

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-02-13 04:03:02
1.cin.get() (1).cin.get()-------提取单个字符,可以提取 回车 、空格 a=cin.get(); (2) 同(1)---------------提取单个字符,可以提取 回车 、空格 cin.get(a); (3).------------------- 不提取 回车 cin.get(字符数组,字符个数n,终止字符);//终止字符可以不写,默认为'\n' 或cin.get(字符指针,字符个数n,终止字符);//终止字符可以不写,默认为'\n' 不可跳过终止符号。需把回车'\n'提取掉 可以写成 cin.get(a,20); cin.get(); 也可以组合写成 cin.get(a,20).get(); 2.cin.getline()//---不提取 回车 cin.getline(字符数组 /字符指针,字符个数n,终止标志字符);//终止字符可以不写,默认为'\n' 可跳过终止符号。 即每次读取一整行并把由Enter键生成的换行符抛弃 返回值:此处还待研究,求大神指导。 3.getline()---------- - 用于 string 字符串的。 getline() // 接受一个字符串,可以接收空格并输出,需包含“ #include<string> ” #include<iostream> #include<string> using

Returning Employee and Salary when Given a Location Substring

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-02-12 05:47:25
问题 I am given two files one with the name of person and the location that they are from (Evan Lloyd|Brownsville) and one with the name and salary (Evan Lloyd|58697) (the line number that you find the employee on in the first file is not necessarily the line number that find the employee on in the second). The user inputs a location (whole or part). For example if they input "ville" or "Ville" it should include all of the employees in Brownsville, Clarksville, Greenville, etc. I am supposed to

Using std::getline() to read a single line?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-02-05 04:24:45
问题 My goal is to prompt user to enter a message / sentence and then print it out on the screen, using getline() . The following is two different attempts I have tried out. First Attempt: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int main(){ chat message[80]; cout << "\n what is your message today?" << endl; cin.getline( message, 80); // Enter a line with a max of 79 characters. if( strlen( message) > 0) // If string length is longer than 0. { for( int i=0;


浪尽此生 提交于 2020-02-04 22:58:34
C++中本质上有两种getline函数,一种在头文件< istream >中,是istream类的成员函数。一种在头文件< string >中,是普通函数。 一、在< istream >中的getline函数有两种重载形式: istream& getline (char* s, streamsize n ); istream& getline (char* s, streamsize n, char delim ); 作用是从istream中读取至多n个字符保存在s对应的数组中。即使还没读够n个字符,如果遇到换行符’\n’(第一种形式)或delim(第二种形式),则读取终止,’\n’或delim都不会被保存进s对应的数组中。 二、在< string >中的getline函数有四种重载形式: istream& getline (istream& is, string& str, char delim); istream& getline (istream&& is, string& str, char delim); istream& getline (istream& is, string& str); istream& getline (istream&& is, string& str); 用法和上一种类似,不过要读取的istream是作为参数is传进函数的


时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-02-03 18:08:08
头文件及相关不同函数原型及使用 #include < iostream > //cin.getline(char * str, int size_t, char delim) char str [ 10 ] ; cin . getline ( str , 10 ) ; //传入字符数组首地址和字符数组长度 #include< string > //istream & getline(istream & is, string & str, char delim) string str ; getline ( cin , str ) ; //传入输入流对象,和字符串 来源: CSDN 作者: 陈&sl 链接:

Reading two line continuously using getline function in c++

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-01-30 10:38:47
问题 I was learning how to read strings with getline function .I know that getline function read string as far as we dont hit enter or the size value in the getline parameter go cross . As far as i tried getline function to read one line of string i had not faced any problem. But when i was trying to read two line of string one after another in two different char array i got the output that was not expected to me. To understand my question follow bellow lines #include <iostream> using namespace

Reading two line continuously using getline function in c++

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-01-30 10:38:27
问题 I was learning how to read strings with getline function .I know that getline function read string as far as we dont hit enter or the size value in the getline parameter go cross . As far as i tried getline function to read one line of string i had not faced any problem. But when i was trying to read two line of string one after another in two different char array i got the output that was not expected to me. To understand my question follow bellow lines #include <iostream> using namespace

C++中,get getline gets

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-01-21 10:04:15
C++中,get getline gets 用法感觉写的挺好的,希望对大家有用 1、cin 2、cin.get() 3、cin.getline() 4、getline() 5、gets() 6、getchar() 1、cin>> 用法1:最基本,也是最常用的用法,输入一个数字:* # include <iostream>    using namespace std ;   main ( )    {    int a , b ;   cin >> a >> b ;   cout << a + b << endl ;    } 输入:2[回车]3[回车] 输出:5 用法2:接受一个字符串,遇“空格”、“TAB”、“回车”都结束*    # include <iostream>    using namespace std ;   main ( )    {    char a [ 20 ] ;   cin >> a ;   cout << a << endl ;    } 输入:jkljkljkl 输出:jkljkljkl 输入:jkljkl jkljkl //遇空格结束 输出:jkljkl 2、cin.get() 用法1: cin.get(字符变量名)可以用来接收字符    # include <iostream>    using namespace std ;   main

getline(cin, aString) receiving input without another enter

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-01-21 07:13:11
问题 My code looks like this, string aString; cin >> aString; cout << "This is what cin gets:" << aString << endl; getline(cin, aString); cout << "This is what getline(cin, <string>) gets:" << aString << endl; Each time I ran it, I give inputs like, "12", I get "12" and "". I am wondering why getline would received without user input. I can understand when I enter something like "12 24", cin will get "12", and getline should get the rest. (Also, if one could answer, the space in between is treated

std::getline throwing when it hits eof

a 夏天 提交于 2020-01-21 04:48:47
问题 std::getline throws exception when it gets an eof . this is how I am doing. std::ifstream stream; stream.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit|std::ifstream::badbit); try{, std::ios_base::in); }catch(std::ifstream::failure e){ std::cout << "Failed to open file " << _file.c_str() << " for reading" << std::endl; } while(!stream.eof()){ std::string buffer = ""; std::getline(stream, buffer); //process buffer //I do also need to maintain state while parsing } In the above