
How to upload IPA file to App Store from Mac OS X Catalina

半腔热情 提交于 2021-02-20 18:51:43
问题 I just created an app in Apple Developer portal and now I want to upload an IPA file created from Phonegap to App Store. How can I do it? In Mac OS X Catalina there is no iTunes app and I don't find in XCode > Open Developer Tool > Application loader. UPDATE: I can open Archives window in XCode but my app does not appear in the list. 回答1: Try xcrun altool command line: xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file <Path-to-ipa> --username <Username> --password <One-time-pass> Remember to use

How to upload IPA file to App Store from Mac OS X Catalina

孤人 提交于 2021-02-20 18:51:11
问题 I just created an app in Apple Developer portal and now I want to upload an IPA file created from Phonegap to App Store. How can I do it? In Mac OS X Catalina there is no iTunes app and I don't find in XCode > Open Developer Tool > Application loader. UPDATE: I can open Archives window in XCode but my app does not appear in the list. 回答1: Try xcrun altool command line: xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file <Path-to-ipa> --username <Username> --password <One-time-pass> Remember to use

mac 终端安装ipa,不用爱思助手和pp助手

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-02-13 17:17:02
声明下,非原创,好的东西,记录一下 首先mac 电脑得先安装homebrew,然后就进行接下来的操作 brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice brew link --overwrite libimobiledevice brew install ideviceinstaller brew link --overwrite ideviceinstaller ideviceinstaller 一些操作指令 获取ios的bundleld: ideviceinstaller -l -o list_user 获取ios的型号: ideviceinfo -k ProductType 获取ios的系统版本: ideviceinfo -k ProductVersion 获取ios的手机名称: ideviceinfo -k DeviceName iOS 安装 卸载ipa 包: 获取ios的udid: idevice_id -l,查看连接的设备udid ideviceinstaller -l 查看手机所有APP ideviceinstaller -i xxx.ipa 安装到设备 ideviceinstaller -u com.xxx.xxx 卸载app 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/3653720/blog

How to fix “IPA processing failed” in Xcode 12.2 with MAC M1

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-02-13 11:42:20
问题 When I tried to create Ad Hoc IPA file. It gave "IPA processing failed" error. Xcode version is 12.2. Mac mini (M1, 2020) I have checked logs file: IDEDistribution.standard.log file. Assertion failed: Expected 2 archs in otool output: /var/folders/kd/kb03k1ks33sb33gnl9fz95yr0000gn/T/IDEDistributionOptionThinning.~~~qlv6NP/Payload/xxx.app/xxx: Mach header magic cputype cpusubtype caps filetype ncmds sizeofcmds flags MH_MAGIC_64 ARM64 ALL 0x00 EXECUTE 47 5672 NOUNDEFS DYLDLINK TWOLEVEL BINDS_TO


你。 提交于 2021-02-13 06:50:34
编译器的主要工作; 源程序分析。语法分析、词法分析、语义分析、类型检查等等,这一阶段的目标是主要是检查代码有没有错误,就像我们常见的error和warning就是这个阶段确定的。 预处理。预处理器会展开目标模块导入的头文件和替换宏定义,预处理后生成 *.i文件。 编译。编译器将*.i文件编译成 ASCII 汇编语言文件*.s。 汇编。汇编器将 *.s文件汇编成一个可重定位的二进制目标文件*.o,Mac OS 和 iOS 中称为 Mach-O文件。 链接。链接分为动态链接和静态链接,链接器将所有的目标文件和系统目标文件组合起来,生成能在机器上运行的可执行文件。iOS 中为*.ipa,Windows 中为*.exe,Android 中为*.apk等 一:预处理   预处理主要进行宏定义分析、文件包含、根据条件决定是否编译等过程;预处理过程读入源代码,检查包含预处理指令的语句和宏定义,并 对源代码进行响应的转换。预处理过程还会删除程序中的注释和多余的空白字符。预处理过程中主要处理的指令有: 指令 用途 # 空指令,无任何效果 #include 包含一个源代码文件 #define 定义宏 #undef 取消已定义的宏 #if 如果给定条件为真,则编译下面代码 #ifdef 如果宏已经定义,则编译下面代码 #ifndef 如果宏没有定义,则编译下面代码 #elif 如果前面的

How to Install .ipa file to iPhone from Web Link?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2021-02-08 09:22:09
问题 I have created one enterPrise App. And I followed the steps form the below link. I also gave correct paths for Manifest file also. After exporting App to the Server, If I use that link to install that .ipa file to my iPhone, It's showing like the Below image. How to install that .ipa file to iPhone without using third party tools or itunes connect? Image showing like this while click on .ipa file link 回答1: You just need to enable the over the air installation while creating ipa file. Check

Adding swift framework extracted from IPA

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-02-07 08:25:30
问题 I'm trying to run an IOS app created by another dev that is using a cocoapod from a private repository I have no access to. I managed to extract the .framework bundle from the IPA and add it to the xcode project but it is not being recognized (I get "No such module"). Is it possible to do what I'm trying to achieve? So far, what I've tried: build it in release as I guess the framework in the IPA is in release add the .framework as embedded binary add the .framework as Linked Framework and

Adding swift framework extracted from IPA

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-02-07 08:23:28
问题 I'm trying to run an IOS app created by another dev that is using a cocoapod from a private repository I have no access to. I managed to extract the .framework bundle from the IPA and add it to the xcode project but it is not being recognized (I get "No such module"). Is it possible to do what I'm trying to achieve? So far, what I've tried: build it in release as I guess the framework in the IPA is in release add the .framework as embedded binary add the .framework as Linked Framework and

[iOS开发] 使用Jenkins自动打包并上传至蒲公英

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2021-02-07 05:53:40
设置构建触发器 Poll SCM H/2 * * * * 设置 构建脚本 # #xodebuild & jenkins 自动构建并上传至pgyer.com #2017年5月9日 # #定义一些变量 PROJ_NAME = " zhixinStuApp " cd . / ${PROJ_NAME} ARCHIVE_NAME = " ${PROJ_NAME}#${BUILD_NUMBER}#Pro.xcarchive " LIBRARY_PATH = " ~/Library " ARCHIVE_PATH = " ${LIBRARY_PATH}/Developer/Xcode/Archives/${ARCHIVE_NAME} " DIS_TARGET = " ad-hoc " EXPORT_OPTION_PATH = " /Users/Shared/exportOptions/ad-hoc.plist " HOST_HEADER_PATH = " /Users/Shared/exportOptions/hostConfig/HostConfig.h.pro.h " IPA_DIR = " ${PROJ_NAME}#${BUILD_NUMBER} " IPA_PATH = " $/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Library/ipas/${IPA_DIR}/${DIS

How do I sign an unsigned IPA?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-02-07 03:53:28
问题 I have generated an IPA file unsigned with xcodebuild utility and now my customer want to sign it. It is possible to sign it with an existing provisioning file generated with a developer account? Another question, it is possible to use a command line related to xcode to do this? 回答1: An IPA is simply a .zip archive. Here is a example script to get the idea IPA=$1 PROVISION="/path/to/nameOfProfile.mobileprovision" CERTIFICATE="iPhone Developer: nameOfCertificate (2472ZKDHVF2A)" # must exist in