
Popover component hiding behind the table cells of Iron data table in polymer

为君一笑 提交于 2020-01-25 23:46:09
问题 popover overriding Date picker overriding 回答1: Well, bad news is that it's iron-list issue (namely iron-list using z-translation ). Good news is that there is kind of a workaround for that... I had the same problem and what I ended up with was a behavior (but you can make put this in your component) that has something like: tableListOverflowVisible: function (...tables) { tables.forEach((id) => { if (typeof id !== 'string') { return; } const table = this.$[id]; if (!table) { return; } Polymer

Polymer 1.x: How to use dataSource function to filter iron-data-table?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-01-07 05:43:09
问题 Here is the Plunk. I want to implement the dataSource filtering function for <iron-data-table as described in the accepted answer to this SO question. My problem is the docs here do not give an example of how to accomplish this. Eventually, I will want to have a complex set of filters (think: control panel ) on a large data set of items. I have tried copying the approach employed by dom-repeat described in the docs here but without success.

Polymer 1.x: How to filter iron-data-table?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-13 08:27:49
问题 How do I add a filter attribute to <iron-data-table ? (Please post a plunk demo.) I forked this plunk. Then I tried to add a filter by adding the following line: <iron-data-table ... filter="['', '< 5']"> Which broke the plunk. Here is the new (now broken) plunk. The documentation here describes the filter attribute as follows: filter An array containing path/filter value pairs that are used to filter the items. But it lacks an example of how to use it. How do I add