在Java / Maven中处理“Xerces hell”?
问题: In my office, the mere mention of the word Xerces is enough to incite murderous rage from developers. 在我的办公室里,仅仅提到Xerces这个词就足以煽动开发者的凶悍愤怒。 A cursory glance at the other Xerces questions on SO seem to indicate that almost all Maven users are "touched" by this problem at some point. 粗略地看一眼其他Xerces关于SO的问题似乎表明,几乎所有Maven用户都会在某个时候“触及”这个问题。 Unfortunately, understanding the problem requires a bit of knowledge about the history of Xerces... 不幸的是,理解这个问题需要对Xerces的历史有一点了解...... History 历史 Xerces is the most widely used XML parser in the Java ecosystem. Xerces是Java生态系统中使用最广泛的XML解析器。 Almost every library