
SignalR using IdentityServer bearer won't receive any JWTBearerEvents from Hub

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-01-21 10:18:15
问题 We have an api (.net core 2.2) which use IdentityServerAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme for all the controllers which works fine. We now decide to add SignalR Hub for a conference service. The hub is working fine only if we remove the authorize attribute [Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = IdentityServerAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)] We did try to handle the token in the query using the following both methods (TokenRetriever or JwrBearerEvents) : services

How to validate Safety Net JWS signature from header data in Android app

橙三吉。 提交于 2021-01-21 05:14:27
问题 I'm using SafetyNet API for checking if device is rooted or not and using the below helpful code but this uses Android verification API to validate the JWT signature: https://github.com/scottyab/safetynethelper And I want to validate on client side only to reduce the overhead of another web service all and besides it has limitation on only 10k request per day. So after decoding the JWS i'm getting the below info Sample JWS message response xxxx.yyy.zzzz Header data {"alg":"RS256","x5c":["

ASP.Net Core 3 The remote certificate is invalid on MacOs

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2021-01-20 08:54:30
问题 When I try to call an API method using identityserver4, I tried before on Windows and it is working fine only in Mac OS I faced this issue and I don´t know what is happened and how to resolve it. I can access to https://localhost:6001/.well-known/openid-configuration and I can login correctly, also I tried to run this command: dotnet dev-certs https --trust and run correctly but that is not fixing the issue. This is the error in the terminal: fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication

ASP.Net Core 3 The remote certificate is invalid on MacOs

可紊 提交于 2021-01-20 08:54:21
问题 When I try to call an API method using identityserver4, I tried before on Windows and it is working fine only in Mac OS I faced this issue and I don´t know what is happened and how to resolve it. I can access to https://localhost:6001/.well-known/openid-configuration and I can login correctly, also I tried to run this command: dotnet dev-certs https --trust and run correctly but that is not fixing the issue. This is the error in the terminal: fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication

Getting only decoded payload from JWT in python

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-01-18 20:31:44
问题 Is there a nice way (using maybe some library) to get only payload from JWT saved as string variable? Other than manually parsing it for content between first and second dots and then decoding. 回答1: The library PyJWT has an option to decode a JWT without verification: import jwt key='super-secret' payload={"id":"1","email":"myemail@gmail.com" } token = jwt.encode(payload, key) print (token) decoded = jwt.decode(token, verify=False) # works in PyJWT < v2.0 print (decoded) print (decoded["email

Getting only decoded payload from JWT in python

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2021-01-18 20:26:38
问题 Is there a nice way (using maybe some library) to get only payload from JWT saved as string variable? Other than manually parsing it for content between first and second dots and then decoding. 回答1: The library PyJWT has an option to decode a JWT without verification: import jwt key='super-secret' payload={"id":"1","email":"myemail@gmail.com" } token = jwt.encode(payload, key) print (token) decoded = jwt.decode(token, verify=False) # works in PyJWT < v2.0 print (decoded) print (decoded["email

是找茬?还是装B?阿里面试每轮必问的“Spring Boot”意义何在?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-01-18 17:00:28
如今微服务如日中天,Spring Boot作为构建Spring Cloud全家桶的基础框架,早已经成长为后端的主流技术了,同时它也是Java工程师面试必问的知识点。 这一点呢,我是深有体会,因为每天都有大量读者都会在小编后台给我留言,说希望多分享一些SpringBoot相关的内容,每天也有大量学员检索SpringBoot相关的视频以及学习资料。 所以,今天小编就来给大家带来一波福利!在这篇文章我会推荐一些优质的 Spring Boot 实战书籍 (Spring Boot实战派以及Spring Boot2实战之旅) 帮助大家深入学习 Spring Boot。文章质量的话,大家可以放心。同时,小编还专门为大家准备了一份突击金三银四的面试必备宝典,有想要获取的小伙伴在文末有领取方式!! 废话不多说,我们直奔主题: Spring Boot实战派 入门篇(1~3章) 基础篇(4~6章) 进阶篇(7~13章) 文章重点 Spring Boot 进阶 本章首先介绍AOP、loC、Servlet容器;然后深入讲解自动配置原理、自定义 Starter、自定义注解:最后讲解异常的处理,以及如何进行单元测试 用ORM操作 SQL数据库 集成安全框架,实现安全认证和授权 集成NoSQL数据库,实现搜索引擎 集成Redis,实现高并发 本章首先介绍Redis的原理、概念、数据类型


