
iOS 6.1 Dynamic Library build and link

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-18 05:13:10
问题 I am trying to create a dynamic library for iOS and load it at runtime. After taking a look at this question and this answer, I have been doing it using iOSOpenDev and deploying everything on my iPhone. The xCode project for the dylib is called KDylibTwo and the files I modiefied are: KDylibTwo.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface KDylibTwo : NSObject -(void)run; @end KDylibTwo.m #import "KDylibTwo.h" @implementation KDylibTwo -(id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { } return self;

How to block incoming SMS in iPhone jailbreak + code

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-18 04:21:06
问题 I searched SO before asking this question , there is no answers satisfying my needs. So this is my requirement , I have this piece of code for detecting the incoming SMS , but it does not say how to dump these messages. I have successfully blocked the incoming calls but for messages i am not sure how to do this. any help here would be very much appreciated. I am ok in using any private APIs. if ([notifyname isEqualToString:@"kCTSMSMessageReceivedNotification"]) { if ([[(NSDictionary *

Hide a phone call completely in iOS (jailbreak device)

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-17 19:06:32
问题 I want to hide a phone call completely in ios. My priority is to do this on ios 7 (latest ios version at this time!) but i would like to know how to hide a phone call on ios 6 and below too if possible. I have found some functions to do so as hooking into initWithAlertController method of class SBUIFullscreenAlertAdapter . Thanks to creker in this link I found another method to hook that is better to do so. The problem is it still has a callbar when the phone is not locked or when the phone

Display CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert on iPhone Lock Screen

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-17 18:51:14
问题 I m creating an app that has to display CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert even if iPhone Screen is Locked, currently i am using this code CFOptionFlags responseFlags = 0; CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(20.0, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, CFSTR("Hello"), CFSTR("Hello World"), CFSTR("OK"), NULL, NULL, &responseFlags); This works great on Home Screen but doesnt pop up if the screen is locked. Is there anything else i have to add to it to make it appear on the Lock Screen as well? 回答1: You need to use the

Block sms on ios6

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-17 18:11:15
问题 I'm building for a jail-broken device and I want to block incoming messages. I'm trying to hook _ingestIncomingCTMessage, but it has no result( it seems not working on ios6). How else I can block sms in ios6? 回答1: This is quite tricky. Apple made major changes in this area. It's very easy on iOS 5 but on iOS 6 I couldn't find easy way to do it yet. First, you need to observer __kIMChatItemsDidChangeNotification notification using CTTelephonyCenter. I'm doing it in dylib injected in

How to get IMEI on iPhone 5

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-17 10:57:17
问题 I'm develop application for jailbroken iOS devices. I use https://github.com/erica/uidevice-extension/blob/master/UIDevice-IOKitExtensions.m to get IMEI, but on iPhone 5 this solution does not work(return empty string). Is there any way to get IMEI on iPhone 5(iOS 6.1.2)? 回答1: There are several ways to get IMEI on newer devices 1) Private ManagedConfiguration.framework CFStringRef MCCTIMEI() 2) CoreTelephony.framework struct CTResult { int flag; int a; }; extern CFStringRef

Detect screen on/off from iOS service

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-17 07:19:52
问题 I am developing a network monitor app that runs in background as a service. Is it possible to get a notification/call when the screen is turned on or off? It exists in Android by using the following code: private void registerScreenOnOffReceiver() { IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF); registerReceiver(screenOnOffReceiver, filter); } screenOnOffReceiver is then called when screen is turned on/off. Is there a similar

Detect screen on/off from iOS service

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-17 07:19:11
问题 I am developing a network monitor app that runs in background as a service. Is it possible to get a notification/call when the screen is turned on or off? It exists in Android by using the following code: private void registerScreenOnOffReceiver() { IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF); registerReceiver(screenOnOffReceiver, filter); } screenOnOffReceiver is then called when screen is turned on/off. Is there a similar

Send programmatically SMS on jailbreak device

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-17 06:08:06
问题 I am using a iOS 6 iphone 4S and I want to be able to send the unnoticed sms messages. So using the standard view controller won't work in this case. I tried using - (BOOL)sendSMSWithText:(id)arg1 serviceCenter:(id)arg2 toAddress:(id)arg3; but it doesn't send anything and returns NO. I used nil for arg2. Can someone suggest a way to do it on iOS 6?(for jailbroken devices) 回答1: Found out why - (BOOL)sendSMSWithText:(id)arg1 serviceCenter:(id)arg2 toAddress:(id)arg3; is not working since iOS 6.

Is there any way to determine if the iphone is roaming?

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-17 05:48:25
问题 I am working on an iPhone application and would really like to determine if the device is roaming so that I can intelligently avoid costing my users expensive connections if out of their home network. The application I am writing is for jailbroken phones, however I would prefer to use standard SDKs if possible. Here is what I've already found: 1. Apple SDKs: In the apple documentation, I found the promise in Apple's SCNetworkReachability API. The API provides access to such things as whether