How to construct GQL to not contain a value from a set?
Is it possible to select from a google app engine db where the key of a db.Model object is not in a given list? If so, what would be the syntax? Ex of a model class: class Spam(db.Model): field1 = db.BooleanProperty(default=false) field2 = db.IntegerProperty() Example of a query which I'd like to work but can't figure out: spam_results = db.GqlQuery( "SELECT * FROM Spam WHERE key NOT IN :1 LIMIT 10", ['ag1waWNreXByZXNlbnRzchMLEgxBbm5vdW5jZW1lbnQYjAEM', 'ag1waWNreXByZXNlbnRzchMLEgxBbm5vdW5jZW1lbnQYjgEM']) for eggs in spam_results: print "id: %s" % a.key().id() No Though app engine supports an