

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-08-06 08:00:56
NAME start-stop-daemon - start and stop system daemon programs SYNOPSIS start-stop-daemon [option...] command DESCRIPTION start-stop-daemon is used to control the creation and termination of system-level processes. Using one of the matching options, start-stop-daemon can be configured to find existing instances of a running process. Note: unless --pid or --pidfile are specified, start-stop-daemon behaves similar to killall(1). start-stop-daemon will scan the process table looking for any processes which match the process name, parent pid, uid, and/or gid (if specified). Any matching process


冷暖自知 提交于 2020-05-09 21:43:32
编辑手记: 本文主要讲解Linux IO调度层的三种模式:cfp、deadline和noop,并给出各自的优化和适用场景建议。 作者简介: 邹立巍 Linux系统技术专家。目前在腾讯SNG社交网络运营部 计算资源平台组,负责内部私有云平台的建设和架构规划设计。 曾任新浪动态应用平台系统架构师,负责微博、新浪博客等重点业务的内部私有云平台架构设计和运维管理工作。 IO调度发生在Linux内核的IO调度层。这个层次是针对Linux的整体IO层次体系来说的。从read()或者write()系统调用的角度来说,Linux整体IO体系可以分为七层,它们分别是: VFS层: 虚拟文件系统层。由于内核要跟多种文件系统打交道,而每一种文件系统所实现的数据结构和相关方法都可能不尽相同,所以,内核抽象了这一层,专门用来适配各种文件系统,并对外提供统一操作接口。 文件系统层: 不同的文件系统实现自己的操作过程,提供自己特有的特征,具体不多说了,大家愿意的话自己去看代码即可。 页缓存层:负责真对page的缓存。 通用块层: 由于绝大多数情况的io操作是跟块设备打交道,所以Linux在此提供了一个类似vfs层的块设备操作抽象层。下层对接各种不同属性的块设备,对上提供统一的Block IO请求标准。 IO调度层 :因为绝大多数的块设备都是类似磁盘这样的设备

Android Studio 0.8 Task assemble not found in root project

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-24 05:09:10
问题 I m trying to build the iosched app on ubuntu 14.04 on android studio 0.8 . After importing the setting.gradle file and following the build instruction I get an error saying Error :FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Task 'assemble' not found in root project 'iosched'. * Try: Run gradle tasks to get a list of available tasks. Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. The solution mentioned in this

Google iosched: method ID not in

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-12 12:25:51
问题 3 weeks back, I had Google iosched source downloaded and imported into my android studio. I could install & run the app in my emulator as well as my devices connected to my machine. However, last week, when I tried to run the same Android Studio project, I have started getting "FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. -". Android SDK Tools - 23.0.5 Android SDK Platform-tools - 21 Android SDK Build-tools - 21.1.1 Android 5.0 (API 21) - SDK Platform Rev