if I move the finger, if I touch and let go at the same spot it does not reckonize it, If I am wrong please correct me -(void) moveObjectToNewPosition:(KKInput *)input { if (input.anyTouchEndedThisFrame) { [self touchesEnded:[input locationOfAnyTouchInPhase:KKTouchPhaseAny]]; } if (input.anyTouchBeganThisFrame) { [self touchesBegan:[input locationOfAnyTouchInPhase

Why “CCTextureCache+CCBigImageExtensions” isn't linked in my Kobold2D project?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-12 03:42:07
问题 I am using CCBigImage in an iOS/Kobold2d project as the sprite would be too big to be loaded at once. Unfortunately when executing the application it stops with ERROR: Uncaught exception -[CCTextureCache addImageFromAnotherThreadWithName:target:selector:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xa17d010 when loading the plist file into CCBigImage. I nailed it down to the point that CCBigImage* bg = [CCBigImage nodeWithTilesFile:@"bg1dot5.plist" tilesExtension: @"pvr.ccz" tilesZ: 0] calls

How to update Kobold2D 2.1 project to MacOS10.10 / XCode 6.1?

可紊 提交于 2019-12-11 11:07:49
问题 we've got a major project written in Kobold2D by Steffen Itterheim, (which is itself a wrapper for Cocos 2.1), and since upgrading to XCode 6.1/OS X 10.10, the new iOS 8 framework seems to render many parts of the Kobold-library and the Cocos implementation unusable, or it seems to need a rewrite. Has anyone updated a Kobold2D project successfully to iOS8 yet? Are there simple ways to upgrade it, or is it necessary to rewrite the entire library? If there are no simple ways to upgrade, has

How to convert Kobold2D into a new Cocos2D 3.x project?

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-11 08:51:49
问题 I love Kobold2D, but since the upgrades of Xcode and it seems the Kobold2D has been discontinued (may be kobold touch is still updating, I'm not sure), which I can not even run it on Xcode 6. I am forcing to change my project from Kobold2D to Cocos2D, which a lots might change. I wonder, instead manually create a new one and copy paste every bits of my code and change them, is there a quick shot for making a Kobold2D into Cocos2d? (e.g replace libraries, change configs, etc) For the project,

Kobold2d generates errors after upgraded Xcode to 4.6

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-10 14:44:00
问题 After upgrading my Xcode to 4.6, Kobold2d 2.0.4 generates error as below. Anyone encounter this problem too? Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1 CompileC /Users/ernnug/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Kobold2D-brplvdgzzqjavebyfesirygztebf/Build/Intermediates/Kobold2D-Libraries.build/Debug-iphoneos/kobold2d-ios.build/Objects-normal/armv7/CCAnimationExtensions.o kobold2d/cocos2d-ext/CCAnimationExtensions

Cocos2D project with many scenes does not release memory properly

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-09 04:55:10
问题 I've got a great problem and I don't understand very well why occurs. This is the case: Have a great project in Cocos2D with 10 scenes. Each scenes is a page of a book with huge sprites. It uses Kobold2D 1.0.2 implementation. Every page has common objects in a singleton class, to put a common menus via LayerColor. The sprites is TexturePacker in PVR.CCZ RGBA4444 and in iPad memory are around 16-20Mb every spritesheet loaded. I use CCTransitionTurnPage for replaceScene for one to the next one.

Kobold2D Pixel Perfect Collision Detection - Device issue

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-08 12:10:26
问题 I am very fortunate to be using a free engine, Kobold2d (built on top of cocos2d). I, like others, are experiencing issues with the KKPixelMaskSprite class and the Pixel Perfect collision detection on our devices. The following results come from both my personal project, as well as the Kobold2d pixel perfect collision detection sample project. Everything works fine in the iOS simulators (ipad or iphone), but crashes on any device I deploy to. I have tried deploying in both debug and release