
PHP JSON response contains HTML headers

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-16 06:36:32
问题 I've got a strange problem where I'm trying to write a PHP page that returns some JSON to a Jquery AJAX call. Problems is that despite setting the content type to application/json, the response always seems to include the HTML header. Here's the PHP code: // some code that generates an array header("Content-type: application/json"); echo json_encode($return); Then in Javascript: $.ajax({ url: '/VAPHP/services/datatable.php', dataType: 'json', data: { type: 'invoices' }, success: function(data


风格不统一 提交于 2021-02-15 12:14:01
一、会话跟踪技术 1、什么是会话跟踪技术   可以把会话理解为客户端与服务器之间的一次会晤,在一次会晤中可能会包含多次请求和响应。   在JavaWeb中,客户向某一服务器发出第一个请求开始,会话就开始了,直到客户关闭了浏览器会话结束。   在一个会话的多个请求中共享数据,这就是会话跟踪技术。例如在一个会话中的请求如下: 请求银行主页; 请求登录(请求参数是用户名和密码); 请求转账(请求参数与转账相关的数据); 请求信誉卡还款(请求参数与还款相关的数据)。   在这会话中 当前用户信息必须在这个会话中共享 的,因为登录的是张三,那么在转账和还款时一定是相对张三的转账和还款!这就说明我们必须在一个会话过程中有共享数据的能力。 2、会话路径技术使用Cookie或session完成    HTTP协议是无状态协议 ,也就是说每个请求都是独立的!无法记录前一次请求的状态。但HTTP协议中可以使用Cookie来完成会话跟踪!在Web开发中, 使用session来完成会话跟踪 , session底层依赖Cookie技术 。 二、Cookie 1、Cookie概述 (1)什么是Cookie?   Cookie翻译成中文是小甜点,小饼干的意思。在HTTP中它表示服务器送给客户端浏览器的小甜点。其实Cookie是key-value结构,类似于一个python中的字典。  


跟風遠走 提交于 2021-02-15 09:41:51
业务流程分:页面zTree配置,树展示,后台接口异步请求,第三方接口调用 树展示 : <div class="zTreeDemoBackground left"> <ul id="treeDemo" class="ztree"></ul> </div> 此处class按需求更改,ul中的id"treeDemo"为树的唯一定义,与下文中的初始化对应,以及树操作中定位树时id名对应。 页面zTree树处理: <script type="text/javascript"> var currentCode; //zTree配置 var setting = { view: { selectedMulti: false //是否多选 }, //异步树配置 async: { enable: true, //启用异步加载 url:"url", //调用的后台的controler,该地址返回树json串 autoParam:["id"] //向后台传递的参数,该id为返回树json中的节点名 }, //树操作事件注册 callback: { //点击树节点时执行的方法,该文章中用于获取选中树的id参数值分析动态展示页面中其他id关联信息 onClick: zTreeOnClick } }; //点击树节点后页面操作 function zTreeOnClick(event, treeId,

How can I emulate the jQuery $ selector in pure javascript? [closed]

梦想与她 提交于 2021-02-15 07:57:27
问题 Closed . This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago . Improve this question Using the jQuery $ selector makes getting DOM elements a lot easier. I want to be able to replicate this selector in plain javascript. How would I do this? Note: I do not want to replace all instancew of $('') in my code with document.querySelector() , rather

How to gradually style elements that are being (bubble) sorted?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2021-02-15 07:27:10
问题 I have several divs with random numbers on them that I latter arrange on an ascending order using some simple bubble sorting code, I would like to gradually arrange and add style to them instead of them being styled and arranged immediately. This feels like something so simple yet I'm unable to find a way to sleep the for loop or use the setTimeout function properly... Also extra points if it highlights the two divs that are being currently compared. Here's a working example of what I've got

JQuery Validate Filesize in Multidimensional Array Dynamically

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-02-15 06:45:44
问题 I tried using jquery validate but i've spent more than 4 hours to search how to solve my problem but couldn't find it. The problem is when I tried using jquery validate for filesize in multidimensional array, it doesn't work. It can still submit the form and not showing the error message. Here is it my field var numberIncr = 1; $('#add-berkas').click(function () { var box_html = $('<div class="text-box form-group row">\n' + ' <div class="col-sm-8">\n' + ' <input type="text" name="berkas['

JQuery Validate Filesize in Multidimensional Array Dynamically

大憨熊 提交于 2021-02-15 06:43:13
问题 I tried using jquery validate but i've spent more than 4 hours to search how to solve my problem but couldn't find it. The problem is when I tried using jquery validate for filesize in multidimensional array, it doesn't work. It can still submit the form and not showing the error message. Here is it my field var numberIncr = 1; $('#add-berkas').click(function () { var box_html = $('<div class="text-box form-group row">\n' + ' <div class="col-sm-8">\n' + ' <input type="text" name="berkas['

Adding class to clicked element

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-02-15 06:00:12
问题 I'm trying to add a class to a clicked element. There are multiple elements with unique IDs so I "don't know" what the ID of the element is. Can I use a modified version of the below code to achieve this? Jquery: $(document).ready(function () { $(this).on('click', function () { $(this).addClass('widget-selected'); }); }); EDIT: A markup can be like this: <h1 id="textHolder1" contenteditable="true">Text to edit</h1> 回答1: I would try with this.. $(document).ready(function () { //this will

Adding class to clicked element

心不动则不痛 提交于 2021-02-15 05:59:18
问题 I'm trying to add a class to a clicked element. There are multiple elements with unique IDs so I "don't know" what the ID of the element is. Can I use a modified version of the below code to achieve this? Jquery: $(document).ready(function () { $(this).on('click', function () { $(this).addClass('widget-selected'); }); }); EDIT: A markup can be like this: <h1 id="textHolder1" contenteditable="true">Text to edit</h1> 回答1: I would try with this.. $(document).ready(function () { //this will


你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-15 02:29:25
后台回复“ 面试题 ”,免费获取最新面试题 近两年来,前端开发工程师越来越火了,薪资待遇也快接近后端开发工程师了。 2019年已经到来了,很多准备入行前端开发工程师的小伙伴们,不知道准备得怎么样了呢?有很多小伙伴很迷茫,想学前端,却没有方向! 今天来给大家讲讲,在2019年,我们学习前端开发,如何才能高效学会前端开发? 零基础起步 首先,无论学任何一个技术,都是从零基础开始的,前端开发也是一样。做软件开发,是从事编程开发工作,必须先从语法基础开始学习,通过语法组成产品效果。 前端开发的基础语法,由HTML+CSS+JavaScript组成,这是前端开发最基本的3个语言。 网页布局基础:HTML+CSS HTML就是超文本标记语言,组成网页内容的最基本语言。你可以直接说他是网页的骨架,网页的图片、文字、视频、音频、程序都需要他引入到网页中体现。 光是HTML做网页,只是有了内容,当然是远远不够的。因为只是HTML的话,只能用Table做布局才能勉强做出个成型的网页来。但是从Web2.0时代开始,都是盒子模型布局法了,也就是用DIV+CSS来实现布局了。 CSS就是层叠样式表。通过样式属性来对标签进行布局规范,在不再使用table布局的时候,只要CSS样式对网页标签进行对应的布局实现才是正确的开发方式了。 HTML(div)+CSS布局,是基础入门的基本步骤,在这个阶段