
Jenkins Pipeline throttle other jobs

北慕城南 提交于 2021-02-07 08:42:01
问题 I'm trying to lock some other jobs from runing when a jenkins pipeline is running, I've been trying to use the exclusion-plugin or the throttle-concurrent-builds-plugin with this kind of structure : node(){ stage "test" allocate('test') sleep time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES' sh "echo 'yes'" } @NonCPS def allocate(String resource){ throttle = new hudson.plugins.throttleconcurrents.ThrottleJobProperty( maxConcurrentPerNode=1, maxConcurrentTotal=1, categories = [resource], throttleEnabled=true,

How to set environment variable from a job and use it in next job in jenkins?

百般思念 提交于 2021-02-07 06:19:07
问题 I want to have a job to set the environment variable and use these environment variables in all the next jobs. How can I set environment variable through Jenkins ? 回答1: Technically, you can't pass env variables from one job to the next, and I'm not aware of a plugin to do that out of the box. There is a technique however. The idea is to create a properties file in the first job (e.g., add that file to the job artifacts, and then import this file via the EnvInject plugin

How to use Log Parser Plugin in a Jenkins Workflow script

空扰寡人 提交于 2021-01-23 08:56:29
问题 The Log Parser Plugin is now compatible with Workflow but how do I use it? 回答1: Easiest is to use Snippet Generator to get an example step statement using it. 回答2: Snippet Generator is a good idea; however, it is not generating the complete line to make it work. It is necessary to add at the end of the code line " , projectRulePath: '' ". Final line will be in the way, for example: logParser failBuildOnError: true, parsingRulePAth: '/myRulesPath', showGraphs:true, unstableOnWarning: true,

How to use Log Parser Plugin in a Jenkins Workflow script

末鹿安然 提交于 2021-01-23 08:55:42
问题 The Log Parser Plugin is now compatible with Workflow but how do I use it? 回答1: Easiest is to use Snippet Generator to get an example step statement using it. 回答2: Snippet Generator is a good idea; however, it is not generating the complete line to make it work. It is necessary to add at the end of the code line " , projectRulePath: '' ". Final line will be in the way, for example: logParser failBuildOnError: true, parsingRulePAth: '/myRulesPath', showGraphs:true, unstableOnWarning: true,

Preserve Jenkins workspace

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-06-12 04:40:26
问题 I have Jenkins set up to run concurrent builds, so I end up with workspace, workspace@2, workspace@3, etc. If Jenkins thinks the build is finished, a new build will overwrite the workspace. Is there a way of occasionally preventing that? E.g. Don't overwrite workspace@3 until I say. We have various scenarios where this would be very useful. 回答1: You could simply archive the complete workspace at the end of a build. It would then get deleted when the job is deleted. To do this: Add post-build

Preserve Jenkins workspace

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-06-12 04:40:09
问题 I have Jenkins set up to run concurrent builds, so I end up with workspace, workspace@2, workspace@3, etc. If Jenkins thinks the build is finished, a new build will overwrite the workspace. Is there a way of occasionally preventing that? E.g. Don't overwrite workspace@3 until I say. We have various scenarios where this would be very useful. 回答1: You could simply archive the complete workspace at the end of a build. It would then get deleted when the job is deleted. To do this: Add post-build

Using failFast with closure map breaks “parallel” step

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-06-10 07:36:02
问题 Not sure if it's my limited knowledge of Groovy or a quirk in Pipeline parallel step. I can't make it accept failFast if I use map instead of passing each closure individually: def map = [:] map['spam'] = { node { echo 'spam' } } map['eggs'] = { node { echo 'eggs' } } parallel map // Works. parallel spam: map['spam'], eggs: map['eggs'], failFast: true // Works. parallel map, failFast: true // Fails with exception. The exception with failFast is: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected

Trigger workflow on Github push - Pipeline plugin - Multibranch configuration

旧时模样 提交于 2020-05-24 17:36:47
问题 We are using the pipeline plugin with multibranch configuration for our CD. We have checked in the Jenkinsfile which works off git. git url: "$url",credentialsId:'$credentials' The job works fine, but does not auto trigger when a change is pushed to github. I have set up the GIT web hooks correctly. Interestingly, when I go into a branch of the multibranch job and I click "View Configuration", I see that the "Build when a change is pushed to Github" is unchecked. There is no way to check it

Jenkins Choice parameter Passing to a pipeline Job

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2020-04-07 18:41:11
问题 Currently I have a pipeline job which has different paramters where one of this parameters is a Choice parameter. Here is the config.xml output of that job parameter: <hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition> <choices class="java.util.Arrays$ArrayList"> <a class="string-array"> <string>f1</string> <string>f2</string> <string>f3</string> <string>f4</string> </a> </choices> <name>WHERE</name> <description>Something</description> </hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition> Now I can call this job

Jenkins Pipeline Step withEnv does not work without BASH

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-02-24 17:01:45
问题 I've trouble setting an environment variable for a container in an Jenkins pipeline. It seems, that "withEnv" does not work nicely with machines without bash. Can you confirm that? I cannot find an official statement ;-) When I run the following snippet on the Jenkins slave it works. But when it is executed in a docker container without BASH "$test" isn't set. withEnv(["test='asd'"]){ sh 'echo $test' }