
盘点全球最厉害的 14 位程序员大神,请收下我的膝盖~

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-02-18 09:50:08
全球最厉害的14位程序员是谁,您知道的有几位呢? 以下排名不分先后: 1. Jon Skeet 个人名望: 程序技术问答网站Stack Overflow总排名第一的大神,每月的问答量保持在425个左右。 个人简介/主要荣誉: 谷歌软件工程师,代表作有《深入理解C#(C# In Depth)》。 网络上对Jon Skeet的评价: “他根本不需要调试器,只要他盯一下代码,错误之处自会原形毕露。” “如果他的代码没有通过编译的时候,编译器就会道歉。” “他根本不需要什么编程规范,他的代码就是编程规范。” 2. Gennady Korotkevich 个人声望: 编程大赛神童 个人简介/主要荣誉: 年仅11岁时便参加国际信息学奥林比克竞赛,创造了最年轻选手的记录。在2007-2012年间,总共取得6枚奥赛金牌;2013年美国计算机协会编程比赛冠军队成员;2014年Facebook黑客杯冠军得主。截止目前,稳居俄编程网站Codeforces声望第一的宝座,在TopCoder算法竞赛中暂列榜眼位置。 网络上对Gennady Korotkevich的评价: “一个编程神童。” “他太令人惊讶了,他相当于我在白俄罗斯建立了一支强大的编程队伍” “彻底的编程天才” 3. Linus Torvalds 个人名望: Linux之父 个人简介/主要荣誉: Linux和Git之父,一个开源的操作系统;

Hadoop 2.0 ApplicationMaster vs NodeManager

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-02-18 08:03:53
问题 I am having trouble identifying the differences between the ApplicationMaster and NodeManager in the Hadoop 2.0 architecture. I know that the ApplicationMaster is responsible for running the map and reduce tasks and it retrieves containers to run these tasks by coordinating with the ResourceManager. But I am confused on the purpose of the NodeManager. Does the NodeManager create the containers for the ApplicationMaster (to run those map and reduce tasks) or does the ResourceManager create the

Hadoop 2.0 ApplicationMaster vs NodeManager

谁都会走 提交于 2021-02-18 08:03:26
问题 I am having trouble identifying the differences between the ApplicationMaster and NodeManager in the Hadoop 2.0 architecture. I know that the ApplicationMaster is responsible for running the map and reduce tasks and it retrieves containers to run these tasks by coordinating with the ResourceManager. But I am confused on the purpose of the NodeManager. Does the NodeManager create the containers for the ApplicationMaster (to run those map and reduce tasks) or does the ResourceManager create the

Installing cloudera impala without cloudera manager

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-02-18 06:59:59
问题 Kindly provide the link for installing the imapala in ubuntu without cloudera manager. Couldn't able to install with official link. Unable to locate package impala using these queries : sudo apt-get install impala # Binaries for daemons sudo apt-get install impala-server # Service start/stop script sudo apt-get install impala-state-store # Service start/stop script 回答1: First you need to get the list of packages and store it in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ , then update the packages, then you

How to make HDFS work in docker swarm

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-02-18 06:44:07
问题 I have troubles to make my HDFS setup work in docker swarm. To understand the problem I've reduced my setup to the minimum : 1 physical machine 1 namenode 1 datanode This setup is working fine with docker-compose, but it fails with docker-swarm, using the same compose file. Here is the compose file : version: '3' services: namenode: image: uhopper/hadoop-namenode hostname: namenode ports: - "50070:50070" - "8020:8020" volumes: - /userdata/namenode:/hadoop/dfs/name environment: - CLUSTER_NAME

HDP 大数据平台搭建

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2021-02-18 03:56:17
一、概述 Apache Ambari是一个基于Web的支持Apache Hadoop集群的供应、管理和监控的开源工具,Ambari已支持大多数Hadoop组件,包括HDFS、MapReduce、Hive、Pig、 Hbase、Zookeeper、Sqoop和Hcatalog等。提供Web UI进行可视化的集群管理,简化了大数据平台的安装、使用难度。 二、安装部署 2.1 主机规划 | 序号 | IP地址 | 主机名 |系统版本| | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 1 | | ambari-server |centos7.3 | 2 | | hadoop-1 |centos7.3 | 3 | | hadoop-2 |centos7.3 | 4 | | hadoop-3 |centos7.3 2.2 部署 2.2.1 基础环境部署 a.修改主机名配置hosts systemctl stop firewalld hostnamectl set-hostname ambari-server #更改个主机名 sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disable/g' /etc/selinux/config


半世苍凉 提交于 2021-02-17 18:52:45
HBase基本架构: RegionServer的作用 Data (某一行或者几行数据的操作):get, put, delete (查、增、删,改是通过时间戳timestamp控制的) Region (相当于水平分表): splitRegion(切分), compactRegion(合并) Master的作用: Table:create, delete, alter RegionServer: 分配regions到每个RegionServer,监控每个RegionServer的状态。 注意:Mater挂掉的一段时间里面,对数据的增删改查,没问题;对表的操作,不能够了! 也就是说Master其实管两件事情: 1)Master管理的DDL操作,不管DML的事情。 2)Master根据负载情况,决定把数据给哪个region(region XXX),即当前表给谁维护。 Master存在单点故障。所以需要高可用。 (Hadoop1.0不带高可用,Hadoop2.0可以高可用但是相对比较麻烦,Hadoop3.0自带高可用) RegionServer管理DML操作,直接和数据操作。 搭建HBase环境需要启动的清单: 1)Zookeeper 2)Master 3)RegionServer 4)HDFS Yarn可以不启动。因为这部分和Yarn没关系,Yarn是调度资源做计算的

How the data is split in Hadoop

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-17 08:49:48
问题 Does the Hadoop split the data based on the number of mappers set in the program? That is, having a data set of size 500MB, if the number of mappers is 200 (assuming that the Hadoop cluster allows 200 mappers simultaneously), is each mapper given 2.5 MB of data? Besides,do all the mappers run simultaneously or some of them might get run in serial? 回答1: I just ran a sample MR program based on your question and here is my finding Input: a file smaller that block size. Case 1: Number of mapper

Check if a hive table is partitioned on a given column

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-17 04:45:04
问题 I have a list of hive tables , of which some are partitioned. Given a column I need to check if a particular table is partitioned on that column or not. I have searched and found that desc formatted tablename would result in all the details of the table. Since I have to iterate over all the tables and get the list , desc formatted would not help. Is there any other way this can be done. 回答1: You can connect directly to metastore and query it: metastore=# select d."NAME" as DATABASE, t."TBL

Check if a hive table is partitioned on a given column

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-02-17 04:43:40
问题 I have a list of hive tables , of which some are partitioned. Given a column I need to check if a particular table is partitioned on that column or not. I have searched and found that desc formatted tablename would result in all the details of the table. Since I have to iterate over all the tables and get the list , desc formatted would not help. Is there any other way this can be done. 回答1: You can connect directly to metastore and query it: metastore=# select d."NAME" as DATABASE, t."TBL