
MongoDB server doesn't start at gitlab runner using gitlab-ci

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-05-28 07:43:18
问题 right now I'm in the middle at developing an application using Ruby and Mongo. But I got stuck when I deploy the application using gitlab-ci where it seems that mongo server doesn't start at test environment on gitlab runner. Here are my gitlab-ci.yml stages : - test - deploy services: - mongo:latest unitTest:API: image: ruby:2.6.10 stage: test cache: paths: - API/vendor/ before_script: - ruby -v - gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc - bundle install --gemfile=API/Gemfile --path vendor

Gitlab CI - ERROR: Job failed: executor requires OSType=linux, but Docker Engine supports only OSType=windows

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-05-27 04:32:42
问题 Getting this error while running Gitlab CI pipeline. As I understand the error says that I'm trying to run a Linux type docker image on a windows docker-engine? But the thing is I'm using a windows docker image. What could be the problem? ERROR: Job failed: executor requires OSType=linux, but Docker Engine supports only OSType=windows My CI: image: hello-world:nanoserver stages: - build build1: stage: build script: - echo "Hello world" 回答1: What's the difference between "Shared" and "Simple"

Gitlab CI - ERROR: Job failed: executor requires OSType=linux, but Docker Engine supports only OSType=windows

自作多情 提交于 2020-05-27 04:31:26
问题 Getting this error while running Gitlab CI pipeline. As I understand the error says that I'm trying to run a Linux type docker image on a windows docker-engine? But the thing is I'm using a windows docker image. What could be the problem? ERROR: Job failed: executor requires OSType=linux, but Docker Engine supports only OSType=windows My CI: image: hello-world:nanoserver stages: - build build1: stage: build script: - echo "Hello world" 回答1: What's the difference between "Shared" and "Simple"

Gitlab CI - ERROR: Job failed: executor requires OSType=linux, but Docker Engine supports only OSType=windows

可紊 提交于 2020-05-27 04:31:10
问题 Getting this error while running Gitlab CI pipeline. As I understand the error says that I'm trying to run a Linux type docker image on a windows docker-engine? But the thing is I'm using a windows docker image. What could be the problem? ERROR: Job failed: executor requires OSType=linux, but Docker Engine supports only OSType=windows My CI: image: hello-world:nanoserver stages: - build build1: stage: build script: - echo "Hello world" 回答1: What's the difference between "Shared" and "Simple"

Unable to access docker-compose containers created inside docker

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-05-25 06:11:56
问题 I have a docker-compose.yml file that starts up a simple HTTP echo service on port 8800 . version: '2' services: echo-server: image: luisbebop/echo-server container_name: echo-server ports: - "8800:8800" Super simple stuff. If I run docker-compose up and run on my local machine: echo "Hello World" | nc 8800 Then I see the echo. However: If I run this same compose scenario inside a docker container, through the GitLab runner, it fails. I've tried to garner attention for this issue at

How to trigger a specific job in gitlab

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-05-15 08:38:06
问题 I want to run a specific job in a pipeline , I thought assigning a tag for the job and then specifying this tag again in the post method will fulfill my needs .The problem is when I trigger using the api(post) , all the jobs in the pipeline are triggered event though only one of this tagged . gitlab-ci.yml : job1: script: - echo "helloworld!" tags : [myTag] job2: script: - echo "hello gitlab!" the api call : curl -X POST -F token="xxx" -F ref="myTag"

Gitlab trigger Pipeline only if there is a pushed TAG for all branches except master

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-05-13 14:28:32
问题 How does my YAML file have to be configured so that the pipeline for the one case (job: build) is only triggered when a tag is pushed. This tag may be in all branches except master. For the master case I have a separate job (build_master). yaml file: Problem: If the master branch gets a tag, the pipeline will be run via "build". that should not happen. Nothing should happen before_script: - xcopy /y /s "C:/stuff" "%CI_PROJECT_DIR%" stages: - build - deploy build: stage: build script: - build

I have JSR233 listener which seems to be ignored in JMeter non-gui mode

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-04-30 08:20:32
问题 I have JSR233 listener under HTTP Request, it stores all the response time values, creates array and then sort the array to find 90% line and then marks the last transaction/Request Pass or Fail if the final 90% Line threshold is reached. Everything works perfect in GUI but I am running this test in Gitlab CI using Docker Image and it looks like this JSR233 script get ignored 8 out of 10 times but 2 times it works fine there as well. Really confused It behaves weird in windows console JMeter

Trigger Gitlab-CI Pipeline only when there is a new tag

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-04-29 14:51:54
问题 I have following gitlab-ci conf. file: before_script: - echo %CI_BUILD_REF% - echo %CI_PROJECT_DIR% stages: - createPBLs - build - package create PBLs: stage: createPBLs script: - xcopy /y /s "%CI_PROJECT_DIR%" "C:\Bauen\" - cd "C:\Bauen\" - ./run_orcascript.cmd build: stage: build script: - cd "C:\Bauen\" - ./run_pbc.cmd except: - master build_master: stage: build script: - cd "C:\Bauen\" - ./run_pbcm.cmd only: - master package: stage: package script: - cd "C:\Bauen\" - ./cpfiles.cmd

Trigger Gitlab-CI Pipeline only when there is a new tag

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-04-29 14:51:27
问题 I have following gitlab-ci conf. file: before_script: - echo %CI_BUILD_REF% - echo %CI_PROJECT_DIR% stages: - createPBLs - build - package create PBLs: stage: createPBLs script: - xcopy /y /s "%CI_PROJECT_DIR%" "C:\Bauen\" - cd "C:\Bauen\" - ./run_orcascript.cmd build: stage: build script: - cd "C:\Bauen\" - ./run_pbc.cmd except: - master build_master: stage: build script: - cd "C:\Bauen\" - ./run_pbcm.cmd only: - master package: stage: package script: - cd "C:\Bauen\" - ./cpfiles.cmd