
OSChina 周六乱弹 —— 这个机体是用战场废墟捡到的扎古残骸改造的吧?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-08-04 11:24:30
Osc乱弹歌单(2020)请戳( 这里 ) 【今日歌曲】 @ 巴拉迪维 :Bloodbound的单曲《Black Heart》 黑心没什么不好,但是你看歌词,却又完全不同的感受! #今日歌曲推荐# 《Black Heart》- Bloodbound 手机党少年们想听歌,请使劲儿戳( 这里 ) @ Xiaoshiyue :不幸的是忘记带伞就下雨了,幸运的是雨下的不大 有个同事的车, 不知道你敢做不敢坐。 “这战绩不考虑申请个王牌驾驶员。” 要是下雨的时候 有个送伞给你的, 会不会特别感动? 不然几个人傻乎乎的避雨, 也很尴尬, “看什么看 我也没带伞!” 走, 追妹子去, 不过先派个别人去探探路。 @ Daniel-01 :昨天派出的那架僚机居然坠机了,握草,这种事果然还是求人不如求己,下午晚点亲自出马 也是 不然就自己亲自上?? “没有勇气主动追求异性的弱鸡总是喜欢幻想爱情突然有一天从天而降,还不需要理由。” 不然哪怕机缘来了, 妹子也想着怎么拒绝你, @ OSC最端得住 :问:我是程序媛。被表白,考虑期间答应了请吃饭的邀请,一直没吃,考虑三天后还是拒绝了对方。然后对方说依然要请我吃饭,以化解尴尬。觉得已经答应了,还拒绝就不太好了,就说行。但是我觉得没必要给人家造成困扰,也不想去占那点便宜。该如何化解,既照顾对方面子,又能把这顿饭拒了或者吃的得体? 大家给出了一个好主意, @


ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-04-26 15:33:19
早在2014年,知乎上火过一篇“汽车设计师如何看待中国的汽车设计”的回答,是我在知乎的第一个过千赞的回答: 汽车设计师如何看待中国的汽车设计? ​ www.zhihu.com 文章中写到当时中国汽车设计面临的一些严峻问题,也表达了对中国汽车设计未来的看好。 6年过去了,回头再看,尽管当时我们非常乐观,中国的汽车设计进步之快,依然超过了我们的预期。 我们拿设计进步非常惊人的五菱旗下宝骏品牌来看,2014年宝骏的产品是这样的: 2014年发布的宝骏730 2014年发布的宝骏730 到了2017年,宝骏的设计水平已经达到这个水平: 2017年上市的宝骏510 2017年上市的宝骏510 到2019年,宝骏又上一个台阶,推出了极高设计水准的产品: 2019年上市的宝骏RM-5 2019年上市的宝骏RM-5 在过去的6年里,包括宝骏在内,许多国内汽车品牌已经获得了设计上的充分自信与国际设计领域的高度认可,中国汽车设计力量的崛起,已经成为全球汽车设计领域不可忽视的事实。 2017年发布的上汽名爵E-motion纯电运动概念车 2019年发布的广汽Enhanze新生活方式概念车 2019年上市的蔚来ES6 2020年4月27日即将上市的小鹏P7 这些优秀的国产汽车背后,不仅是中国汽车设计人才的崛起,更是中国车企的决策层比以往更加懂得设计,尊重设计,相信设计的力量

How to create a repository workspace which contains all of the components of a stream using scm tool?

别来无恙 提交于 2020-01-02 07:57:32
问题 I'm attempting to automate the updating of a file in a stream using 'scm' Here is how I think it should work : Login to the repository as current user (me) Create a new repository workspace which contains all of the components of a given Stream Load the components of the newly created workspace Update the file I'm on point 2. Reading about the 'create workspace' doc on http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v1r0m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.team.scm.doc%2Ftopics%2Fc_scm_cli.html it does'nt

Source control operation failed permission denied in IBM RTC

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-23 06:28:27
问题 What can you do to understand why you see a "permission denied" in RTC, and what action to take in order to give the privilege for a given "denied" action? Example: 回答1: Each time you have a permission denied on RTC, you need to check: your role associated with your profile in your project area your permissions as defined in "Team Configuration / Permission": The permission matrix looks like this one in the Project Area Administration page: For instance, if you have a "permission denied" when

How to get workitem based on modified date and time using RTC Java API

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-12 09:06:08
问题 I want to query RTC with modified date. My query is to check modified date is same as given date and time but the response that I am getting is based on given date and it is ignoring time. Response: Queried Date: 08/07/2015 15:44:09 Id: 2583 Modified date :2015-08-07 14:43:19.157 Id: 2582 Modified date :2015-08-07 14:43:19.419 Ideally, both the records should not be received in response as it is before given time. Below is my code: IQueryableAttributeFactory factory = QueryableAttributes

CRJAZ2384E Cannot connect to the repository at URL

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-11 14:35:52
问题 When I try to connect to the Repository from Eclipse, I get the following error, CRJAZ2384E Cannot connect to the repository at URL "https://clm.product.org/ccm", see the nested exception for more details. For more details, open the help system and search for CRJAZ2384E. CRJAZ2384E Cannot connect to the repository at URL "https://clm.product.org/ccm", see the nested exception for more details. For more details, open the help system and search for CRJAZ2384E. Invalid Padding length: 207

Get Stream from ProjectArea using RTC API 4

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-08 06:57:08
问题 Hello I have been trying to get the stream name using projectArea. I have the following parameter: Repository IFileItem WorkItem and its ChangeSets Is it possible to get it. Thanks in advance. Please don't give me a link to the advisor example as I already read it and I couldn't make it. At this post,it was mentioned the following : https://jazz.net/forum/questions/49910/how-to-get-an-iconfiguration-from-ichangeset There is a hint that is often useful (but not necessarily always correct),

Querying Jazz RTC Work Items via OSLC

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-06 14:02:33
问题 I am able to get workitem if I know the ticket id using following request https://example.com:8081/ccm/oslc/workitems/37702.json. I want to query RTC to get all wrorkitems owned by a gievn user or based on tags. I am using the folllowing query to get data but unable to get the details. Search based on owner of workitem https://example.com:8081/ccm/oslc?oslc_cm.query=dc:owner="abc@gmail.com" Search based on tags https://example.com:8081/ccm/oslc?oslc_cm.query=dc:subject="mc" 回答1: Another way

How to create a repository workspace which contains all of the components of a stream using scm tool?

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-06 05:18:44
I'm attempting to automate the updating of a file in a stream using 'scm' Here is how I think it should work : Login to the repository as current user (me) Create a new repository workspace which contains all of the components of a given Stream Load the components of the newly created workspace Update the file I'm on point 2. Reading about the 'create workspace' doc on http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v1r0m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.team.scm.doc%2Ftopics%2Fc_scm_cli.html it does'nt mention how to create a new workspace which contains all of the components of a given stream. So how can I

Querying Jazz RTC Work Items via OSLC

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-04 19:45:57
I am able to get workitem if I know the ticket id using following request https://example.com:8081/ccm/oslc/workitems/37702.json . I want to query RTC to get all wrorkitems owned by a gievn user or based on tags. I am using the folllowing query to get data but unable to get the details. Search based on owner of workitem https://example.com:8081/ccm/oslc?oslc_cm.query=dc:owner= "abc@gmail.com" Search based on tags https://example.com:8081/ccm/oslc?oslc_cm.query=dc:subject= "mc" Another way of getting data out of jazz is using SPARQL. You can find the SPARQL endpoint from the rootservices (GET h