Postgresql jsonb traversal
I am very new to the PG jsonb field. I have for example a jsonb field containing the following { "RootModule": { "path": [ 1 ], "tags": { "ModuleBase1": { "value": 40640, "humanstring": "40640" }, "ModuleBase2": { "value": 40200, "humanstring": "40200" } }, "children": { "RtuInfoModule": { "path": [ 1, 0 ], "tags": { "in0": { "value": 11172, "humanstring": "11172" }, "in1": { "value": 25913, "humanstring": "25913" } etc.... Is there a way to query X levels deep and search the "tags" key for a certain key. Say I want "ModuleBase2" and "in1" and I want to get their values? Basically I am looking