
Eclipse on Linux some fonts are too small (git staging, dialog, outline, problems etc)

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-01-28 07:12:23
问题 Well, I am using Spring Tools Suite 4.12 (based on Eclipse 4.11) one Deepin OS (which is debian based). My screen is 3K, (2880x1620). Deepin allows me to scale the screen, so my display is set to native resolution, and in Deepin, I set the scale to 1.5 so after scale it should be similar to 1080p. It works for most applications, except STS (Eclipse 4.11). Most views in STS looks good similar to 1080p, but there are still some views with tiny fonts, such as git staging, problem: Any way to fix

How to render each pixel of a bitmap texture to each native physical pixel of the screen on macOS?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-31 04:00:50
问题 As modern macOS devices choose to use a scaled HiDPI resolution by default, bitmap images get blurred on screen. Is there a way to render a bitmap pixel by pixel to the true native physical pixels of the display screen? Any CoreGraphics, OpenGL, or metal API that would allow this without change the display mode of the screen? If you are thinking of those convertXXXXToBacking and friends, stop. Here is the explanation for you. A typical 13 in MacBook pro now has native 2560x1600 pixel

How to find real display density (DPI) from Java code?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-29 09:05:48
问题 I'm going to do some low-level rendering stuff, but I need to know real display DPI for making everything of correct size. I've found one way to do this: java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution() — but it returns incorrect result on OS X with "retina" display, it's 1/2 of the real DPI. (In my case it should be 220, but it's 110) So either some other, more correct API must be available, or alternatively I need to implement a hack just for OS X — somehow find if the current

How to render each pixel of a bitmap texture to each native physical pixel of the screen on macOS?

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-02 13:51:11
As modern macOS devices choose to use a scaled HiDPI resolution by default, bitmap images get blurred on screen. Is there a way to render a bitmap pixel by pixel to the true native physical pixels of the display screen? Any CoreGraphics, OpenGL, or metal API that would allow this without change the display mode of the screen? If you are thinking of those convertXXXXToBacking and friends, stop. Here is the explanation for you. A typical 13 in MacBook pro now has native 2560x1600 pixel resolution. The default recommended screen resolution is 1440x900 after fresh macOS install. The user can

How to disable scaling the UI on Windows, for Java 9 applications?

五迷三道 提交于 2019-11-30 05:28:40
问题 There was no proper HiDPI support in Java 8. In Java 9 , JavaFx applications correctly scale to the monitor they are in. For example, if my monitor is set to scale at 150%, the Java application is scaled to 150%. See: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/263 However, for testing purposes, I need to be able to disable scaling by using java.exe flags , in Windows 10. How can I achieve this? Also, maybe I can disable (and re-enable) this programmatically within the application itself? 回答1: I found this

How to find real display density (DPI) from Java code?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-11-29 16:17:14
I'm going to do some low-level rendering stuff, but I need to know real display DPI for making everything of correct size. I've found one way to do this: java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution() — but it returns incorrect result on OS X with "retina" display, it's 1/2 of the real DPI. (In my case it should be 220, but it's 110) So either some other, more correct API must be available, or alternatively I need to implement a hack just for OS X — somehow find if the current display is "retina". But I couldn't find any way to query for this information too. There's this answer

How can I set the dpiAware property in a Windows application manifest to “per monitor” in Visual Studio?

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-11-26 16:33:16
I need to be able to set the dpiAware property in the manifest of my application to "per monitor". The available choices in the properties are just to enable or disable DPI awareness. Neither of these settings works for me. I can get the behavior I want for my application if I don't embed the manifest in the exe, then edit the manifest manually. I want to automatically generate and embed the manifest. Is there something I am missing? (I am using Visual Studio 2013.) dyasta New in Windows 10 is dpiAwareness as well as dpiAware , so we need to update this example a bit. Now, it is fine because

How can I set the dpiAware property in a Windows application manifest to “per monitor” in Visual Studio?

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-11-26 04:49:24
问题 I need to be able to set the dpiAware property in the manifest of my application to \"per monitor\". The available choices in the properties are just to enable or disable DPI awareness. Neither of these settings works for me. I can get the behavior I want for my application if I don\'t embed the manifest in the exe, then edit the manifest manually. I want to automatically generate and embed the manifest. Is there something I am missing? (I am using Visual Studio 2013.) 回答1: New in Windows 10