最近更新了python解释器3.7 结果安装gevent,在导入gevent之后就报错了,错误信息如下 RuntimeWarning: greenlet.greenlet size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 144, got 128 return f(*args, **kwds) 看到现在写这个问题的帖子不多,就先贴出来了。 只需要执行一下下面这段代码就可以了 pip3 install -U --force-reinstall --no-binary :all: gevent 附上参数说明 -U, --upgrade Upgrade all specified packages to the newest available version. The handling of dependencies depends on the upgrade-strategy used. --force-reinstall Reinstall all packages even if they are already up-to-date. --no-binary <format_control> Do not use binary packages. Can be supplied multiple times