
Parse JSON root in a column using Spark-Scala

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-05-26 09:23:49
问题 I've problems in order to transform the root of a JSOM a record in a data frame for an undetermined number of records. I've a data frame generated with a JSON similar the following: val exampleJson = spark.createDataset( """ {"ITEM1512": {"name":"Yin", "address":{"city":"Columbus", "state":"Ohio"} }, "ITEM1518": {"name":"Yang", "address":{"city":"Working", "state":"Marc"} } }""" :: Nil) When I read it whit the following instruction val itemsExample = spark.read.json(exampleJson) The Schema

Parse JSON root in a column using Spark-Scala

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-05-26 09:23:48
问题 I've problems in order to transform the root of a JSOM a record in a data frame for an undetermined number of records. I've a data frame generated with a JSON similar the following: val exampleJson = spark.createDataset( """ {"ITEM1512": {"name":"Yin", "address":{"city":"Columbus", "state":"Ohio"} }, "ITEM1518": {"name":"Yang", "address":{"city":"Working", "state":"Marc"} } }""" :: Nil) When I read it whit the following instruction val itemsExample = spark.read.json(exampleJson) The Schema


匆匆过客 提交于 2020-05-08 03:45:21
查漏补缺系列 解析器 request类 django的request类和rest-framework的request类的源码解析 局部视图 from rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser,FormParser class PublishViewSet(generics.ListCreateAPIView): parser_classes = [FormParser,JSONParser] queryset = Publish.objects.all() serializer_class = PublshSerializers def post(self, request, *args, ** kwargs): print( " request.data " ,request.data) return self.create(request, *args, **kwargs) 全局视图 REST_FRAMEWORK= { " DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES ":[ " app01.service.auth.Authentication " ,], " DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES ":[ " app01.service.permissions.SVIPPermission " ,], "

Python之Django rest_Framework(2)

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-05-08 00:55:02
实例化: v1 = [ " view.xxx.path.Role " , " view.xxx.path.Group " ,] 可以循环,循环出来的每一个不能实例化 如果把v1循环弄成每一个对象列表,通过rsplit切割,在通过importlib.import_module拿到每一个路径,在通过getattr把它的类名拿过来, 这个类加括号就是实例化想 for item in v1: m = importlib.import_module( ' view.xxx.path ' ) cls = getattr(m, ' Role ' ) cls() from view.xxx.path import Role,Group v2 = [Group,Role] 这个可以循环每一个实例化 for item in v2: # 循环V2的每一个元素加括号,就是实例化 item() rest_Framework的规范: 按顺序:它的method的不同,原来没有考虑,原来是url区分,现在通过method来区分,method的不同提交方式不同,紧接着一般是面向资源的就是把url变成名词,接下就是返回值,以前没有考虑状态码,现在有考虑状态码。(一般有get,post方法,还有put,delete等方法) 一、Django rest_Framework框架 ----为什么用Django rest

07 Django REST Framework 解析器与渲染器

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-05-04 11:16:44
01-解析器 REST 框架包括一些内置的Parser类,允许你接受各种媒体类型的请求。还支持定义自己的自定义解析器,这使你可以灵活地设计API接受的媒体类型。 注意 : 开发客户端应用程序时应该始终记住在HTTP请求中发送数据时确保设置 Content-Type 头。 如果你不设置内容类型,大多数客户端将默认使用 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ,而这可能并不是你想要的。 举个例子,如果你使用jQuery的.ajax() 方法发送 json 编码数据,你应该确保包含 contentType:'application / json' 设置。 02-全局配置解析器 # 全局配置 REST_FRAMEWORK = { # 版本 " DEFAULT_VERSIONING_CLASS " : " rest_framework.versioning.URLPathVersioning " , # 解析器 " DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES " : ( " rest_framework.parsers.JSONParser " , " rest_framework.parsers.FormParser " ) } 注意 :   1. 当你的项目中只配置了 JSONParser 解析器时,你的项目现在就只能解析JSON格式的数据了

Swagger Parser does not get all the paths from swagger.json

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-04-18 05:42:33
问题 Duplicate paths are not allowed by the Swagger 1.2 Specification: In the apis array, there MUST be only one API Object per path. The parser simply ignores the duplicates. and I have a swagger.json file and I want to extract all the paths and their methods from this file. I tried to use Json Parser but I have no idea how to use it. How can I do so? Here is my code : import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import io.swagger.models.HttpMethod;


*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-03-14 12:13:56
JSON命名是否有标准? 我看到大多数使用由下划线(lower_case)分隔的小写的示例。 但是,你可以使用PascalCase或camelCase吗? #1楼 在本文档中, Google JSON样式指南 (在Google上构建JSON API的建议), 它建议: 属性名称必须是 camelCased ,ASCII字符串。 第一个字符必须是字母,下划线(_)或美元符号($)。 例: { "thisPropertyIsAnIdentifier": "identifier value" } 我们的团队使用此惯例。 #2楼 特别是对于我在NodeJS上,如果我正在使用数据库并且我的字段名称是下划线分隔,我也在结构键中使用它们。 这是因为db字段有很多首字母缩略词/缩写,所以像 appSNSInterfaceRRTest 看起来有点乱,但 app_sns_interface_rr_test 更好。 在Javascript变量中,所有camelCase和类名(构造函数)都是ProperCase,所以你会看到像 var devTask = { task_id: 120, store_id: 2118, task_name: 'generalLedger' }; 要么 generalLedgerTask = new GeneralLedgerTask( devTask ); 当然

“/usr/lib/python3.6/json/init.py”, line 296, in load return loads(fp.read(), MemoryError

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-01-17 14:00:37
问题 I have a large json file (2.4 GB). I want to parse it in python. The data looks like the following: [ { "host": "a.com", "ip": "", "port": 8 }, { "host": "b.com", "ip": "", "port": 3 }, { "host": "c.com", "ip": "", "port": 4 } ] I run this python script parser.py to load the data for parsing:: import json from pprint import pprint with open('mydata.json') as f: data = json.load(f) Traceback (most recent call last): File "parser.py", line xx, in data = json.load(f) File "

Get value in Nested JSON/JTOKEN using LINQ

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-13 08:47:13
问题 I am new to LINQ queries and would like to know if what I am trying to achieve is possible via LINQ query. So, I have a JSON doc as below. I am trying to get all the values that match the "$type" and return me the directory path and the value for $type. I know an interactive way of doing this but it seems LINQ is preferred and supposed to be easy to get this. { "$type":"type1", "title":"US version", "_object1":[ { "$type":"type2", "rootModule":{ "id":"page", "modules":[ { "id":"header", "

OpenWeatherMap and Swift 4

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-13 03:42:22
问题 I am trying to build a simple weather app using OpenWeatherMap APIs in Swift 4. I can parse Json data in simple cases, but this one has a more complex structure. This is the Json file the API returns. {"coord":{"lon":144.96,"lat":-37.81},"weather":[{"id":520,"main":"Rain","description":"light intensity shower rain","icon":"09n"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":288.82,"pressure":1019,"humidity":100,"temp_min":288.15,"temp_max":289.15},"visibility":10000,"wind":{"speed":4.1,"deg":200},"clouds