

大憨熊 提交于 2020-07-29 10:46:43
报表工具 :是帮助用户用来展现自己输入数据,更多时候是将数据库中的数据,以客户想要的方式展现出来。目前市面上那么多报表工具,哪款比较好用呢,怎么选择? 1.BIRT报表 BIRT是Eclipse-based开源报表系统,主要基bai于Java和J2EE的Web应用du程序中。 BIRT主要包括两部分:基于Eclipse的报zhi表设计和可以添加到您的应用程序服务中的运行期组件。 BIRT同时还提供图形报表引擎。 2.JasperReports 最流行和最常用的开源报告工具通常与ireport一起使用。 JasperReports可以在Java环境中创建报告,并支持PDF,HTML,XLS,CSV和XML文件输出格式。 3. Smartbi 企业报表平台Smartbi Insight 以中国式报表、多维度分析、可视化仪表盘为核心,满足各种报表需求,以“真Excel”为特色,将Office Excel和WPS表格作为企业级WEB报表设计器,深度整合Excel的现有能力,拥有丰富的报表展现样式,包括清单报表、交叉报表、分组报表、多源分片报表、分块报表、表单报表、图形报表、回写报表等。同时,可借助Excel图形和ECharts图形实现数据可视化,支持交互式控件设计。 4.ActiveReports ActiveReports 是一款专注于 .NET 平台的报表控件,全面满足 HTML5 /

Return value from subdataset in iReport

南楼画角 提交于 2020-04-11 17:04:33
问题 I know that it is possible to get a return value from a subreport to the main report in iReport. Also there are subdatasets which can also have an own SQL query like a subreport. As I understand a subdataset can only be used with list, charts etc., but I don't know how to access the subdataset fields, variables and parameters in the main dataset/report. Is it also possible to get a return value from a subdataset? If not, how is it possible to access values from the subdataset? 回答1: It is

How to insert a page break in JasperReport

我们两清 提交于 2020-04-07 17:42:09
问题 I have a JasperReports template, with a filled detail band. If I run the report, I have a page count of 27 (27 detail rows) I want that detail row number 12 begins with a new page, so I have to insert a pagebreak after pagecount 11. But I cannot find the element "pagebreak" - What is it called in Jasper? The 2nd question : Is it also possible to modify the format (font, size,....) of each detail-row? For example: pagecount 1 - detail row is printed in sansSerif font size 10, pagecount 2 -


不羁岁月 提交于 2020-03-21 03:20:50
3 月,跳不动了?>>> 开源报表却越来越受到程序员热烈追捧,如ireport、 Jsper report、jfreechart这样的免费,开源的JAVA报表工具,在一下开源的JAVA报表相关的论坛里面都是热火朝天,发问者众多。发现都会有利有弊,近因为公司需求的原因,我上网查找了好多报表工具和试用体验,下面是我向大家推荐5个开源报表工具。 1.iReport iReport是为JasperReports设计的强大的,直观的,易于使用的可视化报表设计器,用Visual J++为Win32平台编写。iReport允许用户可视化地编辑XML JasperDesign文件,可以和其它数据库通过JDBC通信。在设计模板时可以以Html、Excel、Pdf等多种方式进行预览;用它生成的文件有.jrxml、.jasper两种文件,其中.jrxml就是我们设计时可视化编辑的xml文件,.jasper是经过编译.jrxml后生成的类文件,也就是我们最终在项目中用的报表模板文件。 2. JasperReport JasperReports是一个基于Java的开源报表工具,基于GPL开源许可协议, 完全采用java编写, 支持多种数据源,可打印或导出多种文件格式,支持PDF、HTML、XLS、CSV和XML文件输出格式。JasperReports是当前Java开发者最常用的报表工具。

IllegalArgumentException: When using array of Objects as the value of SCHEMA_SOURCE property , no two Schemas should share the same targetNamespace

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-03-03 03:41:15
问题 I am using JasperReport/ireport4, I tried to generate a report as below public void fillReport() throws ParseException, groovyjarjarcommonscli.ParseException, IOException { try { Driver monDriver = new com.mysql.jdbc.Driver(); DriverManager.registerDriver(monDriver); connection = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/MyDB","", ""); Map mymap = new HashMap(); mymap.put("Title", MyTitle); mymap.put("legend", legend); mymap.put("SQL", Query()); FacesContext

IllegalArgumentException: When using array of Objects as the value of SCHEMA_SOURCE property , no two Schemas should share the same targetNamespace

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-03-03 03:40:06
问题 I am using JasperReport/ireport4, I tried to generate a report as below public void fillReport() throws ParseException, groovyjarjarcommonscli.ParseException, IOException { try { Driver monDriver = new com.mysql.jdbc.Driver(); DriverManager.registerDriver(monDriver); connection = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/MyDB","", ""); Map mymap = new HashMap(); mymap.put("Title", MyTitle); mymap.put("legend", legend); mymap.put("SQL", Query()); FacesContext

iReport and Jasperreport fonts for a PDF report

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-02-07 07:09:32
问题 I made a report with iReport using some default fonts (monospace, sans-serif). This report is a bit complex and many static elements have their position calculated to fit the label's width. Just for example: Where "test of a long string..." is a field content, and the boxes are static elements. As you can see I need a precise char sizes as. The iReport preview well works, but when I made a report with JasperReport library fonts size are really different from the iReport preview and, moreover,

iReport and Jasperreport fonts for a PDF report

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-02-07 07:09:19
问题 I made a report with iReport using some default fonts (monospace, sans-serif). This report is a bit complex and many static elements have their position calculated to fit the label's width. Just for example: Where "test of a long string..." is a field content, and the boxes are static elements. As you can see I need a precise char sizes as. The iReport preview well works, but when I made a report with JasperReport library fonts size are really different from the iReport preview and, moreover,

How to set background color to entire page in iReport?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2020-02-04 07:21:32
问题 I am using iReport 3.7.4. I want to set background color to entire page.I didn't found any report property for background color. Can anyone help me in this? 回答1: You can solve issue with help of Background Band . I've put staticText element on Background Band and set mode attribute as Opaque and set the backcolor property. The sample: <jasperReport ... pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="595" leftMargin="0" rightMargin="0" topMargin="0" bottomMargin="0"> <property name="ireport.zoom

How to set background color to entire page in iReport?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-02-04 07:20:46
问题 I am using iReport 3.7.4. I want to set background color to entire page.I didn't found any report property for background color. Can anyone help me in this? 回答1: You can solve issue with help of Background Band . I've put staticText element on Background Band and set mode attribute as Opaque and set the backcolor property. The sample: <jasperReport ... pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="595" leftMargin="0" rightMargin="0" topMargin="0" bottomMargin="0"> <property name="ireport.zoom