亡梦爱人 提交于 2021-01-17 21:06:19
1. Auth2认证流程 用户 授权 ,颁发服务令牌,服务拿着令牌去请求资源 2. 令牌分为哪几类? 答: 分为 普通令牌和 JWT令牌 3. 向客户端返回的令牌 包括 哪几部分? 答: token(短令牌),刷新令牌,jwt令牌 4. 如何生成JWT令牌? 答: 使用 JwtHelper生成令牌,根据(内容,私钥) //创建jwt令牌 @Test public void testCreateJwt(){ //密钥库文件 String keystore = "xc.keystore"; //密钥库的密码 String keystore_password = "xuechengkeystore"; //密钥库文件路径 ClassPathResource classPathResource = new ClassPathResource(keystore); //密钥别名 String alias = "xckey"; //密钥的访问密码 String key_password = "xuecheng"; //密钥工厂 KeyStoreKeyFactory keyStoreKeyFactory = new KeyStoreKeyFactory(classPathResource,keystore_password.toCharArray()); //密钥对(公钥和私钥) KeyPair

【One by One系列】IdentityServer4(二)使用Client Credentials保护API资源

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-01-17 16:48:57
书接上回,我们将会正式开始介绍IdentityServer4。 IdentityServer4是实现了OAuth2.0+OpenId Connect两种协议的优秀第三方库,属于.net生态中的优秀成员。可以很容易集成至ASP.NET Core,颁发token。 使用 Id4 基本步骤如下: **1.**在 Startup.Configure 方法中调用 app.UseIdentityServer(); 添加中间件,把Id4添加至http请求处理管道,这使得Id4可以为OpenID Connect和OAuth2协议描述的端点(如 /connect/token )请求提供服务。 **2.**在 Startup.ConfigureServices 中注册IdentityServer4 services.AddIdentityServer(options=> { ... }); **3.**配置Identity Server Identity资源表示提供给客户端进行用户识别的信息(声明)。声明可能包括用户名称、电子邮件地址等。 API资源表示用户可通过访问令牌访问的受保护数据或功能。API 资源的一个示例是要求授权的 Web API(或 API集合)。 用于签名的凭据(credentials) 用户可能会请求访问的Identity资源和API资源 会请求获取token的客户端

Spring Cloud Gateway微服务网关鉴权

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-01-17 10:01:02
一 网关鉴权 1 问题 当我们在未登录状态下点击“购买课程”按钮时,会显示“未知错误”,查看trade微服务控制台,发现,JWT为空,无法鉴权。 2 解决方案 微服务网关中添加自定义全局过滤器,统一处理需要鉴权的服务。 3 鉴权逻辑描述 当客户端第一次请求服务时,服务端对用户进行信息认证(登录) 认证通过,将用户信息进行加密形成token,返回给客户端 作为登录凭证以后每次请求,客户端都携带认证的token 服务端对token进行解密,判断是否有效 对于验证用户是否已经登录鉴权的过程可以在网关统一检验。检验的标准就是请求中是否携带token凭证以及token的正确性。 下面的我们自定义一个GlobalFilter,去校验所有的请求参数中是否包含“token”,如何不包含请求 参数“token”则不转发路由,否则执行正常的逻辑。 二 开发鉴权逻辑 1 网关中添加依赖 <dependencies> <!-- 网关 --> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.cloud</groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-gateway</artifactId> </dependency> <!--服务注册--> <dependency> <groupId>com.alibaba.cloud<