
Extract ID3 tags of a MP3 URL with partial download using python

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-01-01 09:36:09
问题 I need to extract ID3 tags and meta-data of remote mp3 files. I wrote few lines that could get ID3 tags of local file: from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 import urllib2 audio = MP3("Whistle.mp3") songtitle = audio["TIT2"] artist = audio["TPE1"] print "Title: " + str(songtitle) print "Artist: "+str(artist) I need to achieve this for url links for mp3 files. I tried to get partial download of files using urllib2. import urllib2 from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 req = urllib2.Request('

HLS Metadata ID3 tag not working

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-01-01 08:50:10
问题 I have a list of audio URLs in a TableView, so every time I tapped on each cell on didSelectRowAt this method will be called func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { // Prepare Audio URL let audioUrl = URL(string: (channelSelected.audioUrl?.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlFragmentAllowed))!) let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(url: audioUrl!) playerItem.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "timedMetadata", options: .new, context: nil) player =

ID3 over audio streaming?

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-31 04:19:07
问题 I've used AudioStreamer courtesy Matt I need to extract id3 metadata and display the current song playing. 回答1: Since you mention "current song playing", I assume you are trying to play a stream, probably from SHOUTcast or Icecast. These streams don't have ID3 data encoded... they use a separate mechanism. This is fully detailed here: And here: Pulling Track Info From an Audio Stream Using PHP 来源:

Setting audio file media metadata in Android (ID3)

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-31 03:55:07
问题 I am trying to find out if there is a way to set media metadata (mainly ID3 such as artist, album, song, ...) on an anudio file in Android. I have noticed that it is possible to retrieve such information using MediaMetadataRetriever but cannot find out a way to set it. Can you please help? Is it possible? 回答1: You could use the DataStorage to get a File-Object from the MP3-File you want to edit and then use a ID3-Tag Library like Jaudiotagger to edit the ID3-Tags. 回答2: From the CLI, you can

ID3 tags with Swift

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-30 01:01:06
问题 I'm looking for a way to modify ID3 tags with Swift. More specifically, I want to write the Album Art image to an mp3/m4a file. A Swift library would be the best, but I'll take anything that can be done natively in Swift. I don't want to rely on another language's library. I had a quick look at AVFoundation, but it looks like it's only for audio/video playback and conversion. This is about the closest I found from ID3 tags:

Remove ÿþ from string

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-28 04:32:30
问题 I'm trying to read ID3 data in bulk. On some of the tracks, ÿþ appears. I can remove the first 2 characters, but that hurts the tracks that don't have it. This is what I currently have: $trackartist=str_replace("\0", "", $trackartist1); Any suggestions would be greatful, thanks! 回答1: ÿþ is 0xfffe in UTF-8; this is the byte order mark in UTF-16. You can convert your string to UTF-8 with iconv or mb_convert_encoding(): $trackartist1 = iconv('UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8', $trackartist1); # Same as above,

How do I access these ID3 values using Python and Mutagen

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-25 02:03:15
问题 I'm trying to read the ID3 tags from my vast karaoke collection, so that I can store them in a CSV file, for easy formatting and printing, but I'm having issues actually getting the values! I manage to get them in a format like this, if I print the method items() : [('artist', [u'Steve Miller Band']), ('title', [u'Space Cowboy [Karaoke]'])] [('artist', [u'Stevie Wonder']), ('title', [u"Livin' For The City [Karaoke]"])] The code I'm using is below: #! /usr/bin/env python2.7 import os import

How to upload an audio file with ID3 tags into an application using C# and visual studio

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-25 01:08:10
问题 I am currently working on code to pull an mp3 file from a user's computer and upload it into a music library application that I am creating in visual studio UWP using C#. It needs to be able to pull the ID3 tags for artist, title, and album, as these will all have to be referenced on the actual library page, where the music will be sorted accordingly. The following code is what I have so far, and I am currently stuck on what else to write just to upload the file into the music library portion

Writing ID3v2 Tag parsing code, need Good examples to test

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-24 17:25:28
问题 I am writing software to parse ID3v2 tags in Java. I need to find some files with good examples of the tag with lots of different frames. Ideally the tags will contain an embedded picture because that is what is kicking my butt right now. Does anyone know where I can find some good free (legal) ID3v2 tagged files (ID3v2.2 and ID3v2.3)? 回答1: You can create the example files with a tagger by yourself. I'm the author of the Windows freeware tagger Mp3tag which is able to write ID3v2.3 (UTF-16

How to remove Lyrics3 v2 tag from id3?

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-24 12:31:05
问题 I use the taglib sharp library to remove all tags from my songs with the command Track = TagLib.File.Create("C:\test\Super Trouper.mp3") Track.RemoveTags(TagLib.TagTypes.AllTags) Track.Save() Track.Dispose() Unfortunately, the .RemoveTags doesn't remove a Lyrics3 v2.0 tag (specified here: Such a tag can be detected with a tool like "Mp3 Diags" ( How can I completely remove ALL tags and ALL frames from my song? Or how can I remove