

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-11-29 17:16:39
Xen 是一个开放源代码虚拟机监视器 (Virtual Machine Monitor ,简称为 VMM) ,由剑桥大学开发,它致力于实现在单个计算机上运行多达 128 个有完全功能的操作系统。 Xen 通过一种叫做半虚拟化 (paravirtualization) 的技术获得高效能的表现(较少的效能损失,典型的情况下大约损失 2% ,在最糟的情况下会有 8% 的效能耗损;与其它使用完全的虚拟化却造成最高到 20% 损耗的其他解决方案形成一个明显的对比),甚至在某些与传统虚拟技术极度不友好的架构上( x86 ), Xen 也有极佳的表现。 Xen 虚拟化环境由几个虚拟化组件协同实现: Xen Hypervisor 、 Domain 0 和 Domain U 。 Xen 架构 ( 图片来源: http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Xen_Overview ) 1.1 Xen Hypervisor Xen Hypervisor 是计算机硬件的软件抽象层,它直接运行于硬件之上,并将其计算能力通过抽象接口 ( 虚拟机 ) 提供给运行于其上的任何操作系统。它的首要任务在各虚拟机之间进行 CPU 资源调度、内存资源分配及中断请求管理,并负责控制共享处理环境的各虚拟机的执行。但它并不负责实现计算机系统应该具备的网络、外部存储设备、显示设备或其它通用 I/O 功能等。 1.2 Dom0

Implementing a custom hypercall in kvm

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-11-29 16:33:47
问题 I am very new to Virtualization and of late I have been trying to familiarize myself with the way VMMs operate and how hypercalls are made. Talking about which I plan to implement a new hypercall in KVM which is installed on my Ubuntu desktop, and in turn can be callable from the guest environment.With this hypercall I plan to just return a string saying "Hello World". At this point,I am clueless about how to make it happen.It would be really helpful if you could please guide me as to how do

Install KVM Hypervisor on CentOS 7.x and RHEL 7.x

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-11-29 13:11:25
Install KVM Hypervisor on CentOS 7.x and RHEL 7.x by Pradeep Kumar · Published June 23, 2016 · Updated August 3, 2017 KVM is an open source hardware virtualization software through which we can create and run multiple Linux based and windows based virtual machines simultaneously. KVM is known as Kernel based Virtual Machine because when we install KVM package then KVM module is loaded into the current kernel and turns our Linux machine into a hypervisor. In this post first we will demonstrate how we can install KVM hypervisor on CentOS 7.x and RHEL 7.x and then we will try to install virtual


感情迁移 提交于 2019-11-29 12:04:21
原文: Comparing Virtual Machines vs Docker Containers 译者: Fundebug 为了保证可读性,本文采用意译而非直译。另外,本文版权归原作者所有,翻译仅用于学习。 首先,大家需要明确一点,Docker容器不是虚拟机。 2014年,当我第一次接触Docker的时候,我把它比做一种轻量级的虚拟机。这样做无可厚非,因为Docker最初的成功秘诀,正是它比虚拟机更节省内存,启动更快。Docker不停地给大家宣传,”虚拟机需要数分钟启动,而Docker容器只需要50毫秒”。 然而,Docker容器并非虚拟机,我们不妨来比较一下它们。 理解虚拟机 使用虚拟机运行多个相互隔离的应用时,如下图: 从下到上理解上图: 基础设施(Infrastructure)。它可以是你的个人电脑,数据中心的服务器,或者是云主机。 主操作系统(Host Operating System)。你的个人电脑之上,运行的可能是MacOS,Windows或者某个Linux发行版。 虚拟机管理系统(Hypervisor)。利用Hypervisor,可以在主操作系统之上运行多个不同的从操作系统。类型1的Hypervisor有支持MacOS的HyperKit,支持Windows的Hyper-V以及支持Linux的KVM。类型2的Hypervisor有VirtualBox和VMWare

Android Studio Unable to run AVD

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-11-28 16:37:44
问题 I am getting below error: emulator: ERROR: Unfortunately, there's an incompatibility between HAXM hypervisor and VirtualBox 4.3.30+ which doesn't allow multiple hypervisors to co-exist. It is being actively worked on; you can find out more about the issue at http://b.android.com/197915 (Android) and https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/14294 (VirtualBox) Internal error: initial hax sync failed While it say work is under going, I can run studio on my collegue's machine with same OS(WIN 7), and

