
Difference between ON ICE and ON HOLD jobs in Autosys

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-12-13 04:15:46
问题 What is the difference of putting job on hold and putting it on ice? 回答1: There are two notable differences between ON HOLD and ON ICE jobs, which dictate when to use them. When an ON_HOLD job is put off hold, it runs, if it's starting conditions are satisfied, while an ON ICE job will not run, after putting into OFF ICE, even if it's starting conditions are met. It will only run, when it's starting condition will reoccur. For example, if you have a job which starts your Java services at 3.00

NuGet Package is Looking for Exact Version

寵の児 提交于 2020-04-11 18:32:24
问题 I have a NuGet Package called ConfigurationManagement . It has a dependency on the Nuget Package called Jil (json parser). The version listed is 2.15.4. I have another package called Logging.Client that needs Jil 2.17.0. When I look at them, the ConfigurationManagement package says it needs >= 2.15.4. Which leads me to think that I should just be able to use 2.17.0. But when I try to do that, I get the following runtime error: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'Could not load file or assembly

NuGet Package is Looking for Exact Version

寵の児 提交于 2020-04-11 18:32:06
问题 I have a NuGet Package called ConfigurationManagement . It has a dependency on the Nuget Package called Jil (json parser). The version listed is 2.15.4. I have another package called Logging.Client that needs Jil 2.17.0. When I look at them, the ConfigurationManagement package says it needs >= 2.15.4. Which leads me to think that I should just be able to use 2.17.0. But when I try to do that, I get the following runtime error: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'Could not load file or assembly


本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-04-09 18:11:02
  感悟:昨晚改BUG搞太晚了,早上9点笔试,然后定的8点闹钟,关闹钟后说眯一会,然后梦中被吓醒,一看时间8.58了。。。 总共2道编程题,有点难。。。。 1.给你n个数,要求min(a[1, i -1 ]) > a[i] > max(a[i +1, n])且min(a[1, i - 1]) 是max(a[i +1, n])的整数倍,求这样数的个数 比荷兰国旗问题复杂吧,我是暴力求解的,TLE了,然后我事后搜Leetcode上说 bitree的解法 ,但是也没给清楚,不想了,难受 2.n*m的数字矩阵,求第一行任意位置到第N行任意矩阵的最短距离 暴力搜索肯定不行,个人是用dp1[i][j] = min(dp1[i - 1][j], dp1[i][j - 1]) + dp1[i][j];和dp2[i][j] = min(dp2[i + 1][j], dp2[i][j + 1]) + dp2[i][j];双向DP做的 但是不知道为什么结果输出有问题,没想清楚,2题都算骗了点分吧。。。。。 bitree解决方案 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/4406457/blog/3226552

.NET Core 3 WPF MVVM框架 Prism系列之命令

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-04-09 09:41:33
原文: .NET Core 3 WPF MVVM框架 Prism系列之命令 本文将介绍如何在.NET Core3环境下使用MVVM框架Prism的命令的用法 一.创建DelegateCommand命令 # 我们在上一篇 .NET Core 3 WPF MVVM框架 Prism系列之数据绑定 中知道prism实现数据绑定的方式,我们按照标准的写法来实现,我们分别创建Views文件夹和ViewModels文件夹,将MainWindow放在Views文件夹下,再在ViewModels文件夹下面创建MainWindowViewModel类,如下: xaml代码如下: < Window x:Class ="CommandSample.Views.MainWindow" xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:prism ="http://prismlibrary.com/" xmlns:i ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/2010/interactivity" xmlns:d ="http://schemas

.NET Core 3 WPF MVVM框架 Prism系列之数据绑定

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-04-09 04:03:27
原文: .NET Core 3 WPF MVVM框架 Prism系列之数据绑定 一.安装Prism 1.使用程序包管理控制台 # Install-Package Prism.Unity -Version 7.2 . 0.1367 也可以去掉‘-Version’获取最新的版本 2.使用管理解决方案的Nuget包 # 在上面或许我们有个疑问?为啥安装prism会跟Prism.Unity有关系,我们知道Unity是个IOC容器,而Prism本身就支持IOC,且目前官方支持几种IOC容器: 1.且unity由于是微软官方的,且支持prism的组件化,由此我推荐使用prism.unity,在官方文档中prism7不支持prism.Mef,Prism 7.1将不支持prism.Autofac 2.安装完prism.unity就已经包含着所有prism的核心库了,架构如下: 二.实现数据绑定 我们先创建Views文件夹和ViewModels文件夹,将MainWindow放在Views文件夹下,再在ViewModels文件夹下面创建MainWindowViewModel类,如下: xmal代码如下: <Window x:Class= " PrismSample.Views.MainWindow " xmlns = " http://schemas.microsoft.com

Jil serializer ignore null properties

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-11 01:06:01
问题 Is there an attribute to prevent Jil from serializing properties that are null ? In Newtonsoft it is : [JsonProperty(NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)] 回答1: For the whole object, the excludeNulls parameter on Options is what you want (many different Options configurations are pre-calced, anything like Options.ExcludeNulls also works). You can control serialization of a single property with Conditional Serialization. (I forgot about this option in my original answer). For example