
Using Instagram Graph Api with permanent page access token only works for some accounts

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-04 12:37:17
I try to fetch some images from an instagram business account through the instagram graph api by means of a permanent page access token ( facebook: permanent Page Access Token? ). These specific tokens seem to be the only possibility to get permanent access to the graph api for a server-side app . On the other side I found a hint in the fb documentation that only user accesss tokens can be used to access instagram business accounts. "Page access tokens are not supported." Funny enough I was using page tokens so far

Instagram Graph API, get followers of followers

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-04 10:41:00
I'm trying to figure something out... As most of the 'old' API has been shut down, I've taken a look at the Graph API. I would like to retrieve the list of followers of a specific user. For the life of me I can't figure it out... is this really not possible anymore? The Business Discovery API is limited to only business accounts (as is the whole Graph API for now), but even that only seems to be able to retrieve the followers_count, not the actual followers. What I can't wrap my head around: With all these limitations of the

Instagram Graph API

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-11-29 18:37:06
My task is to get photo data of my business Instagram account with Instagram Graph API. I followed the instruction from Instagram Graph API - , which said request like GET can get photo data from the Instagram account linked to the FB account in JSON format. I tried to send GET request /my_facebook_id/media as said by the document with Graph API Explorer on FB developer platform but it failed to return the data I want. This is the error I got: message: Tried accessing

Instagram Graph API

大憨熊 提交于 2019-11-28 06:49:05
问题 My task is to get photo data of my business Instagram account with Instagram Graph API. I followed the instruction from Instagram Graph API - , which said request like GET can get photo data from the Instagram account linked to the FB account in JSON format. I tried to send GET request /my_facebook_id/media as said by the document with Graph API Explorer on FB developer