TrustZone versus Hypervisor

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-11-28 09:33:49
I am just reading this document from ARM on TrustZone and some things are unclear to me. The fact that a Hypervisor offers a special CPU mode and that for the TrustZone , the processor comes with an extra 33rd bit : Isn't mode also a particular bit setting? How is then an extra bit making all that difference in terms of security. I do understand that the extra bit makes way for two separate 32 bit address spacing, but apart from that I am unable to put two and two together. Can someone clearly explain why TrustZone is more secure than a Hypervisor?? A typical Hypervisor is limited to the CPU


南楼画角 提交于 2019-11-27 21:49:21
Xen是一种开源的虚拟机监控器(VMM),属于Type-I;支持全虚拟化和半虚拟化; Xen的Hypervisor直接运行在硬件之上,其所创建的虚拟机都要运行在Hypervisor上;Xen只对CPU和内存进行了虚拟化,也就是说Xen只负责管理驱动CPU和内存其他的像IO等设备都是交给Dom0中的操作系统管理的,自己不负责管理,这是因为IO的种类很多,需要开发很多的驱动程序,是比较麻烦的,并且操作系统已经可以支持大多数IO设备了,直接使用岂不爽哉! Xen管理虚拟机的方式: Xen将每个运行在其上的虚拟机都称之为Domain,每个虚拟机具有一个Domain号,其中第一个虚拟机被称为Dom0,其他的以此类推;这些Domain可以分为两类,即Domain0和其他DomainU#; Xen安装以后会自动运行一个名为Dom0的虚拟机,接下来的Xen的所有管理虚拟机的功能都是通过这个Dom0来实现的;这个Dom0既为用户管理其他虚拟机提供了接口,也负责接受其他虚拟机的IO调用请求(即DomU#的CPU和内存是由Hypervisor管理分配的,IO是由Dom0管理的),所以Dom0也被称为Privileged Domain(特权域); Dom0也具有用户空间和内核空间; 在Xen中虚拟出来的CPU被当做一个进程或线程,然后Xen Hypervisor将这些线程或进程调度到物理CPU的某个核心上

How to disable Hyper-V in command line?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-11-27 05:52:13
I'm trying to open VMware, it says that VMware player and Hyper-V are not compatible. I found it here , but it's not working using the command it offers. I tried to see the help, found that there's /hypervisorsettings option there. But still not work with it, it says The parameter is incorrect . Can anyone help with this? LukeSkCzEnDeRuPl In an elevated Command Prompt write this : To disable: bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off To enable: bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto (From comments - restart to take effect) This command works Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName

TrustZone versus Hypervisor

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-11-27 03:00:05
问题 I am just reading this document from ARM on TrustZone and some things are unclear to me. The fact that a Hypervisor offers a special CPU mode and that for the TrustZone , the processor comes with an extra 33rd bit : Isn't mode also a particular bit setting? How is then an extra bit making all that difference in terms of security. I do understand that the extra bit makes way for two separate 32 bit address spacing, but apart from that I am unable to put two and two together. Can someone


隐身守侯 提交于 2019-11-26 23:44:46
一、nova介绍: Nova 是 OpenStack 最核心的服务,负责维护和管理云环境的计算资源。OpenStack 作为 IaaS 的云操作系统,虚拟机生命周期管理也就是通过 Nova 来实现的。 用途与功能 : 1) 实例生命周期管理 2) 管理计算资源 3) 网络和认证管理 4)REST 风格的 API 5) 异步的一致性通信 6)Hypervisor 透明:支持Xen,XenServer/XCP,KVM, UML, VMware vSphere and Hyper-V 在上图中可以看到,Nova 处于 Openstak 架构的中心,其他组件都为 Nova 提供支持: Glance 为 VM 提供 image Cinder 和 Swift 分别为 VM 提供块存储和对象存储 Neutron 为 VM 提供网络连接。 Nova 架构如下: Nova 的架构比较复杂,包含很多组件。 这些组件以子服务(后台 deamon 进程)的形式运行,可以分为以下几类: API nova-api Nova 的架构比较复杂,包含很多组件。 这些组件以子服务(后台 deamon 进程)的形式运行,可以分为以下几类: API nova-api 是整个 Nova 组件的门户,接收和响应客户的 API 调用。所有对 Nova 的请求都首先由 nova-api 处理。nova-api 向外界暴露若干