
fatal: unable to access, schannel: failed to open CA file, No such process, GitHub Desktop

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-30 07:59:12
问题 Full error text: fatal: unable to access '': schannel: failed to open CA file 'C:/Users/Username/AppData/Local/GitHubDesktop/app-1.2.1/resources/app/git/mingw64/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt': No such process Application just stopped to work and throwing this error every time when I try to fetch, pull, push or clone any repository. The same commands in bash work correctly 回答1: Go to %ProgramData%/Git open config file with a text editor and substitute sslCAInfo = ..

Why does GitHub desktop present history as if it was from only one of our team?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-19 17:43:32
问题 I'm using Git in a team of three to build an iOS app. For this project we are all Mac and Xcode based and have a variety of different ways of using Git: within Xcode, using Github Desktop, and from the Bash terminal. I am confused about the history I am seeing in GitHub desktop - it is linear and appears to be all from one developer. I can use the terminal command git log --since='2016-05-06' --pretty=format:"%h %an %cd" --graph to see the last few days' commits: I can clearly see that the

Ignore everything except one directory in .gitignore

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-19 04:22:24
问题 I have the following directory structure: /app /src /MyProject /FirstProject /Controller /file-1-1.php /file-1-2.php /file-1-3.php /Resources /view-1.html.twig /view-2.html.twig /SecondProject /Controller /file-2-1.php /file-2-2.php /file-2-3.php /Resources /view-3.html.twig /view-4.html.twig /vendor /web I would like to ignore all files in my repository except files in /src/MyProject/SecondProject/Resources . I have tried many ways but without success. GitHub application does not detect a

Github desktop sync spins indefinitely

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-13 01:28:30
问题 The syncing starts and says "Syncing" with the spinning loading wheel. It just goes on forever but never updates. This is happening across all my repos, on every branch. It started after the update before last. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application. This only occurs on one workstation, my other workstation has the same version and syncs fine. Any ideas for fixing this issue? 回答1: I am having this issue in a single repository (the others work) and git sync did not fix the

GitHub Desktop: “This file is empty”

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-12 08:04:52
问题 The file naaclhlt2016.tex is not empty on the client or in the repository, however GitHub Desktop displays "This file is empty". What could explain this? The file naaclhlt2016.tex is present on GitHub repository: git status : It creates conflict when I try to sync: 回答1: After discussion, if the change of the tex file is only in term of metadata (and not actual file content change, after a latex recompilation), the GitHub Desktop might be unable to display any change. Since it detects no

I “reverted a commit” and lost days of progress. How do I get my progress back?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-08 11:35:22
问题 In Github Desktop I tried to commit and sync progress (like the fool I am, the last time I sent a commit was 4 days ago). I got an error message saying something like the push didn't succeed because one of the files exceeded 100MB (I am looking into adding this file to .gitignore). I checked my github account online to see if any of the files got pushed and none did. I checked on Github Desktop and couldn't see any of the files. I thought to myself this isn't good because if it's not

Issue with updating Hugo blogdown's academic theme folder using git, GitHub desktop

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-08 10:11:55
问题 Issue I’ve been having some issues with git/GitHub desktop sync issues with Hugo Blogdown theme folder (academic). After renaming/updating, I've a 'missing themes folder'. Once this is fixed, I'll be able to host my Hugo Blogdown website w/ academic theme. If anyone has had similar issues, please advise. Thanks! Environment I work with macOS High Sierra ( v10.13.4 ) and RStudio ( v1.2.616 ) w/ Hugo ( v0.30 ) blogdown ( v0.6.3 ) and the academic theme. Previously raised this issue here GitHub:

Github Desktop: Not able to publish

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-07 22:52:28
I have a project which I want to upload to GitHub. I have used Github Desktop to create a local repository and I am able to commit files to it. But once I try to publish it, the publish icon just fades and won't allow me to do it. I have checked my settings in Settings->Options and they are correct. Since the local repo has no remote url, you need to add one, referencing a remote empty repo that you own (on GitHub for instance): cd /path/to/repo git remote add origin<user>/<an_empty_repo> Or, in GitHub Desktop: Settings->Repository settings->Remote Then you will be able to

Add multiple project in one repository Github

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-06 11:19:40
I'm trying to add multiple project in one repository from Github desktop from Macbook but not able to do it. While trying to commit it show me this error Failed to add file subfoldername/ to index. I have tried to figure out and read some answers but not work from terminal as well. Other one i have tried from here . I have added all my folder in one folder main repository then trying to add. Is there any other way to do it from Github desktop ? Or am i missing something. Somebody have idea please suggest something. Thanks in advance. I'll appreciated if somebody give me some better solution.

Rollback uncommitted changes in GitHub Desktop (or Github for Windows)

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-05 13:39:20
问题 I'm using Github Desktop (previously called GitHub for Windows) and I made a bunch of changes to my local files. It became such a mess that I decided I just want to rollback my local files to where they were the last time I made a commit. I haven't committed the new changes - I just want to get rid of them. How can I do this? 回答1: When you open GitHub for Windows v2.0 (ancestor of GitHub Desktop ) and select your repository in the leftmost column, you'll see all your previous commits in the