Roughly how fast is JSON -> JSONB column conversion in Postgres 9.4

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-05 04:05:56

Migrating from JSON to JSONB took 282 seconds. It basically matches the time required to insert data with an SQL INSERT.

Testing environment:

  • PostgreSQL 9.5
  • 4 cores, 16GB RAM
  • 2KB/row of JSON content
  • 5.2 million rows

Some back-of-the napkin numbers for a test instance migration:

  • PostrgeSQL 9.6
  • 2 vcpu cores, 8GB RAM, EBS max bandwith 450 MBit/s
  • 930K rows
  • 20KB/row of json

Took 66:40min - 4000 seconds.
During the migration the write IOPS were around 250, read at 50, cpu stayed at 60% throughout the run.
