I have 2 sets of points, set1 and set2 . Both sets of points have a data associated with the point. Points in set1 are "ephemeral", and only exist on the given date. Points in set2 are "permanent", are constructed at a given date, and then exist forever after that date. set.seed(1) dates <- seq(as.Date('2011-01-01'),as.Date('2011-12-31'),by='days') set1 <- data.frame(lat=40+runif(10000), lon=-70+runif(10000),date=sample(dates,10000,replace=TRUE)) set2 <- data.frame(lat=40+runif(100), lon=-70+runif(100),date=sample(dates,100,replace=TRUE)) Here's my problem: For each point in set1 (ephemeral)