
Doing voice assistant on python

允我心安 提交于 2020-04-18 05:48:32
问题 I need help. I have followed one of the tutorials. I have got a voice assistant, but it does only one command and than does not do anything. Can you help me to make him listen forever. So, it will always listen, but turn off only, when I close it. PS: Please don't pay attention on other language words. Here is my code: import pyttsx3 import os import time from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz import datetime import speech_recognition as sr opts = { "alias": ("петя", "петечка", "петюлечка", "петрович",

App already published onto Google Play but unable to use Google Voice Actions

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-01 17:25:30
问题 I am unable to successfully use the Google System Voice Actions "Search in App" ( ) on an app that I have already published onto Google Play (Private Channel) and downloaded onto my phone. The intent with the query extra from the search action is to be passed on to MainActivity after matching the intent filter. Before publishing the app, I have already tested the app using the adb command below which works perfectly: adb shell am start -a "com

How to access my Android Application from Google Voice Assistance

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-21 23:07:39
问题 I am developing an android application, let's say it for an instance as "RemindMe". In this application, I set alarms specific to application level. They are not system alarms. My requirement is, after the opening of Google assistant (Ex: by saying "OK Google" followed by "What is my next alarm in RemindMe application", it should fetch next alarm from "RemindMe" application (No need to open the RemindMe app) and show in Google voice Assistant. I checked DialogFlow ( I

Google assistant - Identify audio clip and take an action based on that

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-11 19:04:04
问题 I'm trying to build a Google Assistant app to identify an audio clip that's playing from another device (TV, Radio, etc..) and take an action based on that Audio clip to play another audio clip, YouTube video or open a website in a browser. It will be great to know the possibility of implementing this feature and if there is any available Google resource/ Article that I can use. Thanks, 回答1: I'm sorry to inform you that as of now, you do not get access to the raw recordings of interactions

How to access my Android Application from Google Voice Assistance

孤人 提交于 2019-12-04 22:02:25
I am developing an android application, let's say it for an instance as "RemindMe". In this application, I set alarms specific to application level. They are not system alarms. My requirement is, after the opening of Google assistant (Ex: by saying "OK Google" followed by "What is my next alarm in RemindMe application", it should fetch next alarm from "RemindMe" application (No need to open the RemindMe app) and show in Google voice Assistant. I checked DialogFlow ( ). I could not achieve my requirement. Till date in my observation., Using DialogFlow, after opening the

App already published onto Google Play but unable to use Google Voice Actions

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-04 16:02:19
I am unable to successfully use the Google System Voice Actions "Search in App" ( ) on an app that I have already published onto Google Play (Private Channel) and downloaded onto my phone. The intent with the query extra from the search action is to be passed on to MainActivity after matching the intent filter. Before publishing the app, I have already tested the app using the adb command below which works perfectly: adb shell am start -a "" --es query "[query]" -n "com.testapp/.MainActivity" Below is my

OK Google search actions causes isVoiceInteraction() to always return false

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-03 10:20:20
问题 In the Google CodeLabs example for the Voice Interaction API, an activity is defined with the following intent filter (see step 6): <intent-filter> <action android:name="" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.VOICE" /> </intent-filter> When using the "OK Google, take a selfie" voice command, the intent is fired with the android.intent.category.VOICE category. This is shown in

OK Google search actions causes isVoiceInteraction() to always return false

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-02 23:41:31
In the Google CodeLabs example for the Voice Interaction API , an activity is defined with the following intent filter (see step 6): <intent-filter> <action android:name="" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.VOICE" /> </intent-filter> When using the "OK Google, take a selfie" voice command, the intent is fired with the android.intent.category.VOICE category. This is shown in LogCat as: 02-26 15:32:42.423 779-6923/? I/ActivityManager: START u0 {

Android - Intent for custom voice action

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-11-30 07:17:52
When I use google voice search, I can say "Send Text" and google will launch my SMS program. I can say "Listen to" and google will start my default music app. Is it possible for my app to register it's own "special phrase" such as: "MyApp DoSomething" and then have google launch MyApp with the "DoSomething" as a type of parameter I can capture and do something with? To be a little bit more clear - I'm aware that the user can launch MyApp, then I can provide an action that starts the Voice Input, but I'd like the google voice search app to be able to start my application when certain key

Android - Intent for custom voice action

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-11-29 09:25:36
问题 When I use google voice search, I can say "Send Text" and google will launch my SMS program. I can say "Listen to" and google will start my default music app. Is it possible for my app to register it's own "special phrase" such as: "MyApp DoSomething" and then have google launch MyApp with the "DoSomething" as a type of parameter I can capture and do something with? To be a little bit more clear - I'm aware that the user can launch MyApp, then I can provide an action that starts the Voice