体验京东云 Serverless+AI 人脸属性识别
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 云原生计算基金会CNCF(Cloud Native Computing Foundation, CNCF)Serverless Whitepaper v1.0对无服务器计算作了如下定义: Serverless computing refers to the concept of building and running applications that do not require server management. It describes a finer-grained deployment model where applications, bundled as one or more functions, are uploaded to a platform and then executed, scaled, and billed in response to the exact demand needed at the moment. "RightScale 2018 State of the Cloud Report" 中指出, Serverless 的年增长率达到了 75%,已经远超过 Container-as-a service 的 36%,位列第一,是增长速度最快的扩展云服务。