
Browser Awareness of Bluetooth Beacons / iBeacons

故事扮演 提交于 2020-01-12 03:33:11
问题 Is there a way to make a browser aware of iBeacon devices in its proximity? Similar to the way HTML5 Geolocation is working... If not would this be something that can be achieved with a browser plug-in that can provide the detail to be consumed by javascript? 回答1: Unfortunately, no. No web browsers have implemented any bridges between beacon detection and JavaScript. I don't think a plugin approach is possible on mobile browsers (either iOS or Android), because neither browser supports

Browser Awareness of Bluetooth Beacons / iBeacons

一世执手 提交于 2020-01-12 03:31:37
问题 Is there a way to make a browser aware of iBeacon devices in its proximity? Similar to the way HTML5 Geolocation is working... If not would this be something that can be achieved with a browser plug-in that can provide the detail to be consumed by javascript? 回答1: Unfortunately, no. No web browsers have implemented any bridges between beacon detection and JavaScript. I don't think a plugin approach is possible on mobile browsers (either iOS or Android), because neither browser supports

AltBeacon not detect beacon when app is closed

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-06 20:18:08
问题 The library continue scanning correctly but not detect the beacon in this mode. I have read in many places, but they are very different opinions between whether this is possible or not. (I want to think it is) In IOS , this same implementation using the native sdk could be implemented without any inconvenience, it seems a little tricky in android. Works perfect when is foreground and background. This is my beaconManager configuration: public void setUpBeaconManager() throws RemoteException {

fail to configure the Android Beacon Library in Eclipse

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-01-06 18:02:27
问题 I followed the full instruction in Quick Start to configure the android-beacon-library in Eclipse, but I fail to run my app. I have no idea how to fix the problem. My steps are as follows, Step 1. Import the library into Eclipse Step 2. Add the library to my project Step 3. Add sdk and permission declarations to your AndroidManifest.xml Step 4. Edit your project.properties file and add the line: manifestmerger.enabled=true Step 5. Paste the Monitoring Example Code in my MainActivity. And set

Does the Advertisement Rate of a beacon affect battery of a detector application

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-01-06 15:59:53
问题 I was trying to test battery consumption caused by Android and IOS beacon detector application for different beacon protocols and advertisement rates. My question is that will the advertisement rate of beacons in anyway affect the battery consumption of detector applications? These applications scan for a fixed amount of time and after a fixed interval, will different advertisement rates have any effect? Thanks 回答1: Yes, in most cases an app that detects more beacons will use somewhat more

BLE Scanning: callback gets invoked only once on “Huawei Ascend Mate2 Phone”

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-01-06 15:46:45
问题 I have a working BLE scanning app that has been working fine for last few months on Nexus 5 (on various API versions from 4.4 to 6.0 ). Today we ran the app on different device "Huawei Ascend Mate2" that has API 22 and found what I thought was an interesting or peculiar behavior: callback gets fired continuously (about thrice a second), but my iBeacon is detected in only one callback and in remaining callbacks it picks other devices in the house (like netgear router and roku etc; I donot know

Is possible to use NearBy API with out Proximity API?

久未见 提交于 2020-01-06 11:02:55
问题 I'm using a beacon that can work either with iBeacon or Eddystone, I create a scanner that has a service in the background which scans each 10 secs for beacons, similar to the android-beacon-library, but I was thinking that I could use the NearBy API to get the beacons with out the scan service, Is that possible?, I don't want to use the ProximityAPI to register the beacons because these beacons will be out there with out the need to register them. 回答1: In order to use the Nearby API, your

iBeacons and local notifications

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-01-06 03:41:13
问题 I have developed a small iBeacon based application, when the application detects one of our iBeacons makes a call to a web service to obtain a data set and send a local notification to the user. All this is working correctly. I have now raised the idea that these local notifications could vary over short time intervals, with new content. The problem is that if the user does not leave the region of the iBeacon and reenters, the application will not "wake up" and the user will not receive the

How to received ibeacons different regions ranging event in single didRangeBeacons:inRegion callback.

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-01-05 04:23:27
问题 I'm trying to range iOS ibeacons with multiple regions and it works well. But my problem is, if I range multiple regions region1 and region2 , I received two ranging event calls, didRangeBeacons:inRegion separately. (So, if I show the beacons list in tableview, it is flashing.) I want to received all regions with different identifier in ranges into single didRangeBeacons:inRegion callback (not one callback for one region. one callback for all regions in range). I saw it can be done with

Linking a progressive web app to a beacon to trigger a event

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-04 17:46:12
问题 I'am trying to make a progressive web app where I will use beacons to transmit the eddystone URL. As soon as the phones catch the Eddystone URL and click on the notification(using physical web) it will open the Progressive web app. My question is that is there a way to integrate the web app with beacons such that when the phone comes in the range of a certain beacon, it triggers an event specific to that. For eg: if i go in a park and there is a beacon on a bench, the PWA should know be aware