
Github Graphql Filter issues by Milestone

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-07-18 05:11:38
问题 I'm wrestling with Github's graphql api (while learning graphql) trying to get it to list all issues in a certain milestone. I can't figure out how to do that from the API docs. I can query issues and see what milestone they're in (sorry, names redacted): query { repository(owner:"me", name:"repo") { issues(last:10) { nodes { milestone { id title } } } } } I wish there was a way to say something like issues(milestoneID:"xyz") , or perhaps if Issue would define a MilestoneConnection (doesn't

How to get a GitHub repository's commits along with the files that were changed and the changes themselves using GraphQL

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-21 03:54:09
问题 I am able to get the list of commits (with fields like commit messages , oid , commit url etc) along with the number of changedFiles , made in a repository on the master branch. However I am not able to figure out how to get any information about the changes themselves and the files that were changed. In v3 of the REST API, the information about the changes were contained in files -> patch , and files -> raw_url or blob_url gave info about the original file itself at that stage. Q) In v4 of

Select * for Github GraphQL Search

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-20 03:38:11
问题 One of the advantage of Github Search v4 (GraphQL) over v3 is that it can selectively pick the fields that we want, instead of always getting them all. However, the problem I'm facing now is how to get certain fields. I tried the online help but it is more convolution to me than helpful. Till now, I'm still unable to find the fields for size, score and open issues for the returned repository(ies). That's why I'm wondering if there is a way to get them all, like Select * in SQL. Thx. 回答1:

Bad request while trying to access Github's v4 API with graphql.js

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-11 04:07:05
问题 I am trying to retrieve some data from Github's GraphQL API using graphql.js library. var graph = graphql("", { method: "POST", headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer <my-token-here>", "Content-Type": "application/json" }, fragments: { rateLimitInfo: "on RateLimit {cost,remaining,resetAt}" } }); graph(` query repo($name: String!, $owner: String!){ repository(name:$name, owner:$owner){ id } } `,{ name: "freeCodeCamp", owner: "freeCodeCamp" }).then(function(response){

Github GraphQL Search with Filtering

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-07 22:56:50
问题 Based on my limited searching, it seems GraphQL can only support equal filtering. So, Is it possible to do Github GraphQL searching with the filtering conditions of, stars > 10 forks > 3 total commit >= 5 total issues >= 1 open issues <= 60 size > 2k score > 5 last update is within a year I.e., filtering will all above conditions. Is it possible? 回答1: When querying for repositories, you can apply a filter only for a certain number of the fields in your list: number of stars number of forks

Github GraphQL Search with Filtering

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-06 07:16:39
Based on my limited searching, it seems GraphQL can only support equal filtering. So, Is it possible to do Github GraphQL searching with the filtering conditions of, stars > 10 forks > 3 total commit >= 5 total issues >= 1 open issues <= 60 size > 2k score > 5 last update is within a year I.e., filtering will all above conditions. Is it possible? When querying for repositories, you can apply a filter only for a certain number of the fields in your list: number of stars number of forks size last update Although you cannot specify them in the query filter, you can include other fields in your