
How to save firestore requests by using Http cache-control?

99封情书 提交于 2019-11-29 11:35:26
Let's say i have a web/mobile app running firebase firestore database. My app is set to serve mostly dynamic content fully stored in firestore. So we are talking about caching dynamic content If a user load Page A, it's will make 1 request to firestore (for example). If this user go to Page B and then go back to Page A 5 minutes later, i don't want the app to make another request if the content has not changed. I heard about http cache-control headers but my concern is. If the cache control go check firestore to learn if the content is still the same, will this operation be counted as a

I'm trying to use Java's HttpURLConnection to do a “conditional get”, but I never get a 304 status code

无人久伴 提交于 2019-11-29 04:49:24
Here is my code: final HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) sourceURL.openConnection(); if (cachedPage != null) { if (cachedPage.eTag != null) { conn.setRequestProperty("If-None-Match", cachedPage.eTag); } conn.setIfModifiedSince(cachedPage.pageLastModified); } conn.connect(); if (conn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { newCachedPage.eTag = conn.getHeaderField("ETag"); newCachedPage.pageLastModified = conn.getHeaderFieldDate("Last-Modified", 0); } else if (conn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED) { // Never reaches here } I never seem to get the

Setting HTTP cache control headers in Web API

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-28 19:05:45
What's the best way to set cache control headers for public caching servers in WebAPI? I'm not interested in OutputCache control on my server, I'm looking to control caching at the CDN side and beyond (I have individual API calls where the response can be indefinitely cached for the given URL) but everything I've read thus far either references pre-release versions of WebAPI (and thus references things that seem to no longer exist, like System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Reponse.Headers.CacheControl) or seems massively complicated for just setting a couple of http headers. Is there a simple way to

What is the difference between no-cache and no-store in Cache-control?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-11-28 16:42:50
I don't find get the practical difference between Cache-Control:no-store and Cache-Control:no-cache . As far as I know, no-store means that no cache device is allowed to cache that response. In the other hand, no-cache means that no cache device is allowed to serve a cached response without validate it first with the source. But what is that validation about? Conditional get? What if a response has no-cache , but it has no Last-Modified or ETag ? Regards. But what is that check about? Exactly checking Last-Modified or ETag . Client would ask server if it has new version of data using those

is meta http-equiv value cache control is not supported?

好久不见. 提交于 2019-11-28 01:24:10
i have this code here on a page: <!-- no cache headers --> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" /> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" /> <!-- end no cache headers --> when i go to other page and hit back button of browser (back to the page where this code written), it is still had the cache state of the page. option is, to add PhaseListener but they told me that adding PhaseListener is an additional codes to maintain. The question is: 1. is meta tag attribute http-equiv value cache-control is still

Output caching for an ApiController (MVC4 Web API)

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-11-27 18:42:16
I'm trying to cache the output of an ApiController method in Web API. Here's the controller code: public class TestController : ApiController { [OutputCache(Duration = 10, VaryByParam = "none", Location = OutputCacheLocation.Any)] public string Get() { return System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); } } N.B. I'd also tried the OutputCache attribute on the controller itself, as well as several combinations of its parameters. The route is registered in Global.asax: namespace WebApiTest { public class Global : HttpApplication { protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { RouteTable

Azure Web App Not Using GZip Compression

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-11-27 15:23:30
I was using WebPageTest to test the performance of my Azure Web App (ASP.Net vNext Web API/Angular). I got an F for both "Compress Transfer" and "Cache Static Content". After searching StackOverflow and Google, I added the following to my web.config: <urlCompression doStaticCompression="true" doDynamicCompression="true" /> <httpCompression> <dynamicTypes> <clear /> <remove mimeType="*/*" /> <add enabled="true" mimeType="text/*"/> <add enabled="true" mimeType="message/*"/> <add enabled="true" mimeType="application/x-javascript"/> <add enabled="true" mimeType="application/javascript"/> <add

How to use caching in ASP.NET Web API?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-11-27 11:46:22
I am using ASP.NET MVC 4 with WEB API I have the following action, in the action shown below, my service method makes a db call to DoMagic() method and returns an integer value which I am then using on every page, this action is called using an ajax call. Below is my WEB API action : [OutputCache(Duration = 86400, VaryByParam = "none")] [ActionName("GetMyMagicNumber")] public int GetMyMagicNumber() { if (WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated) { var revenue = _magicService.DoMagic(); return revenue; } return 0; } My question : I haved tried using [OutputCache(Duration = 86400, VaryByParam = "none")] and

Setting HTTP cache control headers in Web API

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-11-27 11:27:07
问题 What's the best way to set cache control headers for public caching servers in WebAPI? I'm not interested in OutputCache control on my server, I'm looking to control caching at the CDN side and beyond (I have individual API calls where the response can be indefinitely cached for the given URL) but everything I've read thus far either references pre-release versions of WebAPI (and thus references things that seem to no longer exist, like System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Reponse.Headers

Is there an HttpClient that handles caching requests on its own?

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-11-27 04:42:26
问题 I have an app that needs to make repeated requests for content on the web. Now the server side implementation follows the standards for http caching using the headers. I was wondering if there is an extended version of HttpClient or another tool that will store responses and interact with the headers for automatic caching. If there isn't one that is fine, I would just like to skip implementing this if there is a tool already out there. Thanks 回答1: Apache HttpClient does introduce